daily number thingies that are easy to digest

Professor Ian Mallett


Dear Doves,

I believe the Lord has laid it on my heart to share some of the wonders of His mathematics in small soundbites, or rather numberbites, to enable more believers to understand God's use of numbers and to encourage them to seek His hidden treasures. I am not a 'professor' in the accepted sense of the word but my dictionary says a professor is one who openly declares belief in certain doctrines. It is my heart's desire to teach God's children some of these hidden wonders and I hope that you Doves will find blessings and inspiration through these daily offerings.

NUMBERBITE #0012 2006-10-18



The first verse of the Bible, through its mathematical phenomena, teaches us the principles of God's mathematics. The Hebrew gematria values of these first seven words are: 913 203 86 401 395 407 296. The number 401 is highlighted as being the only prime number of these seven and located at the center. The prime factors of the six remaining word values are: 913 = 11 x 83, 203 = 7 x 29, 86 = 2 x 43, 395 = 5 x 79, 407 = 11 x 37, 296 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 37.


The prime/prime factors of the Genesis 1:1 word values are in order: 11, 83, 7, 29, 2, 43, 401, 5, 79, 11, 37, 2, 2, 2, 37

Let's see what happens when these numbers are alternately added and subtracted: + 11 - 83 + 7 - 29 + 2 - 43 + 401 - 5 + 79 - 11 + 37- 2 + 2 - 2 + 37 = 401! Could this staggering result of the only prime word value 401 appearing as it does be merely fortuitous or is God trying to tell us something here?


Let's see what happens when the order numbers of these primes are alternately added and subtracted. Here we encounter a problem for the world of mathematics declares that 1 is not prime (or composite) but there is a very strong hint in the clustering of the Genesis 1:1 word value string (see numberbite #0011) that God thinks otherwise. The truth that He does will become more apparent as this article progresses and so the order numbers for these prime values will be given on the understanding that 1 is the first prime: + 6 - 24 + 5 - 11 + 2  - 15 + 80 - 4 + 23 - 6 + 13 - 2 + 2 - 2 + 13 = 80. This result is phenomenal because the figure 80 is the order number of prime 401! At this point it is important to remember that the sequence of primes is chaotic and unpredictable whilst their order numbers are linear. There is no logical mathematical reason for this outcome and therefore surely this is by design if we consider that 401 is the only prime in a prime position in the middle of the seven figures and the plus/minus of the prime factors is 401 and the plus/minus of the order numbers is the order number of 401! Counting the number 2 as the first prime the result would still produce the order number of 401 but we observe more intrigue in the two numbers immediately to the left and to the right of 401. These two word values 86 and 395 sum to 481 that is exactly equal to the sum of 401 plus its order number 80!


If God is teaching us a mathematical principle here we might reasonably expect the plus/minus of the more important word values to yield a significant result. So let's see what happens: + 913 - 203 + 86 - 401 + 395 - 407 + 296 = 679 (7 x 97). The sum of the prime factors of 679 offers an immediate clue that there is something special here for 7 + 97 is equal to 104, the mirror image of 401! But this is only the beginning. The number 679 is a figurate 3-D star. Again, is it merely chance that the two prime factors of Genesis 1:1, 37 and its mirror image 73, happen to be successive 2-D star numbers? So is there a link between 37 and 73 and this plus/minus result 679 other than the star factor? The number 37 is the 2nd star and the sum of the first 2 digits of 679, 6 + 7, is 13, the first 2-D star number and more significantly the order number of prime 37 counting 1 as prime. Coincidence? The second prime factor of Genesis 1:1 73 is the 3rd star number. The sum of the 3 digits of 679, 6 + 7 + 9, is 22 and this is the order number of prime 73 counting 1 as prime! Can there be even more going on here? If we divide 3-D star 679 by 2-D star 37 the remainder is prime 2-D star 13, the order number of prime 37 counting 1 as prime. If we divide 3-D star 679 by 2-D star 73 the remainder is 22, the order number of prime 73 counting 1 as prime. The prime factor sum of the order number of 2-D star and prime 73 is prime 2-D star 13! (The number 22 is equal to 2 x 11 and 2 + 11 = 13). It seems that plus/minus is indeed a valid principle of God's mathematics! As an aside, 'plus/minus' in English gematria is 999 or 3 x 3 x 3 x 37!