Clay Cantrell (20 Sep 2020)
"Repost: ”Mass Exodus from California” prophetic word, plus Map Graphic"

Readers -

The Lord Jesus gave me this word in the late morning of August 21, 2020. The Lord clearly said: 

“A mass exodus from California is coming”.

I then instantly saw in my spirit the image of a very pale colored map of the western part of the United States. All up and down the eastern border of California there were bold black arrows going left to right and only into the western part of the two states that border California on it’s eastern side; those states are Nevada and Arizona. The attached map is accurate. 

The arrows were indicating the due east direction that migrants were going to leave California. Strangely, I did not see any arrows going north into Oregon, south into the Baja California area or into Mexico. I consider this prophetically important but don’t know why yet. It’s possible it indicates the north and south California borders are closed. 

The bold black arrows were as you see them in the attached map graphic. They were the kind of arrows someone might hand-draw quickly and aggressively on a “white board” with a bold black marker. 

The map is shown deliberately shown with extremely pale colors in the state areas which is what I saw. I’m sure this is important, but I don’t know why yet. 

God bless you as you consider these matters.  

Jesus is Lord.