Steve W (13 Sep 2020)
"!!! HARBINGER II Prophetic Signs Given synced with 2028 Revelations !!!"

                             !!! Harbinger II Prophetic Signs Given synced with 2028 Revelations !!!

                       Hello Five Doves. 
 I testify as GOD is my witness, the sequence of personal events in this article are the absolute truth. 


         Jonathan Cahn's latest book HARBINGER II was released to the public on 9/1/2020.
     I had my copy on pre order so my copy arrived on 9/2/2020 and I began reading it that night.

         The next day 9/3/2020 the DOW closed down exactly -807 points which synchronizes with the
                            SPARTA QUAKE which struck at exactly 8:07 am back on 8/9/2020.
           Here are links to Five Doves articles documenting evidence that the SPARTA QUAKE is a 
                       prophetic SIGN pointing to the SECOND COMING of JESUS in 2028 !!
             In addition with the DOW down 807 points on 9/3/2020, this was the largest one 
             day drop since 6/11/2020, when the DOW dropped 1862 points, making 6/11/2020
                                     one of the largest DOWN days in the DOW's history.
LO and BEHOLD....                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     ISRAEL celebrated its                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    52nd anniversary being                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            a nation on                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^
             5/14/2000                                             6/11/2020
                     !................20 years 28 days...............!
                                       This was the very day 6/11/2020
                                         I Steve W received the 2028 END book of Gabriel Ansley !! 
             On the night of 9/3/2020 as I was reading   ^^  HARBINGER II
                                                  I arrived at chapter 28 . Incredibly just a few paragraphs into that 
                                         chapter the time of 9:30 on the clock is stated in the text !!!!!!! This was
      truly a JAW DROPPING moment !!!!!!!      ^^^^^^^^
                 This prophetically reveals the date 9/30/28 the very date we've been documenting evidence
        for the SECOND COMING of JESUS in all the articles ( links below), I've written since I received the 
       2028 END book from Gabriel Ansley !! And the SPARTA QUAKE with all its details is one of MANY
     real world  SIGNS pointing to JESUS SECOND COMING 2028 !!

          HARBINGER II chapter 28 title is "THE SHAKINGS" and it's the first time in the book Cahn talks about
         the CORONAVIRUS as a judgment on America and the world 19 years after 9/11/2001.
   This reveals a perfect sync with how I was "SHAKEN" literally, when the SPARTA QUAKE Struck, 
                            since I live here in NC near where the SPARTA QUAKE struck !!!!! Again, the very day
   I'm reading "THE SHAKINGS" the DOW has dropped 807 points exact sync with the
            SPARTA QUAKE of 8/9/2020 striking at exactly 8:07 am which SHOOK my entire building I live in !!!!!

         As I meditated on all these syncs some more next day 9/4/2020 I realized there is even more revelations here.

        For example Chapter 28 of HARBINGER II begins on page 206. In a leap day year
                                               like 2020 we are in JULY 24 is the 206th day of the year.
                                                                              JULY 24 is the very day
                                         I was given the LIGHTNING and THUNDER PROPHETIC SIGN 
                                                      which is documented in this Five Doves article.

                    Remember that was also the week LIGHTNING struck the Statue of Liberty !!
         Read the article and it explains all the details how those SIGNS culminate in a warning / revelation 
                    that we are about to go into the LAST 7 years of tribulation from 2021 to 2028 !!

LO and BEHOLD....

                                                      Stock Market makes 
                                                                             ALL TIME HIGH
                                                        Steve W receives
           LIGHTING THUNDER           HARBINGER II                      prophetic
               prophetic SIGN                  begins reading                       sync date
                   7/24/2020                           9/2/2020                            9/30/2020
                          !................40 days.............!...............28 days............!
                page 206 >>>>>>   ^^  >>>>> starts >>>  ^^ 28th Chapter of HARBINGER II
          7/24 day 206 of yr             ^^                        ^^        reveals 9:30 in text !!
                                                      ^^                  ^^                               !
         Signs in the Heavens               ^^          ^^                                   !
         KING REGULUS Star aligned    ^^     ^^                                    8 yrs
         with VENUS morning star           ^^   ^^                                        !
           by way of CHRIST ANGLE         ^^^^                                    JESUS
           within GREAT PYRAMID            ^^^^                            SECOND COMING
                       9/20/2017                        ^^^^                                   9/30/2028
                                !.............................4028 days................................!
       These prior Five Dove articles explain in detail the prophetic significance of 
         the date 9/20/2017 as well as the CHRIST ANGLE of the GREAT PYRAMID..
                                And here's something else quite remarkable about
                                                 the Stock Mkt making an
                                                 All time High on 9/2/2020.
       Stock Mkt makes                       Steve W receives
     Major Low of 666 as                      HARBINGER II     
    recorded by S&P500                      begins reading 
        on 3/6/2009                                      9/2/2020
                  !...................4198 days.................!
                                      4198 divided by 207    =  20.28 !!!!!!!
                          in HARBINGER II page 207 chapter 28 is right where 
                                                       the time of 9:30 is revealed !!!!!!!
In this prior Five Doves article we go into detail how the 3 dates of 
                          9/11/2001 and 3/6/2009 and 9/30/2028 are synchronized to a
 3 PHASE prophecy in the bible with the prophetic phrase "Babylon is Fallen is Fallen"

        Also I didn't realize until 9/4/2020 that when I received the book HARBINGER II on 9/2/2020 and started reading,
                                                            that its exactly 8 yrs 28 days from 9/2/2020 to 9/30/2028 !!!!!!!
                        on a 24hr clock  that's the 20th hr 28th minute in the night time 8:28 pm !!!!!!!
       Ever since I first became aware of the 2028 revelations in early June 2020 myself and sister Jan have
 dedicated to speaking every Sunday evening starting at 8:28 PM to commemorate this ALL important time !!!!!!!
                        Sister Jan's testimony to these 2028 revelations is in this Five Doves article.


                      Also book of PSALMS  chapter 8 has 9 verses
                                                          chapter 20 has 9 verses
                                                          chapter 28 has 9 verses
                                                   SEPTEMBER is the 9th month of the year where all the evidence we are
      examining points to the SECOND COMING of JESUS in that month. PSALMS is the only book in bible
                       where these three chapter numbers have the exact same number of verses.
                       More on 2028 revelations in PSALMS are in this prior Five Doves article.

    So in HARBINGER II Cahn lays out the case of WHY America and the world is being hit with the CORONAVIRUS. 
   Cahn makes the case with much detailed evidence that the main SIN bringing on this Judgment is the SIN of ABORTION.
   Just like ISRAEL in ancient times when they as a nation turned to sacrificing their babies to pagan GODS like
   BAAL and MOLECH, GOD brought judgment on the nation of ISRAEL.

   Cahn points to two key dates in particular that have brought America and World to this point of Judgment.
   First was the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade on 1/22/1973, which legalized ABORTION.
                               Second was the NY court decision on 1/22/2019, exactly 46 yrs later which expanded
       ABORTION rights even further making it much easier to kill babies. Much more details about this in book.,has%20received%20national%20media%20attention.

       Lo and Behold look what the time chart reveals....
                                                                                         PROPHETIC SIGN                                                                                                                               
         Row vs Wade                 New York expanded                 SPARTA
         Abortion law                          Abortion law                       QUAKE
            1/22/1973                            1/22/2019                         8/9/2020
                   !..............16801 days...........!..............565 days...........!
                                         ^^^^^                       ^^^
                                       16801      /        565   =   29.736             FINAL
                                                                              ^^^^^           Judgment on 
                                                                              29.74          World for SIN
                                                       SPARTA       rounded             JESUS
                                                       QUAKE        ^^ up^^     SECOND COMING
                                                      8/9/2020        ^^^^^^^             9/30/2028
                                                             !.............2974 days...............!
                                                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^    ^^
                                                              HARBINGER II TIME of 9:30    ^^
                                                                    revealed in text of Chapter 28 !!!!!!!

      Also in HARBINGER II Cahn spends much time on the Twin Towers on NYC destroyed on 9/11/2001.
  At least 9 "harbingers" or warnings came from 911 , all of them having come to pass since 911 warning AMERICA
  and the world that much further judgment for SIN will have to be executed if real repentance does not happen.


     Here's an astounding revelation almost no one has ever realized about the TWIN TOWERS that's 'hidden'
   in plain sight in the scriptures.. You can see in this link about the history of the TWIN TOWERS that


                     TOWER ONE was completed in 1972 and TOWER TWO was completed in 1973.

      In this prior Five Doves article we document that from Psalms 48 to Psalms 128 these 
                                                  chapters are prophetic for years 1948 to >>>>> 2028 with each 
         chapter going forward from Psalm 48 prophetic for a future year...

                                              This means that Psalms 72 and Psalms 73 are prophetic for the 
                                                                          years 1972     and     1973 
          Again, notice TOWER ONE was completed in 1972                 ^^^^
                                                 and TOWER TWO was completed in 1973.

          Look close at these chapters you can see Psalm 72 has exactly 20 verses 
                                                                             and Psalm 73 has exactly 28 verses !!
                                                                                     revealing the year 2028 for
                                                                                    JESUS SECOND COMING !!!!!!!

                  Psalms 72 and 73 are the only two chapters in the entire OLD TESTAMENT where the verse count
                           is 20 and 28 for consecutive chapters in sequence !!
               Notice from 1973 its 28 years to 2001 when the TWIN TOWERS were destroyed !!

                        Psalm 72 is chapter 550 of the bible has 20 vs
                        Psalm 73 is chapter 551 of the bible has 28 vs
                      From 1973 >> its >>  55 years >>   to >> 2028 = yr of JESUS SECOND COMING !!

 LO and BEHOLD...
                      Psalm 72 is chapter 550  > TOWER ONE completed 1972
                      Psalm 73 is chapter 551  > TOWER TWO completed 1973
                      add them total is > 1101 < 
             Now watch !!! >>> 900 + 1101 = 2001 <<< !!!
                                              ^^ ^^ ^^       ^^^^
           reveals the exact date 9/11/01 when TWIN TOWERS DESTROYED !!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!
                                                       ^^^     ^^^^
                                           Psalm 101 = 2001 prophetic year !!!!!!!! Just incredible 911 is all perfectly
   encoded right here in these chapters and simultaneously perfectly synchronized and pointing
   us right to 2028 for JESUS SECOND COMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way the only other place in the entire Bible where consecutive chapters have a
verse count of 20 and 28 is Hebrews chapters 6 and 7 !!
                        This is prophetic for GOD's 6 day 6000 yr plan
 from ADAM to 2028 for JESUS SECOND COMING, ^
                                                         at which time the 7th day of GOD's plan will commence with the 
1000 yr millennial reign of JESUS to complete the full 7000 yr plan of GOD for mankind !!!!!!!


            Even the mastermind of 911 OSAMA BIN LADEN is synced into the prophetic 
 timeline in the following way...          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                          OSAMA BIN LADEN
         TWIN TOWERS                                killed by                                     JESUS
              Destroyed                                USA military on                      SECOND COMING
              9/11/2001                                        5/2/2011                                  9/30/2028
              ^^^  !......................3520 days...............!..................6361 days............!     ^^
              ^^^  !...............................................9881 days......................................!     ^^
              ^^^                         ^^^^                   ^^^^                HARBINGER II chapter 28
              ^^^                        3520 divided by 9881 = .356                   time of 9:30 in text !!
              ^^^                                                               ^^^
              ^^^   The 4 planes that crashed on             ^^^
              911 were flight numbers 11+77+93+175 = 356 !!
  In Jonathan Cahn's previous book "PARADIGM" he lays out the evidence that 
   BEN-HADAD in 2nd Kings is the prophetic typology of OSAMA BIN LADEN.

    From ROE vs WADE                   TWIN TOWERS
  Supreme Court decision                Grand Opening
            1/22/1973                                  4/4/1973
                   !.....................72 days.............!
                   !..inclusive count 73 days........!
                               Psalm 72,73 with verse sequence 20,28 = yr of JESUS SECOND COMING
                                     1972,1973 TWIN TOWERS completed.

              So we have a perfect sync here of the ABORTION law killing murdering babies with the TWIN TOWERS.
     Its not hard to see what GOD is doing. The Destruction of the TWIN TOWERS on 9/11/2001 was the first
     big prophetic Judgment warning for this SIN of Killing Babies openly. Now in 2020 we're in the midst of
     CORONAVIRUS, as the next big prophetic Judgment mainly for this SIN, and GOD is saying if America and the
     world does not come into true repentance over this issue and change its ways GOD himself is going to put a stop
     to ALL murdering and killing of innocent life completely with the SECOND COMING of JESUS in 2028 !!!!!!!

            Sadly , the truth is only a remnant will repent and like LOT and his family and escape judgment,
                               while the rest, like SODOM and GOMORRAH will go to eternal destruction.

       Revelation 9:20,21 makes it very clear the vast majority of people refuse to repent of their sins even
               when clear Judgments of GOD like plagues (Coronavirus ) are happening all around them.        

     HARBINGER II is an extraordinary book of evidence going all the way back to the founding of AMERICA, 
      showing how GOD uses many SIGNS and prophetic revelations,  how a nation will either be blessed or
    cursed by its national actions, and how GOD's saints in that nation can turn the tide of history by their actions.

                     "When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land,
                                         or send PESTILENCE ( Coronavirus ) among my people,
                   "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and PRAY and seek
                             my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, 
                                                      and forgive their sin and heal their land"
                                                                    2nd Chronicles 7:13,14

More about the SPARTA QUAKE SIGN of Jesus Second Coming 2028 in these articles
More about JESUS SECOND COMING 2028 is in these articles.
God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome > <