Ryan (4 Sep 2012)
"possible confirmation of something significant happening on Yom kippur."


I very rarely get a feeling of something big coming but what i have heard and experienced over the last couple of weeks is undeniably beyond coincidence.  I have been doing contract work with a gov department (here in Australia) and because i did a good job of fixing database problems they asked if i could go to another office about 4 hours drive away to help them with theres also.  I told my mum about this and she told me that the town they plan on sending me to is the exact same town that my mum will be at in about 3.5 weeks time for a school excursion (she is a school teacher).  So i'm expecting a call sometime soon to be asked to drive/fly up to this town to do some work.  What makes this even more interesting is that about a year ago my younger brother had some freinds over socialising, but the parents of his friends where there also.  One of the parents noticed my big water tank in the back yard and started talking to me about how its a good idea to have preparations like water tanks etc.  And out of know where he mentions that if things get crazy he plans to head to the highest mountain in the state where we live in Western Australia.  The town he mentioned with this high mountain is geraldton, the same town that my mum and me may end up in at the same time for "work reasons". It seems to me God is orchestrating something.  I had a feeling it would always be a good idea to have a way to highground (in case God uses flooding as a form of judgement on the ungodly) and it seems God is coordinating things so that my mum and me end up in this place that apparently has one of the highest mountains in our state.  Interesting