John Tng (18 Feb 2009)
"A Number sent from God"

Dear Doves,

If I were to tell you God told me Obama is the antichrist, how much stock do you put in my words? Not much I guess. However, God has spoken concerning this matter from the beginning when the Bible was first written. How much stock do you put in God's words?

There are two major parts to this article. The first part focuses on the revealed Word of God in Genesis 1:1. The second part relates to a supernatural revelation of God. Be sure to read to the end.

It is TRUE. Obama is the antichrist. God said it in the opening verse of the Bible! The startling proof is so simple that even a child can follow. The breaking of the antichrist code in Genesis 1:1 shows that God knows everything from the beginning. The conclusion is inescapable: the Bible is a supernatural book that only God could have written.

The secret is in the gematria values of the seven Hebrew words: 913 (in the beginning), 203 (created), 86 (God), 401 (untranslatable), 395 (heaven), 407 (and) & 296 (earth). God hid the identity of the antichrist in the mirrors of these numbers. The antichrist is concealed as BARACK in Hebrew, BARACK OBAMA in Greek, and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA in English! These three numbers when measured using the Bible as a measuring instrument, yield a sum of 666+666+666 !

Barack (666)
Barack Obama (666)
Barack Hussein Obama (666)

Although the proof is simple, counting is still required. A name consists of a combination of letters. Each letter in Hebrew and Greek is represented by a number. We extend the same system to English for consistency. Add up the number of each letter and the numeric sum represents the person just like his name.

God hides His deepest secrets using the most childlike methods. Ian Mallett, a Bible numericist who is accustomed to beautiful simplicity, fiddled like a child with the seven word numbers of Genesis 1:1, and stumbled upon the startling secret of the Creator. He found the number of JESUS CHRIST in Greek when he arranged the digits of each word number in ascending order! For example, word one 913 is rearranged as 139; word two 203 as 023 and so on. When he combined all the rearranged numbers, he was shocked at what he found: 13902368014359047269 -- the Greek gematria value of JESUS CHRIST embedded in the number string.

Coincidence perhaps? Maybe. But consider another 'coincidence'. Inspired by Ian, I went on a hunt for more evidence of the fingerprints of God in the first scripture using the same method. This time I combined the original word values without any rearrangement of digits. To my astonishment, the Hebrew gematria value of YESHUA looked out at me from among the digits of the seven word values! It is there hidden in plain sight all along. All it takes is the combining of all seven word values and there YESHUA the Creator appears to wink at you in mischief and lets you into His Creation secrets: 91320386401395407296.

The breaking of the antichrist code in Genesis 1:1 follows similar childlike reasoning. To see the antichrist we need to read the seven word values in reverse, mirror image if you will: 319 (913), 302 (203), 68 (86), 104 (401), 593 (395), 704 (407), and 692 (296). If you had been working on Obama like I did, you would have jumped through the roof seeing these mirror numbers! The second number, 302, is the Hebrew gematria value of BARACK! The fourth number, 104, is the English gematria value of OBAMA!

The antichrist stares you twice in the face!

We did not perform number gymnastics or go through gematria hoops. We simply flipped the word values of Genesis 1:1, and Obama showed up twice! This is not all. Add the three mirrored word values bracketed by BARACK on the one side, and OBAMA on the other side; the sum obtained is 302+68+104 = 474, the Greek gematria value of BARACK OBAMA! Finally, here's the clincher: the sum of all mirrored word values up to the fourth word (104) that equals OBAMA in English is 319+302+68+104 = 793, the English gematria value of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!

Incredible! The Big Bang scripture opens with three bangs, each more powerful than the one before, to reveal the son of perdition!

Picture the seven word values placed in seven squares below. The reverse side conceals the corresponding mirror of the number on the face of each square.


We now flip one square at a time starting from square #1 on the left. The first mirror behind square #1 is 319. When square #2 is flipped, the gematria value of Barack in Hebrew, 302, is revealed!

When square #3 is flipped, the sum of the mirrored word values up to this square is 319+302+68 = 689, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein! The difference between the two name values of the antichrist is 689 (BH) - 302 (B) = 387, the Greek gematria value of 'diabolos', which is DEVIL!

When square #4 is flipped, the mirror, 104, is Obama in English! Total value of square #2 to #4 is 302+68+104 = 474, the Greek gematria value of Barack Obama! The total value of all four squares is 319+302+68+104 = 793, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama!

All three languages speak with one accord that Obama is the devil (387). Thus, the four mirrored words that overall represent Barack Hussein Obama in English (W1+W2+W3+W4 = 319+302+68+104 = 793), are composed of Barack in Hebrew (W2=302), Obama in English (W4=104), and DEVIL in Greek (W1 + W3 = 319+68 = 387).

These four mirrored word values are deeply connected to the 666 beast chapter, Rev 13, which is chapter 1180 of the Bible. The distance between 1180 and 793 is 387, the Greek gematria value of DEVIL, which is the sum of mirrored word #1 and word #3.

The above illustration is only the beginning of a series of '666' connections that will blow your mind off. More than 3,000 years ago, the author of Genesis apparently knew the gematria values of the antichrist in two Biblical languages, plus the dominant language of our time, and encoded them in Genesis 1:1! This assertion is made believable by the ensuing unfolding of the number of the beast surrounding the antichrist.

Regard the three numbers of Obama's name as chapter order numbers. Using the 1189 chapters of the Bible as a ruler, Obama has been measured and found wanting. Just because he is encoded three times in three languages in stepwise crescendo fashion at the start of the Bible does not mean he is a good guy. The Bible which he loathed to place his hand on during  his inauguration testifies against him not just once, not twice, but three times!

The 6 names of Obama (B+B+O+B+H+O) are composed of a digit sum of 66 with an average of 666 as chapter distance from the end of the Bible! The digit sum of 66 comes from summing the digits of 8 mirrored word values: {3+0+2} (Barack in Hebrew) + {3+0+2} + {6+8} + {1+0+4}(Barack Obama in Greek) + {3+1+9} + {3+0+2} + {6+8} + {1+0+4}(Barack Hussein Obama in English). The 8th triangular number is 36; the 36th triangular number is 666.

I do not know why God chose 793, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama, to be the key antichrist number. Why didn't He use either of the Biblical languages instead? Even so, both the Hebrew and Greek languages corroborate with their English counterpart as illustrated below:

Shaded red above is the total number of chapters between ch 302 (Barack in Hebrew), ch 474 (Barack Obama in Greek) and the '666' beast chapter, ch 1180. The startling average of 793 (Barack Hussein Obama in English) confirms that we have found the beast!

In my last article on the Man of Change (see link), God showed me this amazing evidence:

Obama was born Aug 4, 1961. Between his birth and Oct 29, 2008, the day he showed himself to the world, there are 17254 days. Verse 17254 in the Bible is Pro 30:2 -- the only scripture with a total gematria value of 1318! (see link) The verse number, 302 (with colon removed), is the Hebrew gematria of BARACK! Oct 29 in a non-leap year is day 302! Be astounded by the words of the Preacher in Prov 30:2, "Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man." This verse describes the beast to a T!

If you take out from the Bible all the chapters between Pro 30 (ch 658), and Rev 13 (ch 1180), the total number of chapters that remain is 666!

The above evidence shows that ch 658 in relation to ch 1180 ('666' beast chapter) is very much an antichrist chapter. Just this chapter alone, as Biblical material evidence, is enough to indict Satan's right-hand man. Barack (302 Hebrew), described as more brutish than any man in Prov 30:2 (the only verse with gematria value 1318; Rev 13:18 link), came out of the closet and showed the beast that he is, on the day since his birth that corresponds to the verse number of Prov 30:2, the chapter that together with Rev 13, marks out 666 chapters in the Bible.

Chapter 658 is the average of the total number of chapters between the three names of Obama and the '666' beast chapter!

The combined chorus of testimony is deafening!

The three names of Obama produce an average of 666 in two ways using Bible chapters as ruler. The sum of 666+666+666 is a recurring figure. It is the combined English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama (standard, ordinal, reduced, and common; see link), and it is also the word value sum of the first five words of Genesis 1:1 (913+203+86+401+395)!

It is no accident that God chose these three names of Obama for concealment in Genesis 1:1. A complete analysis of all possible name combinations shows that only the chapter total of the Genesis 1:1 antichrist name triplet is a multiple of 666, as measured from the end of the Bible.

Chapter total from end of Bible
3 x 666

Of the remaining triplets, worthy of note is the two identical chapter totals resulted from two different name combinations. The total of 2475 is the sum of 1809, the Greek gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama', and the number of the beast, 666!

The Bible ruler precision is impeccable for pinpointing the beast. God meticulously chose a particular set of name combinations in three languages that proves accurate in exposing the antichrist. Even the grand chapter total of all possible name combinations lands on Rev 13, the 666 beast chapter!

Chapter total from end of Bible
Chapter total from end of Bible
Chapter total from end of Bible

The grand chapter total, 2906+2515+1704=7125, is five times the length of the Bible ruler plus 1180 -- the chapter order of Rev 13! Consider the full name BHO triplet at the last row of the above table; its chapter total as measured from the end of the Bible exceeds the Bible ruler by 1704-1189 = 515 chapters. Between ch 515 and ch 1180 (the '666' chapter), there are 666 chapters inclusive!

The man is absolutely marked with the number of the beast!

The Key Antichrist Number (793)

"In the beginning God created the Heaven", the Bible declares at its opening. It may be perplexing to some that the Hebrew gematria total of these words is triple 666. Did God make a mistake? Why associate the antichrist with His creation? Consider another perplexity: The mirrored word value total of the first four Hebrew words that translate as, "In the beginning God created", is 793, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama. Does this imply that the antichrist has something to do with creation? Or, even more unthinkable, is Obama god? One day our adversary is going to claim equality with God and he may imagine he has the Word to back him up!

No, I am just kidding. :) The Bible is full of incriminating evidence against the man of sin. It is the last place he would go to for authenticating his credentials. Maybe that is why Obama loathes it. Just the Big Bang scripture alone testifies against him numerous times. Try adding the last 10 Hebrew letters of Genesis 1:1: 40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90. The sum is 793 -- the key antichrist number! Continue adding the next 10 Hebrew letters: 1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300. Total it yourself with a calculator. Double check the Hebrew gematria value of each letter to make sure there is no error. Well, are you shocked at the value displayed on your calculator? Has someone tampered with the Word of God to manufacture codes that are not there in the original opening scripture?

Apparently, it is God's own doing. He planted a triple witness against the antichrist at the start of His Book. From the start of Genesis 1:1, the first four mirrored words sum to Barack Hussein Obama (793). From the end of Genesis 1:1, summing letter by letter, we encounter Barack Hussein Obama (793twice at an interval of 10 letters each. No fancy math is involved. Just plain mirroring and adding of numbers.

Even the year of the rise of the antichrist is encoded twice in the 20 letters that clearly spell out his name in English twice. Join numeric values of all letters as one long digit string and observe the year near the end of the string: 11305104014005300401040614005120090. Add the digits in the long string three at a time: 11+305+104+014+005+300+401+040+614+005+120+090 = 2009!

793 clearly is the key that breaks the antichrist code in the first four mirrored word values:

Using the Bible ruler,  793 shows up yet again. The sum of the three names of Obama in three languages is 1569 (B+BO+BHO), which is longer than the Bible by 380 chapters. If we measure in the reverse direction the total of the original four word values, 1603 (913+203+86+401), starting from chapter 793, we end up precisely where the first measurement ends! The convergence validates 793 as the key antichrist number.

The sum of the red and blue chapters above is an astounding sum that is 793+793+793+793

Expressed another way, the average of the first four words of Genesis 1:1 and the three hidden names of the antichrist in the mirrored word values is 793, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama!

God has spoken!

These are weighty words. I invite you to read carefully what is presented here to see if indeed God has spoken. The first word of the first verse of the first book of the Bible is bereishit, translated in English as "in the beginning". Its Hebrew gematria value, 913, is the sum of the antichrist's threefold name in Hebrew!

Obama (55)
                                                   Barack Obama (357)       => 913  (bereishit) !!!!!!!
Barack Hussein Obama (501)

This triple-bang salvo fired at the Christ impostor at the start of the Bible is even more potent and direct than the Genesis 1:1 antichrist name triplet!

Arrange the three digits of 913 in ascending and descending orders: 139 and 931. The total number between them is 931-139+1 = 793, the English gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama'! The sum of bereishit, 913, and its digits in ascending order, 139, is 913 + 139 = 1052, which is the total of 'Barack Obama' in three languages (357 Heb + 474 Gr + 221 Eng) ! 

The second chapter of the Book of 2 Thessalonians records one of the clearest revelations on the antichrist, whom the Apostle Paul describes in verse four, "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

A more blatant claim to equality with God cannot be found elsewhere in Scripture. This outrageous coup d’état was first attempted by his father from below, Lucifer. Surely such foolish puny act could only elicit laughs from the One in Whom "we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28).

2 Thess 2 is a chapter singled out by God. Its order number, 1118, is the same value as the Hebrew gematria of the SHEMA, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD" (Deut 6:4). It is the middle chapter of Cycle 3 of the Bible Wheel. It is also the middle of the two middle chapters of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 (below).

The awesome SHEMA number, 1118, is the sum of the antichrist's threefold name in English!

Obama (104)
                                                  Barack Obama (211)       => 1118 (Shema) !!!!!!!
Barack Hussein Obama (793)

As shown in the illustration above, the angle in degrees of Chapter 1118, counting clockwise from the north, is 221, the English gematria value of 'Barack Obama'! Moreover, chapter 1118 is also chapter 2009 (260x7 + 189) of the New Testament (260 chapters total), the year of the rise of the antichrist!

God has indeed spoken loud and clear through the First Word and the Shema!

A Number sent from God

We now enter part two of this article which concerns a supernatural revelation from God. He sent a heavenly messenger to deliver a number to us endtime believers prior to the return of Jesus! Gabriel, the archangel who stands before God, is no ordinary messenger. He came to Earth on Dec 23, 1993, and gave Vincent Tan $2.34. This intriguing amount of money turns out to be quite some CHANGE! It points unquestioningly to Obama the man of CHANGE, and possibly to our CHANGE at the rapture.

The name 'Gabriel' is found in the Bible in four verses: Dan 8:16, Dan 9:21, Luke 1:19, Luke 1:26. The verse total with colons removed is 816+921+119+126 = 1982, a number which exceeds the Bible by 793 chapters -- the key antichrist number! Chapter 793 contains a Hebrew word, muwr, for CHANGE -- an apt word that describes the beast who does not change his spots, yet intends to change the world. The word 'muwr' is located in verse 11 of Jer 48, which has a total of 47 verses. It occupies a position that is 11÷47 = 0.234 of chapter 793! Furthermore,  this verse occupies a position that is 0.666 of the Bible !!!!!!!!!

Sceptics may challenge these figures and think that the numbers are 'cooked'. Their suspicion is proven right! I hid from them some decimal digits to make the fractions appear exact! Let me now withhold nothing and bare all numbers. The exact number of chapters up to Jer 48:11 is 792.23404255 (11÷47 = 0.23404255). Divide this number by the 1189 chapters of the Bible to obtain the full fraction up to the 6+6+6 decimal places after the 666 beast number: 0.666302811230606803500 (consult big calculator at this link).  The two underlined numbers at the start and end of the 6+6+6 digit string is 302, the Hebrew gematria value of BARACK, and 500, the Hebrew gematria value of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (54 for Obama)!

To top it all, the Hebrew gematria value of muwr, 246, is exactly the same as that of GABRIEL in Hebrew! In a nutshell, through the word muwr, the archangel zeroes in on the Man of Change and tags him with the beast number 666.

The number 234 is the number sent from God!

Due to the evidence that I am going to provide, I can now say without reservation that the penny has finally dropped! In my article, "Has the Penny Finally Dropped?" (see link), I showed that the first two word occurrences with gematria value 234 come from the same word, BARAK, for 'bless'. Although the word appears 330 times in the Old Testament, the dominant KJV usage is 'bless', which appears 302 times (see link) -- the Hebrew gematria value of BARACK! Its first occurrence with value 234 is found in the well-known verse, Gen 12:3, "And I will bless [BARAK: 234] them that bless [BARAK] thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed [BARAK]." This verse is verse 302 of the Bible, another reference to BARACK in Hebrew!

The word for bless with value 234 appears the second time in Gen 14:20. Its verse order number is 357, the Hebrew gematria of 'Barack Obama'! The name 'Gabriel' is found in the Book of Daniel and the Gospel of Luke. The total number of verses in Daniel is 357, the Hebrew gematria of Barack Obama! Between the verse totals of Daniel (357) and Luke (1151), there are 793 (from 358 to 1150) numbers, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama! The number 793 is also the number of chapters (exclusive reckoning) between the two Biblical words, H666 and G666, found in chapter 311 and chapter 1105! G666 is a hapax legomenon -- a word which occurs only once in the Bible (Phil 2:12; chapter 1105), while H666 is found twice in verses 38 and 41 of 1 Kings 20 (chapter 311). In other words, both words are extremely rare, and confined to a single chapter each. Clearly their chapter locations are designed to reveal the '666' beast whose name in English is 793.

Verse 302 (Barack in Hebrew) of the Bible contains the number 55, the Hebrew gematria value of Obama! (see link) Verse 357 (Barack Obama in Hebrew) of the Bible contains the number 500, the Hebrew gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama, and 501, also the Hebrew gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama! (see link)

It is Supernatural!

Where is the supernatural part to the whole number thing?

Gabriel came to Earth to give VinCENT 234 CENTS of CHANGE on Dec 23, 1993, the 357th day of the year! He came shortly after 11pm on a day number that happens to be 357, 'Barack Obama' in Hebrew! 

Tell me Gabriel did not do it on purpose! 

Assuming that the time was SIX minutes past eleven, which just happens to be the 666th minute after 12 noon! At this time, the minute hand is 54 minutes to midnight or the 55th minute from midnight. Both numbers are valid Hebrew gematria values of Obama (אובאמה ; אובמה)! The total number of minutes from 00:00 to the possible time Gabriel appeared to Vincent at 11:06 pm is 1386 (319+302+68+104+593) -- the sum of mirrored word values derived from the first five words of Genesis 1:1 which have a Hebrew gematria total of 666+666+666!

Verse 55 of the Book of Daniel is Dan 2:34, the number sent from God! This precise verse divides the 357 verses of Daniel into 55 (Obama in Hebrew) and 302 (Barack in Hebrew) verses! 

The subject matter in this verse is the destruction of the image of the 666 beast!

In modern times, Gabriel came to Vincent twice in 1993: March 26 and December 23 (see Encounter #2 & #3 at this link). In Biblical times, Gabriel came to Daniel twice in Dan 8:16 and Dan 9:21. From Gabriel's second appearance in Dan 9:21 to the end of the Book of Daniel there are 85 verses. Gabriel identified himself and told Vincent his name in the first encounter on March 26, 1993, which is day 85! The day average of his two visitations with Vincent is (85+357) ÷ 2 = 221, the English gematria value of Barack Obama! The number of days between the two visitations is the average of 302, Barack in Hebrew and 242, Barack in Greek! [357-85 = (302+242) ÷ 2]

Ignore at your own peril this supernatural triple witness against Barack Obama (357 in Hebrew) by the archangel, Gabriel, the only heavenly messenger known to man that is recorded in the Bible.

Witness #1
Gabriel came on day 357 (Barack Obama in Hebrew) to deliver the number 234 from God. Barack Obama showed himself to the world on Oct 29, 2008. This is day 302 
(Barack in Hebrew) in 1993 when Gabriel appeared to Vincent Tan.

Witness #2
Gabriel appears in the Book of Daniel that has a total of 357 verses which are divided as 55+302 (Obama+Barack) at verse 2:34, a verse on the destruction of the 666 beast.

Witness #3
The first two occurrences of the number 234 in Scripture come from the same word, BARAK, for bless. They appear in verses 302 (Barack in Hebrew) and 357 (Barack Obama in Hebrew)! 

Taken together, wouldn't you say Gabriel is pointing to Barack Obama (55 + 302 = 357 in Hebrew), the Man of Change?

The mirror of 357 is 753, the Greek gematria value of SATAN! The total number between them is 753-357+1 = 397, the mirror of 793, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama!

Gabriel first appears in Dan 8; its chapter order number, 858, is the sum of 357 (Barack Obama in Hebrew) and 501 (Barack Hussein Obama in Hebrew)! Gabriel last appears in Luke 1; its chapter order number, 974, is the sum of 474 (Barack Obama in Greek) and 500 (Barack Hussein Obama in Hebrew; Obama 54)!

Between Gabriel's first appearance in Dan 8 and Gabriel's last appearance in Luke 1 there are 117 chapters inclusive.  The number 117 is the English gematria value of Barack, also the difference between 474 (Barack Obama in Greek) and 357 (Barack Obama in Hebrew)!

Gabriel appears for the second time in Dan 9:21, a verse that contains the number 501, the Hebrew gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama! (see link) The verse number with the colon removed, 921, is linked to the seven awesome words of Genesis 1:1. In the first part of this article, we unearthed the shocking '666' codes buried for centuries in the opening verse of Scripture. It turns out the antichrist was encoded in stepwise crescendo fashion in the mirrored word values of the first four words.

Barack (302 Heb)
Barack Obama (474 Greek)
Barack Hussein Obama (793 Eng)

What you are about to see next is another name triplet of Obama cleverly concealed in the seven Hebrew words and their mirrored values. And the sum of these three names is 921, the scripture number of Dan 9:21, the verse that records Gabriel's last appearance in the Old Testament!

When word #1 of Genesis 1:1 is subtracted with mirrored word #7, the difference is 913−692 = 221, the English gematria value of Barack Obama! When word #2 is subtracted from mirrored word #6, the difference is 704−203 = 501, the Hebrew gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama! The sum of the remaining five differences is: (86−593) + (401−104) + (395−68) + (407−302) + (296−319) = 199, the Hebrew gematria value of Hussein Obama!

Thus the second name triplet of the antichrist is concealed in Gabriel's second appearance in Dan 9:21 since 921 is the sum of 221 (Barack Obama in English), 199 (Hussein Obama in Hebrew) and 501 (Barack Hussein Obama in Hebrew).

The difference between the two name triplets is B (302 Heb) + BO (474 Gr) + BHO (793 Eng) − BO (221 Eng) − HO (199 Heb) − BHO (501 Heb) = 6×6×6  + 6×6×6  +  6×6×6 -- the 666 beast triply emphasized!

Lest we forget, between the verse totals of Daniel (357) and Luke (1151), two books in which Gabriel appears, there are 793 (from 358 to 1150) numbers, the English gematria value of Barack Hussein Obama!

The $2.34 CHANGE given by Gabriel on day 357 (Barack Obama in Hebrew) is supernatural!

Loose CHANGE or calculated clues?

Think it not strange that God actually sent us some money so that we may know the nearness of Christ's return. God is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. He has not changed. If we accept the writing on the wall, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (Dan 5:25), as authentic supernatural revelation, written by the very finger of God no less, why are we so slow of heart to receive the angel money when the words of the writing on the wall refer to money as well; they are known Aramaic names of measures of currency: MENE, a mina, TEKEL, a spelling of shekel, PERES, half a mina (see link).

The penny has dropped. The writing is on the wall.

The times we live in are more perilous than ever. Have your ears on the ground and hear the approaching hoofbeats of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, growing louder by the day. Now that the penny has dropped, the loose change is no longer a random collection of denominations. All of a sudden everything becomes crystal clear.

Just as the handwriting on the wall is directed at the King of Babylon, the number on the money points to modern-day King of Babylon. Bob Ware's outstanding work on prime and composite (non-prime) English gematria systems, hits the nail on the head (see link). Using his system of counting, the gematria value of 'Barack Obama' is the number sent from God, 234!

The loose CHANGE primarily clues us in to the Man of CHANGE. Perhaps it may also provide clues on our CHANGE at the rapture; however, as of this writing, I am still clueless! :)

The first evidence of 666 in the angel money lies in making SENSE out of the CENTS given to VinCENT! Convert the two one-dollar bills, a quarter, a nickel, and four pennies into CENTS and concatenate them: 1001002551111. Add three digits at a time from the right end of the concatenated digit string, a process known as right-clustering: 1+001+002+551+111 = 666, the number of the beast!

The CENT digit string may also be formed from the lowest (penny) to the highest (dollar) denominations: 1111525100100; when right-clustered, it produces this sum: 1+111+525+100+100 = 837.  If we read this number as time, as reported by Jim Bramlett (see link), 8:37 a.m. Sydney time was the exact time at which the beast arrived at the White House for his inauguration as president!

The sum of these two right-clustered numbers, 666 (beast) + 837 (beast's time of arrival) = 501501501, 'Barack Hussein Obama' in Hebrew triply emphasized !!!

By considering only the four distinct denominations, 100˘ , 25˘, 5˘, 1˘, two reduced CENT digit strings may be formed: 1002551 and 1525100. The sum of their right-clustered values is 554 (1+002+551) + 626 (1+525+100) = 1180, the chapter order number of Rev 13, the 666 beast chapter!

The left-clustered value of the first reduced CENT digit string is 100+255+1 = 356, the Hebrew gematria of 'Barack Obama' (Obama 54)! The total of the left-clustered values of all four CENT digit strings, full and reduced, is 567 (100+100+255+111+1) + 783 (111+152+510+010+0 ) + 356 (100+255+1) + 662 (152+510+0) = 2368, the Greek gematria of 'Jesus Christ'!

Given that the right-clustered total points to BHO (501+501+501) the beast (666, 1180), finding the left-clustered total of 2368 is too good to be true. First, the Greek gematria value of this phrase taken from Rev 13:18, "and his number is Six hundred threescore and six", is 2368. Second, the book & chapter order total of the four '666' verses (1 Kings 10:14, 2 Chr 9:13, Ezra 2:13, Rev 13:18) in the Bible is 11+14+15+66+301+376+405+1180, which is also 2368! Third, according to Bob Ware's counting systems (see link), 2368 is the sum of  ‘Barack Hussein’ (ASCII code), ‘BARACK HUSSEIN’ (prime), and ‘barack hussein’ (non-prime)!


I apologize for bombarding you with too much data. I need to do that because I will have to return to hybernation for a while due to my workload. I urge you to at least ponder over Gabriel's triple witness that I boxed up above. Doves, the antichrist is here! That means our departure is extremely close at hand. Take heart!

M A R A N A T H A !
Come Lord Jesus!
