Rene (4 Sep 2012)

When God warns that he will LAUGH when our CALAMITY comes --- we need to realize that God has a rather odd (but righteous) and ironic sense of humor!  Believe me folks, when God LAUGHS, YOU want to be behind him and underneath his wings and NOT in front of him!  (Proverbs 1:26  I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;) If the HOLY SPIRIT is living inside you, then you understand God's sense of humor! It is the unsaved who think of God as being indignant, mean, hateful, cruel, and vicious when he sends judgment, while at the same time, they believe he is one big KISS when it comes to winking his eye at their sin! They have no understanding of the horror that HE faced in our behalf when he hung on that cross! They want nothing to do with it!
When Katrina came SEVEN years go - Southern Decadence (the homosexual parade that occurs every year) was being planned, and Katrina kinda botched that little party up! (Imagine that!)Then, this past month they were planning the SAME regala again and Isaac came pounding to their shores TO THE DAY!!!! DUH?! You think THERE IS A MESSAGE  in THERE SOMEWHERE? God works in SEVENS! This was exactly SEVEN years to the day! The world is having one big party now that God is getting ready to botch up big time. He is fed up with the murderers, drug abuse, porn, pedophiles, homosexuality,  thievery, rapes, lies, assaults, cursing, sex trade, whore mongering, blasphemies, rampant sin of every kind, and the persecution of his people and those who love righteousness!
Why don't people GET A CLUE?? How many times does it take for God to bash some sense into their heads before they understand what is happening? It is so sad and so pathetic that God gives people multiple, MULTIPLE chances to repent and they still go on AND ON in their devilment and sticking their finger in his eye! How many people do you think are in hell right now screaming out to God to please give them a chance to come back and REPENT and it is too late - FOREVER TOO LATE for them! Don't be one of them! Repent NOW.  TODAY is the day of salvation! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved....
One of the things that has always amazed me in the Book of Revelation is the fact that after God keeps pouring out judgment after judgment on this world, he points out the fact that they repented NOT of their murders, fornications, idolatry, and thefts (etc etc). God is showing us and the world just how low mankind sinks into their moral abyss without HIM! After giving us 2000 years of MERCY AND GRACE to accept Jesus, HE is going to give the rejecting, apostate world EXACTLY what they want in the Great Tribulation - the devil in the DRIVER's SEAT. They rejected HIM, so he will give them the ONE (yes the ONE as in big fat ZERO) that comes in his OWN name proclaiming that he is god. He has a symbol, he has a name, he has a letter, he has a religion, he has a mark, he has a number, he has a color, and he is from the bottomless pit. (Which by the way is in the CENTER of the earth. The earth constantly rotates so the big pit in the center is constantly moving, thus NO BOTTOM, just sides ---and those sides (and top) are locked with bars...) AND I know the one who holds the KEYS!
Fair use for discussion, education purposes----
one of the many pics of ISAAC descending upon New Orleans.
This is NOTHING compared to the darkness that is about to
descend upon the whole world during the final 7 years of God's
wrath and the wrath of the LAMB...