John Tng (28 Sep 2014)
"ObamaCode#2: Obama and 666"

Dear Doves,

Obama seems to act like a strange attractor of the number 666. Consider this weird coincidence: Obama will be 55 years and 6 months old at the end of his second term of office (12 noon Jan 20, 2017); that is precisely 666 months since his birth!

In terms of the number of days, Obama will have lived 20,259 days on his last day as the President of the United States. This big number can be written as a sum of 6+6+6 numbers:

6 numbers:         793+1458+793+1458+793+1458
6 numbers:         793+1458+793+1458+793+1458
6 numbers:         793+1458+793+1458+793+1458
                                                           Total: 20,259

The number 793 is the English gematria of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and the number 1458 is the English gematria of BARRY SOETORO, his real name !!!!!!

There are 666 numbers between 793 and 1458 including the first and the last numbers: 793(BHO), 794, ......., 1457, 1458(BS) !!!!!!

If we arrange the 6+6+6 numbers in a circle, the number 666 appears 6+6+6 times !!!!!!

20259 as sum of 6+6+6 names of antichrist

So, the number 20,259 is rather significant in pinpointing Obama the antichrist.

In my previous article on Jim Bramlett's rapture puzzle (see link), I showed that the numbers concealed there provide very strong evidence that the Holy Spirit is saying Obama is the antichrist. Recall the six scriptures and one statement that contain the word 'go' given to Jim by God:

Isa 45:2
Isa 52:12
"He will not go out with nervous compulsion or with fear."
Isa 55:12
Ex 33:14
Jg 6:14
Ge 28:15

On day 17919 of Obama's life since birth, he and family had their summer vacation in Martha's Vineyard, an island located south of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. MARTHA'S VINEYARD, called "Noepe" by the Indians, means in their picturesque language "in the midst of the sea" (see link). The phrase "in the midst of the sea" is taken straight out of the Book of Revelation where Scripture describes the beast as rising up OUT OF THE SEA (Re 13:1)! "In the midst of the sea" is precisely "out of the sea"!

But more intriguingly, day 17919 is the 666th day since Obama declared to the world that he was going to change it on 29 Oct 2008, which is day 17254 of Obama's life since birth. What does this have to do with Jim's puzzle?

It turns out the number 17919 is encoded in Jim's six scriptures spectacularly!

+ 5212
+ 5512
+ 3314
+ 614
+ 2815
Sum: 17919

What are the odds of such a coincidence?

But even more spectacular is the errie coincidence below:

With this double witness, it is clear that the Holy Spirit is hinting very strongly that Obama is the man stamped with the number of the beast.

Look up, our redemption is at the door!
