Hello Five Doves.In our last article we documented in detail Jesus dates of hiscrucifixion, 3 days/nights in grave, and resurrection.^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^4/28 , 4/29 , 4/30 , 5/1 , and 5/2.This article we're going to examine Jesus Resurrection date of 5/2/28 ADin connection with ISRAELJESUS RESURRECTION DATE5/2/28 ADISRAEL ^^ ^^ JESUSbecame a nation ^^ ^^ SECOND COMINGin 1948 >>>>>>> 52 yrs to 2000 >>> 28 yrs to 2028Jesus Resurrection ^^^^ ^^^5/2/28 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2000 yrs >>>>>>> 2028 !!From 5/2/28 >>>>>>> In fact its exactly 2000 yrs 151 days 9/30/2028 !!letters in JESUS CHRIST = 151 !!
So simple yet so profound !! GOD has coded JESUS RESURRECTION date intothe END TIME, TIME LINE from when ISRAEL became a nation !!!!!!!
................................................................................................................................LO and BEHOLD...Steve W receivedJesus Resurrection date 5/2 !! Gabriel Ansley's bookISRAEL celebrated its 52nd 2028 END End ofanniversary as a nation on this day !! on this date JUNE SPARTA NC5/14/2000 JUNE/11/2020 >> 19 days >> 6/30/2020 QUAKE!.......exactly 20 yrs 28 days..........!................^^..59 days......................8/9/2020!!!!!!! Steve W birthday is JUNE 19, 1959 !!!!!!! I live in NC was Shaken by^^^^^^^ by the SPARTA QUAKE !!These past Five Doves article document in detail how the SPARTA QUAKEis a prophetic SIGN pointing to JESUS SECOND COMING in 2028 !!
Steve WJesus Resurrection date 5/2 !! receives book byISRAEL celebrated its 52nd Gabriel Ansleyanniversary as a nation on this day !! 2028 END JESUS
5/14/2000 6/11/2020 SECOND COMING
!.........exactly 20 yrs 28 days..............! 9/30/2028!......................7333 days.......................!............3033 days.........................!^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^Lo and Behold... 7 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 5103 !!^^ ^^With Jesus crucifixion date being 4/28 that means date of 5/1 ^^was the 3rd and last dayJesus was in the grave with resurrection date 5/2 !!!! Again this calculation is not possiblewithout ISRAEL also being synced to celebrating its 52ndanniversary as a nation 5/14/2000 , and then 28 yrs to 2028 !! Completingand revealing the full resurrection date of Jesus 5/2/28 AD !! ^^^^JESUSSECOND COMING.........................................................................................................................................................................On 9/11/2001 the two structures that were attackedwas the FIVE sided Pentagon and TWO Twin Towers.^^ ^^prophetic sync to ^^ ^^Jesus Resurrection date FIVE/TWO
The letters in CHRIST JESUSadd to 77 and 74The Pentagon is on the 77 longitude lineAnd the Twin Towers were on the 74 longitude line
FOUR planes crashed on 911 they wereFlight numbers 11 + 77 + 93 + 175 = 356 = FOUR X 89The FOUR gospels of Matthew,Mark,Luke,John = 89 chaptersAll FOUR gospels have the story of FIVE loaves TWO fish in them !!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^FIVE sided PentagonFrom ISRAEL 52nd anniv TWO Towersas a nation on destroyed5/14/2000 9/11/2001!..........................485 days....................!^^^485 = 33 + 452 !!!!!!!Jesus was 3 days^^^3 nightsin the grave on the 4th dayhe rose from the dead on date 5/2 !!!!!!!................................................................................................................................................................We have documented in detail in this Five Doves articleHow what happened on 9/11/2001 was PHASE 1 of a 3 PHASE Judgment on America andthe world and PHASE 3 will be executed at the Second Coming of Jesus in 2028.................................................................................................................................................................
Now here's an astonishing prophetic revelation almost no one realizes is in the Bible.Luke chapter 19 is the only chapter 19 in the entire biblethat ENDS with verse 48 and the only chapter 19 that has that many verses !^^^^!! When you look at that as prophetic for the year 1948 when ISRAEL became a nation and simply counteach verse forward as a prophetic year into the future an astonishing series of propheticalignments come to light about the END TIMES ....^^^^^^^^^^^For example going by this count this makes Luke 21:6 the prophetic sync to the year 2001.“These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone
shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down."Luke 21:6
The is the verse of Jesus prophesy of the destruction of the Temple which happened in 70 AD.Think about the similarity of the destruction of the Temple and destruction of Twin Towers 2001which was like the Temple of America's Financial greatness being "thrown down".
Then beginning with Luke 21:7 sync to year 2002 Jesus goes into his long sermon about all theSIGNS of the times when GOD will wrap up the end of this age with his SECOND COMING !!We go all thru these SIGNS for years 2001 to 2028 until we arrive at Luke 21:33 prophetic sync to2028 year of Jesus SECOND COMING, and this is the last verse involving the Parable of the Fig Tree,which began in vs 29. And we know this parable is the prophecy of ISRAEL becoming a nation in 1948 !!So we've come full circle from starting with Luke 19:48 !!
Another astonishing alignment here is that chapter 57 of the New Testament is Luke 13.So when we count from Luke 13 chapter 57+8 chapters we're in Luke 21 again.This reveals a prophetic sync with Jewish yr 5708 which was 1948 on our calendar !!So the very chapter in Luke where Jesus is giving the Parable of the Fig Tree, Luke 21,which is about ISRAEL becoming a nation in 1948 is also the very chapter, by way of thissimple count that synchronizes to the year 1948 !!So both prophetic years 1948 and 2028 synchronize exactly to Luke 21:33 !! How Amazing !!
LO and BEHOLD... Luke 21:33is verse number 966 of the book of Luke.simply add the two numbers and its > 3099 <^^^^And 3099 - 1071 = 2028 !!!!The very last verse book of Matthew is verse number 1071 !!!And its the 20th verse of chapter 28 !!!! THE END !!!!^^ ^^^^ ^^revealing yet again the year 2028 !!!!year of JESUS SECOND COMING !!!!...................................................................................................................................Another amazing alignment in book of Luke is it has a total of 1151 verses,And 888 + 263 = 1151.The greek gematria for JESUS = 888 ^^^ And within the GREAT PYRAMIDis the "CHRIST ANGLE" of 26.3 degrees forming the Grand Gallery to Kings Chamber!!In the book of Luke verse # 888 is Luke 20:2 with 263 vs to end of Luke. Now notice afterLuke 19:48 that makes Luke 20:2 synced to year 1950 with 78 years to 2028..Notice 26 X 3 = = = = = = = 78 !! JESUSSECOND COMING.....................................................................
More about the SPARTA QUAKE SIGN of Jesus Second Coming 2028 in these articlesMore about JESUS SECOND COMING 2028 is in these articles.
God Bless
Steve Wcomments welcome > wilkste@aol.com <
God BlessSteve Wcomments welcome > wilkste@aol.com <