Pastor Bob (21 Sep 2014)
""All Roads Lead to Rome -8""

All Doves:

Out of the 238 years that the United States of America has been a nation, 216 of those years has been in conflicts of war, or about 90% of the time.  I noted in the last post of this series that General Wesley Clark went on record back in 2001, to say war was planned on the following sovereign states:  Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Lebanon.  This speaks to the point the USA has been the global policeman or "enforcer" for the Jesuits and the Vatican for most of that time. 

The ramp up of rhetoric about ISIS or ISIL coming to kill us all, these were the very words of SC Senator Lindsey Graham a few days ago, has contributory to the fanning the flames of war, World War III to be specific.  Then there are the pictures of Arizona Senator and Viet Cong collaborator, John McCain meeting with the leaders of the ISIL back last spring.

It seems that Pope Francis gets it.  World War III has begun.  To the contrary, I would suggest it began back in 1990.  But then who wants to quibble over twenty-years or so.  Speaking September 13th at Italy's largest war memorial Pope Francis said the spate of conflicts around the globe today were effectively a "piecemeal" Third World War, condemning the arms trade and "plotters of terrorism" sowing death and destruction.  "Humanity needs to weep and this is the time to weep", said Pope Francis. 

The reader should realize that Washington, DC and Brussels are on a war path to monitor everything you say and do, to tax every penny of wealth you have, to confiscate portions of it - all in the name of trying to replenish their bankrupt coffers.  Europe is endorsing income tax rates of as high as 75% in France.  It's getting ready to implement a 10% wealth tax on all European citizens.  The EU is also legislating that you lose every cent you have over 100,000 Euros in a European bank, should it fail.  Poland has nationalized 100% of all private retirement accounts.  Washington, meanwhile, is getting ready to do much of the same.  It's already spying on each and everyone of us.  It's already implemented a form of capital controls, whereby you have to report every penny of money you have overseas, and overseas banks have to turn you in as well, or face severe penalties.

The retirement age is going to go up.  My sources tell me that Washington is also considering making it mandatory that a portion of your IRA or 401(k) hold a minimum amount of US Treasury bonds - an indirect way for Washington to finance itself, with your money.

Pope Francis did not address this war on your wealth, but its the root cause behind many of the conflicts we see around the world today.  The Popes franchised "Usury" when it selected the House of Rothschild to be the Vatican's "Fiduciary" agent.  Unless you understand that the Rothschild-controlled Central Banks of nations control prosperity and depression, you will not comprehend what it is that has the world on such a footing of war.  All wars are religious, in one way or another.  The International Bankster's under the control of the Pope, through the House of Rothschild, and about 300 other global mega-banks, manipulate the nations of the world into a war frenzy.  The Rothschild financial dynasty don't do business with you or I.  You need a minimum of a $1-million
just to have an account at one their entities.  Ever since Jesus chased the moneychangers out of the Temple, the moneychangers have ruled the world.

Gutle Schnaper Rothschild publicly stated, "If my sons did not want war, there would be none".  The House of Rothschild financed Vladimir Lenin in 1913 to overthrow the Russian monarchy.  Successful banking (i.e. profits) is not from lending mortgage and car loans, but rather to finance wars.  Banks profit, big time, from lending to sovereign states to wage war.  They loan to both sides of conflicts.  This means they finance the victor as well as the vanquished.  They always win, despite the fact that war always has losers.  They profit two ways: loan money to nations for buying weapons and munitions; and then they profit from the nations, winner and losers, that have to rebuild their national infrastructure.   As I was beginning to write this post, another resource on the Rothschild's came to mind.  I place it, and two of his other books, at the top of the Biography list below.  Andrew Hitchcock's books are online for those interested in investigating what I have shared in this series of posts about "All Roads Lead to Rome"

The Rothschild's have, currently, and since early 2006 began a restriction of lending and credit; and this precipitated the financial crisis that ensued over the following years.  They accomplished this through the use of currency and credit limits, requiring banks to retain greater assets on hand, through the Basel I, II, & III Accords.

Make no mistake in understanding this, World War III is underway; however, not all the world recognizes it as a simple fact.  Contrary to popular belief, the conduct of nations on the international stage is almost never driven by moral considerations, but rather by a shadowy mixture of money and geopolitics.  The US National Debt sits at $17.7-trillion dollars as of mid-September, 2014.  That figure has doubled since the beginning of President George W. Bush's administration; or $7-trillion since his successor, Barak Obama began his spending spree. 

Socialist engineers, Columbia University professors and sociologists Cloward and Piven taught that America could only be destroyed from within.  Only by overloading the system with debt, welfare, and entitlements could capitalism and American economy be destroyed.   So the plan was to make a majority of Americans dependent on welfare, food stamps, disability, unemployment, and entitlements of all kinds.  Then, under the weight of the debt, the system would implode and collapse the American economy. 

For some time now Russia, China, Iran, and Syria have been in the cross hairs.  Once you understand why, the events unfolding in the world right now will make much more sense.  The US dollar is a unique currency.  In fact, its current design and its relationship to geopolitics is unlike any other in history.  Though it has been the world reserve currency since 1945, this is not what makes it unique.  Many currencies have held the reserve status off and on over the centuries, but what makes the dollar unique is the fact that since the early 1970's it has been, with a few notable exceptions, the only currency used to buy and sell oil on the global market.

Prior to 1971, the US dollar was bound to the gold-standard, at least officially.  According to the IMF, by 1966, foreign central banks held $14-billion US dollars, however, the USA had only $3.2-billion in gold allocated to cover foreign holdings.  This simply means the US Federal Reserve System was printing more money than it could actually back with gold.  The end result was rampant inflation and a general flight form the dollar.  When President Nixon removed the dollar from the gold standard completely in 1971, everyone saw a 10% increase in their cost of living.

At this point the dollar became a pure "debt" based currency.  With debt-based currency money is literally loaned into existence.  With the Rothschild-controlled banks, approximately 70% of the money in circulation is created by 
ordinary banks which are allowed to loan out more than they actually have in their accounts.  The rest is created by the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve which loans money that they don't have, mostly to governments.

This is nothing more than writing bad checks, except it is legal for banks to do.  This practice is known as "fractional-reserve" banking and is supposed to be regulated by the Federal Reserve, an institution which just happens to be owned and controlled by a Rothschild-conglomerate of banks, and no agency or branch of the US government regulate the Federal Reserve.

But to make things more interesting these fractional-reserve loans (created out of nothing) have interest (usury) attached, but the money to pay that interest doesn't exist in the system.  As a result there is always more total debt than there is money in circulation, and in order to stay afloat the economy must continually grow perpetually.

This is obviously unsustainable.  You might be wondering how the dollar has maintained such a dominant position on the world currency stage for over forty years it it's really little more than an elaborate "Ponzi" scheme.  Well this is where the dollar meets geopolitics.  In 1973, the Nixon administration began secret negotiations with the Saudi Arabian government to establish that all oil purchases be paid for in US DOLLARS.  This followed the OPEC oil crisis in the early 1970's, where we bought gas dependent on the last digit of your vehicle license plate.  We filled our gas tanks on even and odd days depending upon our vehicle license plate number.

Let me take you back to the quote made by former Army General Wesley Clark:  "Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11.  About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz.  I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in.  He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second."  I said, "Well, you're too busy."  He said, "No, no" He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq."  This was on or about the 20th of September.  I said, "We're going to war with Iraq?  Why?"  He said, "I don't know."  He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do."  So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Quaeda?"  He said, "No, no,"  He says, "There's nothing new that way.  They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq."  He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments."  And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."

So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan.  I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?"  And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that."  He reached over on his desk.  He picked up a piece of paper.  And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" - meaning the Secretary of Defense's office - "today".  And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and, finishing off Iran."  I said, "Is it classified?"  He said, "Yes sir".  I said, "Well don't show it to me".   And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?"  He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo!  I didn't show it to you!"

The video clip of General Wesley Clark recurs being re-aired on the Internet in light of the propaganda being pushed onto the public for going to war with ISIS or ISIL.  Brothers and sisters in Christ, this is nothing more than the Third World War visioned by Masonic Grand Master, Albert Pike.  It appears at least once or twice a month on Internet news sites. 

It is all about taking control of the sovereign wealth of the world by the Rothschild's on behalf of the Jesuit/Vatican grand plan to enslave humanity to the Luciferian system of the Vatican.  The American public is being fear-driven manipulated into another war in Iraq, but this time it will really be about taking down Syria. 

In 2009, Qutar put forth a proposal to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to Europe.  Syrian president Assad, however, rejected this plan, and in 2011 he forged a a security pact with Iraq and Iran to run a pipeline eastward cutting of Qutar and Saudi Arabia out of the loop completely.  Not surprisingly, Qutar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have been the most aggressive regional players in the push to topple the Syrian government.

This pipeline dispute led to Syria being put in the cross hairs of Washington, DC, and for the following reasons:

1.  This pipeline arrangement would significantly strengthen Iran's position, allowing them to export to the European market without having to pass through any of Washington's allies.  This obviously reduced the US government's leverage.

2.  Syria is Iran's closest ally.  It's collapse would inherently weaken Iran.

3.  Syria and Iran have had a mutual defense agreement, and a US intervention in Syria could open the door to an open conflict with Iran.

4.  Russia has a mutual defense treaty with Syria and Iran both.  Russia just happens to be the world's second largest oil exporter, and not only have they been a thorn in Washington's side diplomatically, but they also opened an energy bourse (exchange) back in 2008, with sales denominated in Russian rubles and gold.  Russia and China have been working closer together to undercut the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world. 

Washington, the EU and NATO have been working to provoke Russia into a war.  Washington is working towards gaining NATO membership for the Ukraine, and Russia can't let that happen because of its own network of pipelines through the Ukraine.  The Rothschild-controlled IMF warned the provisional government of the Ukraine that their $18-billion loan package could be in danger if they were unable to put down the dissident rebellion in the eastern provinces of the Ukraine.  The Rothschild International Bankster's are provoking a war with Russia; however, this war will not be a limited regional conflict, it will spread globally and result in the use of nuclear weapons. 

The Obama "strategy" is not really his, but it is the Black Pope's "strategy" operating out of the Jesuit Georgetown University's warmongers who are scripting the scenario, for which the Bible has already told us what will constitute the Psalm 83 and Ezekieil 38/39 Biblical scenario.  If you recall, President Obama publicly stated for two weeks we did not have a "strategy".  That's because he is nothing but a Freemason puppet and he had yet to receive his scripted lines to learn and parrot from the teleprompter.


Andrew Hitchcock, 'The Synagogue of Satan'
Andrew Hitchcock, 'The History of the Moneychangers'
Andrew Hitchcock, 'The History of the House of Rothschild'
Dr. Henry Makow, 'Illuminati:  The Cult That Hijacked The World'
Dr. John Coleman,'The Rothschild Dynasty'
Dr. John Coleman, 'The Club of Rome'
Dr. John Coleman, 'The Illuminati in America'
Dr. John Coleman, 'Beyond the Conspiracy'
Dr. John Coleman, 'The Committee of 300'
Laurene Gardner, 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail'
Dr. Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy and Hope'
Tupper Saussy, 'Rulers of Evil'
Fritz Springmeier, 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati'
William Guy Carr, 'Satan, Prince of the World'
William Guy Carr, 'Pawns in Their Game
William Guy Carr, 'Red Flag Over America'
Albert Pike, 'Morals and Dogma'
Jim Shaw, 'Deadly Deceptions'
Jon Eric Phelps, 'Vatican Assassins'
John Daniel, 'The Grand Design Exposed'
Ralph Epperson, 'Masonry, Conspiracy Against Christianity'
Ralph Epperson, 'The Hidden Hand'
Juri Lina, 'Architects of Deception'
Juri Lina, 'Under the Sign of the Scorpion'
John Daniel, 'Scarlet and the Beast' (not the same John Daniel above)
The Millanari, 'Shroud of Secrecy'
Bill Hughes, 'The Enemy Unmasked'
Bill Hughes, 'The Secret Terrorists'
James Billington, 'Fire In The Eyes of Men'
Noah Webster, 'World Revolution'
Albert Mackey, 'The Secret Destiny of America'
William Still, 'New World Order'
William Still, 'The Money Masters' (DVD)
Modern History Project, 'New World Order'
Michael Hoffman, 'Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not'
Tim Cohen, 'Antichrist and a Cup of Tea'
Ronald MacDonald & Robert Rowen,
Eustace Mullins, 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve'
Eustace Mullins, 'The Curse of Canaan'
G. Edward Griffin, 'The Creature From Jekyll Island'
Chris Pinto, 'The Society of Jesus: Their Moral Maxims & Plots' (Audio CD)
Chris Pinto, 'The Jesuits & The Counter Reformation' (2-disc Audio CD)
Edmond Paris, 'The Secret History of the Jesuits'
Dr. Ronald Cook, 'The Vatican Jesuit Global Conspiracy'
John Quintano, 'Project Vatican'
E.C. Knuth, 'Empire of the City'
H.G. Wells, 'The Open Society'
H.G. Wells, 'The New World Order'
Carol Marshall, 'The Last Circle'
Malachi Martin, 'Windswept House'
Malachi Martin, 'The Jesuits'
Malachi Martin, 'The Keys of This Blood'
Malachi Martin, 'Hostage of the Devil'
David Ovason, 'The Secret Architecture of the Nation's Capitol'
David Ovason, 'The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill'
David Ovason, 'Lost Symbols: The Secrets of Washington, DC'
Doug Woodward, 'The Final Babylon: America and the Coming of Antichrist'
Jordan Maxwell, 'Matrix of Power'
Jim Marrs, 'Rule by Secrecy'
Jim Marrs, 'The Rise of the Fourth Reich'
John Perkins, 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man'
James Pearloff, 'The Shadows of Power'
Christopher Story, 'The New Underworld Order'
Wes Penre, 'Illuminism: The Occult Force Behind Globalization'
William Arthur, 'The Pope, The Kings, and The People'
William Cathcart, 'The Papal System From Its Origin to The Present Time'
M.F. Cusick, 'The Black Pope, A History of Jesuits'
Fr. Jeremiah F.R. Crowley, 'Romanism: A Menace to the Nations'
The Abbate Leone, 'The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order'
Avro Manhattan, 'The Vatican in World Politics'
Samuel F.B. Morse, 'Foreign Conspiracy Against the USA'
Edwin Sherman, 'Engineer Corps of Hell'
Paul Bert, 'The Doctrines of the Jesuits'
R.W. Thompson, 'The Footprints of the Jesuits'
Charles Chiniquy, '50 Years In The Church of Rome'
William H. Kennedy, 'Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church'
David Allen Rivera, 'Final Warning: A History of The New World Order'
Dave Hunt, 'A Woman Rides the Beast'

I suggest that if you haven't saved these posts that you do so for your own eduction.  We do not know how much longer we will have the Internet.  The Internet and the invention of the printing press has been the two major technological advances to thwart Lucifer's agenda to enslave humanity, to "chip" man, to call God a liar. 

Keep the faith,

Pastor Bob