Rene (5
Sep 2012)
THIS ABOUT JESUS (& what is it about Snow White???)"
This is a page or 2, but it will be worth it - read on! EVERY
CHRISTIAN on the face of the earth needs to KNOW this and let it
sink into their BRAIN!!!! You need to know how much
planning went into God's great SALVATION and how important it is
to believe in the virgin birth of Jesus!
Many pastors claim that they are "Christians," but they turn
right around and deny the virgin birth. They are terribly
deceived. The blood of the human race has been stained with SIN
and the penalty for sin is DEATH!
Folks, the baby's BLOOD comes from the FATHER, NOT the
MOTHER! Did U know that in the womb, the baby's blood and
the mother's blood do NOT mix!? That is right. God
DESIGNED it that way physiologically for a REASON! The baby's
blood comes from the FATHER!
The two do NOT mix! Now, there are occasions when there is an
accidental mixing (sometimes when the birthing process takes
place) and a little of the baby's blood gets mixed with mom's
blood, or during a procedure like an amniocentesis, or when
something goes wrong as in placenta previa. If the mom has what
is known as rH negative blood and the father has rH positive
blood, and the baby ends up with rH positive blood, when that
accidental mixing occurs, the mom will start to build up
antibodies against that rH positive blood. Those antibodies will
destroy the red blood cells of the baby, but normally NOT the
first born. The FIRST pregnancy is usually NOT affected because
it takes awhile for mom to build up sufficient antibodies in her
blood to harm the baby -- but it is later pregnancies that can
be affected where the mom's blood builds up ANTIBODIES to the
baby's blood type and during the NEXT pregnancy, these
ANTIBODIES DO cross the placenta and cause the next baby to
develop severe jaundice and anemia (called rH disease) and the
cure is (you won't believe this) - LIGHT! That's right - the
newborn is placed under BLUE LIGHT therapy (photo therapy), but
their eyes are covered because (oh yeah!) that LIGHT can damage
the eyes!!! (hello?)
And in more severe cases, the baby may also need blood
transfusions due to the anemia. This is RARE in first born
children because usually the mom has not had a chance to build
up antibodies against the rH positive blood yet, but she
continues to build up the antibodies the rest of her life so any
babies that come AFTER THE FIRST BORN are in jeopardy of having
rH disease, the more the babies she has, the higher the jeopardy
for each one after the first one. However, realize that even if
the antibodies cross into the baby via the placenta, the BLOOD
This is so important to let it sink into your brain as a
Christian because Jesus did NOT get his blood from Joseph! He
was and is GOD IN THE FLESH. His blood is GOD's BLOOD! HOLY,
pure, spotless blood! Mary's blood came from her dad, who got
his blood from his dad, who got his blood from his dad--- etc,
etc, and he was a sinner just as every man before him right back
to ADAM! Mary admitted she was a sinner otherwise why did
she declare in the "Magnificant" that: "My soul rejoices in God
my SAVIOUR," if she did not need a Saviour? Only someone without
the stain of ADAM's sin in their blood could redeem a fallen
human race with sinless, PURE, untainted blood! WHY? BECAUSE THE
(Oh, and by the way, when Catholics talk about Mary appearing
and claiming to be the "Immaculate Conception"??? it's
another lying spirit sent from hell ---(Oh yeah, they even have
millions of medals with that tripe on them), they are NOT
talking about when Mary conceived JESUS! They are telling you
that MARY was born without sin! That's right! And most Catholics
don't even KNOW this! Just ask them and they will tell you it
refers to JESUS. Well, it doesn't! Their CHURCH teaches
and believes that this refers to MARY when she was conceived!
Most of them don't even know WHAT their church really teaches!)
Go ahead and ask the next six Catholics you see and they will
tell you that the "immaculate conception" is the birth of Jesus!
It isn't! Though Jesus WAS miraculously and immaculately
conceived, their Church teaches that this term refers to MARY's
Well, sorry to disillusion all those medal-clingers out there,
but Mary got her blood from her DAD, who got his blood from his
dad all the way back to ADAM (see above) and it was ALL
TAINTED!!! There was NO immaculate conception of Mary. Only
Jesus was conceived without sin through the supernatural
overshadowing of the Holy Spirit!
It is very possible that before they fell, Adam & Eve had no
BLOOD. (You know, they would have been very pale like in "Snow
White" - where do you THINK that story came from??? They're all
plots stolen from the Bible.) There is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE
SUN. Now, this is if they were light-skinned to begin
with. They may have been Shemite or Hamite (I don't think so),
but we are not told that. We do know that JESUS was not Hamite
and He was not Japeth. He was SHEMITE! He was a Jew. I get weary
of seeing people who draw pictures of Jesus as a black man or
like a pale European! He was Shemitic. He had black hair and
olive skin, features just as the Jews have. Read the Song of
Solomon! Mary and Joseph were Jewish. Jesus' brethren were
Jews, his disciples were Jews. Why would God give them a pale
skinned, blonde-headed baby like a European or a black-skinned,
frizzy-haired baby like a hamite? He would have been an outcast
among his own tribe.
Anyway, it is very, very likely that Adam & Eve obtained
BLOOD when they ate the forbidden fruit (which was GRAPES, by
the way---not apples), hence the Bible often refers to the BLOOD
of grapes, the wrath of the winepress of God (pressing out blood
from humans like grapes - ??) and JESUS took grape juice and
said "this is my BLOOD". WHY do you think his FIRST
miracle was changing WATER into wine? Think about
it!!! Because WINE is a type of blood. It's from
grapes! Adam and Eve probably had water (normal saline) pure
water from the River of Life --- running through their veins and
arteries before the fall. When they partook of the GRAPES, a
horrible DNA change occurred and voila! - Eve had RED
lips--and ever since women have been putting RED dye (lipstick)
on their lips, haven't they?(Lipstick??) And BLUSH on their
cheeks to get "APPLE RED cheeks? Or they pinch their cheeks to
turn them PINK (pinching their face draws the blood to the
face). Check it out. Go back and look at the history books! Did
you know that they can use seawater just like blood for
transfusions? Why do you think they give normal saline infusions
in the hospitals and bolus them when people are very dehydrated
or low on blood? They use the water first, then resort to blood
when the water isn't enough! But blood carries risks because it
carries DISEASES! Human blood, that is! Because we have the
wrong blood! When you go in the hospital, all they do the entire
time you are there is check your blood! When you are getting
ready to die, the problem is something in the BLOOD! Too much
iron, too little potassium, too much potassium, too much
calcium, too few platelets, too many platelets, too little
hemoglobin, too many white cells, too many red cells, too few
white cells, too many abnormal cells, too much fat, too little
fat (the good kind), too many yeast cells, too much water, too
little water, too many bacteria, too much oxygen, too little
oxygen, too much acid, too little acid -- and on and on--
and on-- it goes....when you die, it will be YOUR BLOOD that
kills you because the life of the flesh is in the blood and YOU
have the wrong kind of blood!
Think about this --- Adam took a bite of the grapes, then looked
and saw that his "Snow White" - God-given-helpmate was suddenly
PINK! She was BLUSHING! (Why do you think the witch in the story
of SNOW WHITE used an APPLE to poison her, eh? Because we got it
wrong - it wasn't a red apple! It was red grapes!) Eve was
turning crimson RED, hence God uses scarlet or RED in the Bible
to denote sin. BLOOD IS RED! Though your sins be as SCARLET,
they shall be WHITE LIKE SNOW! (SNOW WHITE??!!) Oh, and don't
forget those SEVEN DWARFS. God always did work in SEVENS didn't
He? Ah yes, and those 7 dwarfs took Snow White under their
"wings" (roof) to protect her (then afterwards SHE ATE THE
"forbidden" fruit) given to her (by the way) by the wicked WITCH
and ultimately they took her to her Prince! There are 7 spirits
of God and HE will take us under HIS wings (we have inherited
Adam's sinful nature), when we accept Jesus' sacrifice on our
behalf, and take us to our PRINCE - the King of Kings! He gives
the BREATH of life, and without him, you get the KISS OF death!
Snow White was saved from the evil witch's spell by the kiss
(breath) of her true love, and only GOD Himself LOVED US enough
to ransom us with his own blood!
Folks, we ALL have tainted blood! We need the BLUE LIGHT! Jesus
is the LIGHT. BLUE is royalty! We need the BLUE BLOOD!!!!!! We
need that ROYAL BLOOD TRANSFUSION!!!!!!!!! This is why the
mother's blood and the baby's blood do NOT mix in the womb! God
would have it no other way. He knew before he ever created woman
that we would fall and he would send a Saviour in the FLESH to
redeem us ---from the foundation of the world! Ever wonder about
the "Seed" of the woman destroying the head of the serpent?
Woman has no seed. It is the man who has the seed. God had to
provide the "seed" for Mary to give birth to Jesus! Now,
the next time somebody tells you that they are a Christian and
they do NOT believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, you can
explain to them that without the virgin birth there could be NO
PURE, SPOTLESS blood shed on their behalf! They are simply
making a liar out of God! This is why God created the woman in
such a way that the baby's blood does NOT mix with mom's! With
God nothing shall be impossible! After all - he made a man
without a woman being involved, he made a woman without a man
being involved, and he made a man out of a woman and a man being
involved, HE can do it all! (But 2 men still can't make a baby,
nor can 2 women make a baby! If men marry men and women marry
women - the end result is the extinction of the human race.
Isn't God FABULOUS?!!!!
P.S. Shall we do Cinderella next week?