Elliot Hong (11 Sep 2022)
"The Parallel of Nisan 17 and Elul 17"

Dear Doves:

After Jonah came out of the big fish in 3 days, he warned the people of Nineveh for 40 days.
After Jesus rose from the dead in 3 days, the Lord witnessed for 40 days too.
This parallel was what Jesus meant when He spoke to a wicked and adulterous generation.
It was Nisan 17 when the Lord rose and the 40 days of witness had begun.
It's 5 months from Nisan 17 to Elul 17.
5 means Grace.
17 means Victory and is the number of 153.
Likewise, the Remnant could be transformed on Elul 17(9/13) to begin the 40 days witness.
9/13 is 33 days from Tu B'Av which prophetically pictures the Marriage of the Lamb.
33 means Promise.
It means that SD could occur 3 days earlier as the midnight cry on the full moon of 9/10 or 9/11.
And the full moon of September(Elul this year) is called as Harvest Moon.
Elul is the month that the king is in the field which fits to Harvest.
The month of Elul is related to "Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li" of Song of Solomon 6:3.
Genevieve had a vision of the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven, then heard "Forty Days!" from Gabriel.
It was Mother's Day 2020 and it's 28 months (Double Salvation) from 5/10/20 to 9/10/22.
John Lawler received the message that when the moon is in the top of it's phase there will be a big explosion.
He received it on 12/30/10 and 9/10/22 is 11 years 8 months 11 days (140 months 11 days) from it.
The Sign of Jonah was given on 6/11 last year and it's 15(3x5) months from 6/11/21 to 9/11/22.
9/11 this year is 21 years from 911 Terror which fits to Rev.9:11.
When the 21 fragments of SL-9 hit Jupiter, I thought that 21 fragments meant 21(777) Judgments of Revelation.
Thus it's a good possibility that SD occurs on 9/10 or 9/11 and the Remnant is birthed on 9/13.
9/13 is the third day.
And the 77th session of UNGA will open on 9/13.
13 means Apostasy and Rebellion.
Hopefully this scenario becomes a reality this time.