Clay Cantrell (22 Sep 2012)
"Apostasy or Departure, 2 Thessalonians 2:3"

Readers -

Many an article has been written about this issue:

whether the word "Apostasia" in this verse -

2 Thessalonians 2:3
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
except there come a falling away (apostasia) first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"... Paul referring to a "Departure from the Faith", or the
"Departure of the Saints, as in the Catching Away"?

Since I'm not even a greek language amateur, I can confidently say, I
have no idea. MJ Agee and others argue for the Apostle Paul as meaning
the Departure (catching away) based on early Bible translations and
other factors. This doesn't seem to be mainstream, but what do I know?

This information below is my observations, based on bringing into the
discussion the number 863, which is the in-text greek numerical value
of Apostasia.

In December 1997, I felt that by using Strong's numbers, many
"mysteries" in the Bible would be cleared up, like this one.


re 863

The first Bible verse that has an word in it with an in-text value of 863 =

Genesis 2:21
"And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept:
and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;"

I think this is verse is a "type" of the Catching Away of the living
and the dead (Christians) of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. Eve is the Bride
who is removed. God could have made Eve out of dirt, just like Adam,
but He did not.


Bible verse number 863 =

Genesis 30:32
"I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all
the speckled and spotted cattle, and all the brown cattle among the
sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats: and of such shall
be my hire."

Again, I think verse is a "type" of the Catching Away of the living
and the dead (Christians) of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. This verse and
this Bible story I have written on before. It is the single most
common Bible Story to come up in my study, from which ever angle or
theme I seem to be studying. From an earlier post of mine I quote:

"I’ve mentioned before that I have lost count on how many times I
ended up at this verse or a secondary verse in this chapter that
mentions Jacob removing the speckled, spotted and brown animals.

This may be a rapture type of the gentiles being taken out, not unlike
the vision Peter has of the four cornered sheet being lowered down
from Heaven then taken back up to Heaven, filled with various
“unclean” animals. see Acts 10:11-12."

.....or the "mega-fish" of John 21:11. the 153.


Strong's greek word # 863 Aphiemi

It has many meanings and translations. Here are some:

To leave, to send away, to bid going away, to depart, to let go, to
give up a debt, to keep no longer, to depart from someone, to go away
leaving something behind, to leave behind, to abandon etc etc..

go here for the complete info on that word:

Surely the reader notices the similarity of the Apostasia word
meanings, and the 863g word meanings. They seem to be almost

but ....

when joined with the other two "witnesses" from above, it appears that

The rib bone was REMOVED from Adam, and Jacob REMOVED select animals
from the flocks.

Thus, today, on the basis of my questionable methods, amateur
perspective and uninformed greek knowledge, I would say that it
appears that the "Apostsia" in this verse refers to the physical
removal of people. This is my opinion.

I think it is also clear that a doctrinal "departure" of the Church
from sound Bible theology, in many denominational circles, HAS ALREADY


Jesus is Lord.