Dear Doves
summarizes what has keeping me "alive and awake" during the recent days.
In short:
a) BHO is the AC, fulfilling the verses preceding Daniel 12:11
b) BHOs inauguration + 1290 days = Tu B'Av, fulfilling Daniel 12:11
c) BHOs inauguration + 1335 days = Rosh Hashanah 2012, fulfilling Daniel 12:12
Interesting sidenotes:
- the name Daniel means "God is my judge"!
- is Daniel 12:12 a doublewitness for the year 2012?
If a) is true (which I personally find hard to not believe), then b) and c) have incredible significance!
I also spent some time to research Matthew 24:16 myself word by word from the original texts (inspired by some youtube videos) with strongs concordance. So a possibly valid translation of Matthew 24:16 could be:
At that time, let those who are in [a mental state of] "praised be Yah" (Judea!) escape savely (vanish by rapture!) to the rock of the LORD on high!
Compare Psalm 18:2 "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower."
Now keep in mind that we are possibly raptured to the LORDs rock on high and then read A. A. Allens Vision about the destruction of America:
The last two paragraphs describe exactly this rock:
The Silence of
Then the voice was still. The earth, too was silent with the silence of . Then to my ears came another sound a sound of distant singing. It was the sweetest music I had ever heard. There was joyful shouting and sounds of happy laughter. Immediately I knew it was the rejoicing of the saints of God. I looked, and there, high in the heavens, above the smoke and poisonous gases, above the noise of the battle, I saw a huge mountain. It seemed to be of solid rock, and I knew at once that this was the Mountain of the Lord. The sounds of music and rejoicing were coming from a cleft high up in the side of the rock mountain.
Hidden in the Cleft
It was the saints of God who were doing the rejoicing. It was God's own people who were singing and dancing and shouting with joy, safe from all the harm which had come upon the earth, for they were hidden away in the cleft of the rock. There in the cleft they were shut in, protected by a great, giant hand which reached out of the heavens and which was none other than the hand of God, shutting them in until the storm be over passed.
If this is really a valid combination of the puzzle puzzles we got, then it means that Rosh Hashanah 2012 is IT! If BHO IS the AC and if the daycounts described in Daniel 12:11 and Daniel 12:12 start with his inauguration then Rosh Hashanah is 2012 IT.
Watch & Pray!Maranatha!YBIC, Josua