John Tng (19 May 2008)
"Jesus says the TIME of our redemption is 2008! (Part 2)"

Dear doves,

I don't expect to write a part 2 to the CLOCK enigma so soon. I have already started writing my article on Bob's amazing discovery of stone number 1117 in the Genesis 1:1 Pyramid; but it looks like that will take some more time. :(

Before I continue with the CLOCK, let me show you something so simple even a child can follow. Our case for 2008 lies in the testimony of Jesus; in each confirmation, the Lord Himself, through the gematria values of His Name, points us to the year. Then I begin to wonder, maybe the year 2008 is hidden in the very name of JESUS, 888. 

Boy, was I surprised by joy!

The Greek for Jesus, IESOUS, is composed of six letters: iota (10), eta (8), sigma (200), omicron (70), upsilon (400), sigma (200); the year 2008 miraculously appears when we arrange the letter values from right to left: 20040070200810. 

Chance? Consider this: The sum of the two letters that form 2008 is 200+8 = 208; this number is the number that unlocked the Lord's TIME on the face of a clock which I wrote in Part 1 (2:08 AM / 208 minutes). Both Greek letters are special in the set of six letters that spells IESOUS; sigma (200) is the only recurring letter and eta (8) is the only letter with a single-digit value.

Here comes the intriguing part. Review the Lord's TIME below:

TIME Symmetry The Lord's
Greek Gematria
2:08 AM 20:08 PM (modern to Jewish) 3368th min (Jewish) Lord Jesus Christ
2008th min (9:28 AM) 208 min    (Jewish to modern) 2368th min (Jewish) Jesus Christ

The total duration between 2:08 AM and 20:08 PM (first row above) is 1080 minutes; the Greek gematria of 'The Holy Spirit' is 1080!

Isn't it awesome? 

Both the 2nd and 3rd Persons of the Godhead place their seal on the year 2008 -- a number formed by combining the values of the 2nd and 3rd letters of IESOUS (200+8=2008)!

Examine the IESOUS digit string once more: 20040070200810. The three-digit number on the right, 810, is formed by combining the values of the first and second letters of IESOUS: 8+10. This number is the Greek gematria of COMFORTER ('parakletos'); He is none other than the Holy Spirit!

Thus, in the name IESOUS, we found the year 2008 concealed in the 2nd and 3rd letters; adjoining the year is the number, 810, the Greek gematria value for COMFORTER, formed by combining the values of the 1st and 2nd letters.

But what does it all mean? Is JESUS hinting that something will happen in 2008 and that the Holy Spirit is intimately connected with it? As you know, the Comforter came on Pentecost. Are we reading too much by entertaining the thought that the rapture might happen on Pentecost in 2008?

There are good reasons for contemplating that possibility. The key number that broke the Jesus TIME code, 208, is a HUGE clue pointing to a Pentecost rapture; it is the Greek gematria value of the word, 'pnoe', which means WIND or BREATH. It first appears in Acts 2:2 in the Pentecost account when the Holy Spirit came!

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind ['pnoe'], and it filled all the house where they were sitting." (Acts 2:2)

The word, 'pnoe', appears another time only in the New Testament in Acts 17:25; this time it is rendered BREATH in the KJV.

Many of you may still remember seeing the following picture on the Letters page of this site day after day for a few years. The picture had been removed since Sep 2005.

I want you to take a look at the picture again and see if you can discern the number 28 -- white digit 2 and golden digit 8. The number 28 is the second PERFECT number and it does appear to be pointing to year 2008. The meanings of 'pnoe' (gematria value 208) are captured poignantly in the picture: the serpent BREATHED ('pnoe') out the dove in a mighty rushing WIND ('pnoe')!

It is interesting that Moses' FIERY SERPENT (note the golden color of fire in the picture) and the SERAPHIMS of Jesus (Isa 6) are one and the same Hebrew word. King Hezekiah named Moses' bronze serpent NEHUSHTAN when he broke it into pieces because the people had made it an object of worship. The Hebrew gematria of this name is 808 -- pointing to 8:08 PM or 20:08 hours, THAT IS, year 2008!

Furthermore, the Hebrew gematria of ABRAHAM (sofit value) is also 808 (see link). Some Bible scholars believe that Abraham was born in 2008 after Adam!

The 2008th Minute

Let us now resume with the CLOCK phenomenon. The 2008th minute on a modern clock is 2368th minute on a Jewish clock; the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST is 2368. The duration of 2008 minutes is 1 day 9 hours and 28 minutes; viewed another way, it is 8 hours 88 minutes into the second day; the Greek gematria of JESUS is 888!

But this is just a start!

Collapse 1 day 9 hours 28 minutes (2008 minutes duration) into 1928 minutes, i.e. combine the digits of day-hours-minutes and convert it into minutes; the converted duration becomes 31 hours 68 minutes; the Greek gematria of LORD JESUS CHRIST is 3168!

Another spelling of LORD JESUS CHRIST has a gematria value of 4048. The 4048th minute on a clock is 19 hours 28 minutes into the third day!

The third spelling of LORD JESUS CHRIST has a gematria value of 3368. Count 1928 minutes into the second day, the total duration is 1440+19283368 minutes!

The year 2008 is linked to the three gematria values of LORD JESUS CHRIST (316833684048) via the number 1928!

Count it any which way, the 2008th minute is the LORD's TIME!

Bob Ware's Golden Rectangle

The thing that marks out geometry, math and time is PRECISION. Jesus, being the consummate mathematician that He is, surely must have left the rapture timing clues in these very precise creations of His.

Bob discovered that if you fit a golden rectangle inside a circle with circumference 7416 -- the sum of 3368 & 4048, both Greek gematria values of LORD JESUS CHRIST, the longer side of the golden rectangle is 2008!

This may well be a fluke if not for the fact that it is corroborated by the precision of TIME in a clock which I am about to show in a minute! To top it all, the whole phenomenon is exactly in the same class as that of the LORD's time!

7416 minutes is 5 days 3 hours and 36 minutes or 3:36 AM on the sixth day. If we were to count 6 hours earlier according to Jewish reckoning, i.e. starting from 6 pm sundown instead of midnight, the total duration is 5 days 9 hours 36 minutes (or 7776 minutes) and we will still end on 3:36 AM on the sixth day on a modern clock.

7776 minutes is the sum of 2008 & its Hebrew year 5768!

The sum of the two Greek gematria values of LORD JESUS CHRIST (3368 & 4048), as minutes of day, when read as Jewish time in minutes, becomes the sum  of 2008 and its Hebrew equivalent 5768!

The shorter side of Bob's golden rectangle is 1241; this is the Greek gematria value of PENTECOST! Given the combined confirmation provided by Bob's Golden Rectangle and the LORD's TIME, the Pentecost connection deserves closer scrutiny.

According to Jewish tradition, Enoch, the first raptured saint, was born and raptured on the same date -- the 6th of Sivan -- the feast date for PENTECOST. The 6th of Sivan falls on June 9 this year.

The Pentecost evidence I am going to present below is absolutely mind-boggling. The multiple witness which you will see is simply out of this world!

Pentecost this year is the 161st day of 2008. Is it coincidence that there are 161 minutes on the face of a clock between the 2008th & 5768th minutes? The 2008th minute is at 9:28 AM on the second day; the 5768th minute is at 0:08 AM on the fifth day. There are 161 minutes inclusive counting forward from 9:28 to 0:08.

If we take 9:28 AM as Jewish time, its modern equivalent time is 3:28 AM. Counting forward from 3:28 AM to 0:08 AM, there are 1241 minutes inclusive; the Greek gematria of PENTECOST is 1241!

We have a double witness to Pentecost hidden between the 2008th and 5768th minutes. Astonishingly, the EXACT SAME THING is observed between two pairs of clock times that are composed of the three gematria values of LORD JESUS CHRIST (3168, 3368 & 4048)!

Clock Times (in minutes)
Day 161 (6-9-2008)
1241 (Gr: Pentecost)
2008 = 9:28 (J=>M: 3:28)
5768 = 0:08 
 21:28 (9:28) to 0:08
3:28 to 0:08
3168 = 4:48 
3368 = 8:08 (J=>M: 2:08)
2:08 to 4:48
8:08 to 4:48
3168 = 4:48 (J=>M: 22:48)
4048 = 19:28
4:48 to 7:28 (19:28)
22:48 to 19:28

The confirmation from the Lord Jesus Christ in a DOUBLE DOUBLE-WITNESS fashion is unbelievable. If we were to consider the clock times of combined duration, the EXACT SAME THING happens all over again!

Clock Times (in minutes) Day 161 (6-9-2008) 1241 (Gr: Pentecost)
2008+5768 = 9:36 = 9.6 hours
3368+4048 = 3:36 = 3.6 hours
9:36 to 3:36 = 1080 (Gr: The Holy Spirit!)
3.6 = 6th Sivan ; 9.6 = 9th June
2008+5768 = 9:36 (M=>J: 15:36)
3168+3368 = 12:56
12:56 to 15:36 12:56 to 9:36
2008+5768 = 9:36 
3168+4048 = 0:16 (M=>J: 6:16)
9:36 to 0:16 9:36 to 6:16

The Lord Jesus Christ left us two very PRECISE clues. In Bob's Golden Rectangle, the LORD JESUS CHRIST (3368 & 4048) points to 2008 (longer side of golden rectangle) and Pentecost, 1241 (shorter side of golden rectangle). On the face of a clock, the LORD JESUS CHRIST (3368 & 4048) points to the year 2008 and its corresponding Hebrew year, 5768; the (3368+4048)th minute when read as Jewish time is (2008+5768)th minute. The clock phenomenon further provides tantalizing clues to Pentecost (1241) -- the 161st day of 2008.

Two intriguing dates

The date 6-8-08, the start of Pentecost 6pm sundown, collapses to 688, a Greek gematria value of JESUS! Pentecost falls on the next day, 6-9-08; with a slight rearrangement of the date digits, the number 689 obtained is the Greek gematria value of JESOUA, transliterated from the Hebrew, YESHUA (see link). Both dates have JESUS in them!

The long-hand date, 6-8-2008, forms an interesting number 682008; when expressed as minutes of day, its duration is 473.616666... days. The number formed from the first four digits is 4736, which is twice 2368 -- the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST! The fraction, 0.61666... days is PRECISELY 888 minutes -- the Greek gematria of JESUS!!!!!

If we were to take the number 473.61666... as minutes, it is rounded to 474 minutes, which is 7:54 on the face of a clock; the Hebrew gematria of Yehoshua HaMashiach (JESUS CHRIST in Hebrew) is 754!

Gabriel's $2.34

The archangel who stands in the presence of God, the only other good angel named in the Bible besides the archangel Michael, might have visited Vincent Tan on Dec 23, 1993 and left him an intriguing amount of money, $2.34 (see link). If the rapture were to happen on 6-8-2008/6-9-2008 Pentecost this year, then it all MAKES SENSE! (or CENTS! :)

From 12-23-1993 to 6-8-2008 there are 754 weeks; the Hebrew gematria of Yehoshua HaMashiach is 754! How do we know Gabriel is pointing to 754 weeks?
The modern time 7:54 is 1:54 Jewish time or vice versa; the Greek gematria of GABRIEL is 154! There are 154 minutes at the clock time 2:34! The time 7:54 is 246 minutes short of 12:00; the Hebrew gematria of GABRIEL is 246!

Bob Ware' Golden CROSS

Bob found a staggering Golden Cross in his 3D Genesis 1:1 Pyramid (see link). When viewed on a two-dimensional plane, the cross is a stunning display of God's wisdom! The horizontal beam consists of 19 stones from row 37 of the Genesis 1:1 Creation Triangle, from stone 1999 to stone 2017; stone 2008 is right at the heart of the cross! The vertical beam is column 37 of the 3D Pyramid; thus the two beams of the cross are ordered according to the Number of God, 37.

Both ends of the horizontal beam are marked by the number 28: the left most stone, 1999, is the 28th stone from the extreme left on row 28 of the grid; the right most stone, 2017, is the 28th stone from the extreme right on row 28 of the grid. No wonder the year 2008 is at the center of row 28!

Bob's cross is a golden cross because the golden ratio falls PRECISELY at stone 2008 -- the heart of the cross! The Golden Cross is a perfect cross!

The exact stone location for the golden ratio is 27.88351882125803 stones on the vertical beam of the cross, inside the 28th stone which is stone 2008. In fact, both ends of the horizontal beam, stone 1999 and stone 2017, are also located PRECISELY where the golden ratio should be if the entire row 28 is viewed as a line!

The 91 stones of Bob's Golden Cross sum to 230689; ignoring the zero digit, the number formed by the leading four digits is 2368 -- the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST! The number formed by the three ending digits, 689, is the Greek gematria of JESOUA!

These two gematria values of the Lord are also found in the word values of the seven words of Genesis 1:1: 913, 203, 86, 401, 395, 296 and 407. Ian Mallett first discovered JESUS CHRIST (2368) in these word values when he arranged the digits of each word value in ascending order: 13902368014359269047. I discovered that if  Ian's clustering principle is applied to the digits on the right of 2368, the number 689 (JESOUA) is found! Clustering involves the summing of 3 digits at a time: 689 = 014 + 359 + 269 + 047. I further discovered that if clustering is performed on the digits to the left of 2368, the Hebrew gematria of YEHOSHUA is resulted: 391 = 1 + 390 ! Moreover, the sum of 689 and 391 is 1080 -- the Greek gematria of THE HOLY SPIRIT!

The case for a 2008 Pentecost appears to be growing stronger and stronger.

Let us end the same way we begin by considering the digits of IESOUS (Greek for JESUS): 20040070200810. It is conceivable that the date, 6-8-2008, is concealed in this digit string. The month number, 6, is the sum of the first two leading non-zero digits: 6=2+4. The day number, 8, is the sum of the remaining digits: 8=7+1. Perhaps this is why the date, 6-8-2008, when expressed as minutes of day, is 888 minutes on the 474th day! The Greek gematria of IESOUS is 888.

JESUS holds the clue!


I usually sleep through the night on most nights; however, early on Monday morning, I woke up from a dream. In the dream, I was looking up and down for a lost notebook computer, an indispensable piece of gizmo for my work. In my conscious state, I was relieved to know that it is still sitting on my computer table in the living room. I decided to get up and drink water. After drinking water, without my glasses, I bypassed the analog pendulum clock which I usually checked and walked up to the VCR digital clock and took a close look at the time. I jumped when the digital clock display stared into my face! The clock read 3:36. Check the above. This is the time LORD JESUS CHRIST (3368 & 4048) confirms the year 2008 & 5768!

What are the chances that I got up in the middle of the night when the clock hour hand was 108° from 12:00 at 3:36 AM? Ps 108 points to 2008.

Several hours prior to this I was driving on the road on the way to pick up my son after his tuition class. At 6:32 PM I saw this car number plate: 7776; the sum of 2008 & its corresponding Hebrew year 5768 is 7776. This fact alone may not be anything except that the actual time was 6:16 PM since my car digital clock is 16 minutes ahead. The sum of two gematria values of LORD JESUS CHRIST, 3168 & 4048, when expressed as minutes of day, lands on 0:16; this is 6:16 Jewish time!

Wow! Double confirmation within less than 10 hours!

The confirmations are more than I could ever ask for!