Hello Five Doves,Our NEW website > Jesus2ndComing2028.com < is now up and running.Last week we did a deep analysis how the official opening of the Cathedral of St John the Divineon 4/19/1911 is a Prophetic Sign synced to the coming Great Tribulation start date 4/19/2025.
!!! St John Divine Cathedral+Yitzhak Kaduri+Bible syncs to Great Tribulation+JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
This week we are adding more connecting pieces to the prophetic picture that take us all the way back to the startof the AMERICAN REVOLUTION 4/19/1775, when the first Battle of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION was foughtat Lexington and Concord > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battles_of_Lexington_and_Concord <, and the famousMidnight Ride of Paul Revere took place > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Revere%27s_Midnight_Ride <> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War <Then we examine key dates in the infamous life of CHARLES MANSON below.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helter_Skelter_(scenario)A=1,B=2 > AMERICAN = 64 > REVOLUTION = 151 >< REVOLUTION 9 "Beatles Album"
A=1,B=2 > ISRAEL = 64 > JESUS CHRIST = 151 >< REVELATION 9 "Bible" (see below)^^^In EXODUS 14 chapter 64 of the Bible GOD Parts the RED SEA which we have done extensive analysis on,is the prophetic typology event in the Bible synced to the start of the Great Tribulation 4/19/2025.We begin with these prophetic time line charts...DAY OF ATONEMENTProphetic Sign Prophetic Sign MASSIVE amounts ofOpening Battle of the Opening day of evidence aligning hereAMERICAN REVOLUTION Cathedral of for Second Coming ofLexington and Concord > St John the Divine Jesus Christ4/19/1775, 4/19/1911 is 9/30/2028!.....................49672 days...............!.....................42899 days..........................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ This date is in Jewish Yr49672 divided by 42899 = 1.15788 >><< 5789^^^^^^^^ DAY OF ATONEMENT
This reveals a perfect sync with Jewish Yr 5789 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^57894x2= 115788. !^^^ !"And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, DAY OF ATONEMENTand he was given authority to continue for 42 months." MASSIVE amounts ofRevelation 13:5 ^^^ evidence aligning hereStart of the ^^^ for Second Coming ofGreat Tribulation ^^^ Jesus Christ4/19/2025. ^^^ 9/30/2028!......................................................42 prophetic months.................!!.......................................same as 1260 days...................................!Exodus 16:35 >"And the children of Israel ate manna forty years,"^^^^^^ From Exodus 16:35 its exactly 42 vs toExodus 18:25 vs 2025 of Bible. We've documented the forty years ISRAEL spent in the wildernessfrom the parting of the RED SEA to the Crossing of the JORDAN is the prophetic typology time frame GODis using for the Great Tribulation time frame of 1260 days > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2022/stevew313.htm..................................................................................................................................................................................
Prophetic Sign Prophetic SignOpening Battle of the Opening day of Start of theAMERICAN REVOLUTION Cathedral of GreatLexington and Concord St John the Divine Tribulation4/19/1775, 4/19/1911 4/19/2025.!..................49672 days..............!.............41639 days.......!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^49672 divided by 41639 = 1.19292^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Great Tribulation = 192..................................................................................................................................................................................
DAY OF ATONEMENTProphetic Sign https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing MASSIVE amounts ofOpening Battle of the Prophetic Sign Start date for evidence aligning hereAMERICAN REVOLUTION OKLAHOMA CITY Great for Second Coming ofLexington and Concord BOMBING Tribulation Jesus Christ4/19/1775, 4/19/1995 4/19/2025. 9/30/2028!.....................220 years...............!................30 years...........!............1260 days.......!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^220 divided by 30 = 7.333 ^^^^^^^^^^7333 days on a calendar = 20 yrs 28 days...................................................................................................................................................................................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson
Prophetic Sign https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombingCHARLES MANSON https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siegeis sentenced to Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign Start date forDEATH for the WACO TX OKLAHOMA CITY GreatTate-Labianca MURDERS MASSACRE BOMBING Tribulation4/19/1971, 4/19/1993, 4/19/1995 4/19/2025.!.................22 years.............!..............2 years...........!............30 years......................!! 22 divided by 2 divided by 30 = .3666. !!....................^^^..................................^^.........................................3X(6+6+6)yrs to...!^^^<<<<<<<<<< ^^ In the Bible PSALM 66:6 is where the Start dateMoses stretched out his hand over the sea ^^^ ^^ for the Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 is encodedand the Lord caused the sea to go ^^^ ^^ ^^^ see> http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2022/stevew313.htmback by a strong east wind all that night, 22230 = 117 x 190and made the sea into dry land, ^^^^^ ^^^^^and the waters were divided." 1911 + 117 = 2028EXODUS 14:21 is verse number 1911 of Bible 190th vs Book of Revelation 11:15 is where thewhere GOD parts the RED SEA prophetic typology Seventh Angel sounds the 7th and Last Trumpetevent synced to Start of Great Tribulation. for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!4/19/2025. 9/30/2028!.............................1260 days...............................!...........................................................................................................................................................................................!...............................!CHARLES MANSON Start date of thewas born on Great Tribulation.11/12/1934 4/19/2025.!.............................................................33031 days.....................................!1971 + 31060 = 33031 !CHARLES MANSON in 1971 ^^^^^^^ !was sentenced to death for the ^^^^^^^ !Tate-Labianca MURDERS ^^^^^^^ In the Bible PSALM 66:6 is where the Start date is encoded
4/19/1971, ^^^^^^^ for the Great Tribulation 4/19/2025!.................................................................................3X(6+6+6)yrs to..........!^^^^^^^ 216=6X6X6 !!!In the Bible vs number 31060 is Revelation 21:6. Revelation 22:21"And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, !...................42 vs to END of BIBLE.....!the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain ^^^^ ^^^of the water of life freely to him who thirsts." Revelation 13:5 is vs 216 of Book of Revelation.Revelation 21:6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^"And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies,and he was given authority to continue for 42 months." MASSIVE amounts ofRevelation 13:5 ^^^ evidence aligning hereStart of the ^^^ for Second Coming ofGreat Tribulation ^^^ Jesus Christ4/19/2025. ^^^ 9/30/2028!......................................................42 prophetic months.................!!......................................same as 1260 days....................................!The phrase Great Tribulation is in the >>>>>>>>> 42nd vsof Book of Revelation 2:22.......................................................................................................................................................................................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_KrenwinkelFor her involvement in the MANSON MURDERS Patricia Krenwinkel is now the longest incarceratedinmate in the California penal system. GOV of California just blocked her parole on 10/14/2022.
What makes this news about Patricia Krenwinkel happening on 10/14/2022 even more fascinating from aprophetic synchronicity viewpoint is what the time line charts below reveal...
"The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads werecrowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men.""They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron,and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle. They had tails like scorpions,and there were stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt men five months. And they had as king over themthe angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon."Revelation 9:7-11Stage 1 CHARLES MANSONFall of Babylon Prophecy family memberTWIN II TOWERS Patricia KrenwinkelDESTROYED Parole blocked by GOV C.A. "By these three plagues9/11/2001 10/14/2022 a third of mankind was killed!.......................7703 days to............! by the fire and the smoke and the Start date ofStart of ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ brimstone which came out of their mouths." Great TribulationNew Testament ^^^^^^ Revelation 9:7 Revelation 9:18 4/19/2025!.....................7703 vs to.................!..............................................918 days.....................................!According to Tex Watson the Beatles "REVOLUTION 9" song is synced to "REVELATION 9" in the Bible.CHARLES MANSON spoke about this song the most and deemed it the most significant. MANSON believedthe song represented the "unorganized overthrow of the establishment". So MANSON wanted to speedthis overthrow along by triggering a RACE WAR with the Tate-Labianca murders.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helter_Skelter_(scenario) If u Listen close to the song "REVOLUTION 9"the actual phrase "NUMBER NINE" is spokenhttps://www.ridingthebeast.com/gematria-calculator/ exactly 42 times throughout the song !!In standard english gematria > REVOLUTION NINE = 1318 42 months length of Great Tribulationprophetic sync in Bible with REVELATION 13:18where the 666 number of the BEAST is !!REVELATION 2:16 = 6X6X6 is the only vs inthe Bible with a 9999 gematria count > http://www.newjerusalem.org/9999?from=Search(9999)The DOW JONES closed down 99.99 points on 10/19/20229x11=99 ^^^^^^^^^^^ Start date of^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation9/11/2001 10/19/2022 4/19/2025!..............7708 days to..........!................................913 days to...!Start of New Testament Revelation 9:12 Revelation 9:13!...............7708 vs to...... .......! ^notice perfect sequence^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things.Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,"Revelation 9:12-13From the MANSON FAMILY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Tate-Labianca DOW JONES closes downMURDERS 99.99 points on this day8/9/1969 10/19/2022!................................19429 days.........................!42 months length of Great TribulationA=1,B=2 etc > Patricia Krenwinkel = 199 ^^^^^^^^^^^
on the JEWISH CALENDAR day 199 will be the date 4/19/2025 in that year !!Also notice from 1942>9th month its 991 months to >>>>>>> 4 >>2025 !!...........................................................................................................................................................................................
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/999-9999^^^^^^^^^^ John Carman experiencesStage 1 ^^^^^^^^^^ personal 9x9x9 syncFall of Babylon Prophecy The Movie same time asTWIN II TOWERS 999-9999 DOW closes down Start DateDESTROYED is released on 99.99 pts Great Tribulation9/11/2001 9/20/2002 10/19/2022 4/19/2025!..............9 days 12 months.........!........20 yrs 29 days.....!.....................913 days.............!! ^^^^^^^ YEAR 2029 ! Revelation 9:13! ^^^^^^ ISAIAH 34:8 One Year !! ^^^^^ DAY OF THE LORD coming !! Revelation 9:12 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Revelation 9:12Start of ^^^^^^^ ! ^^^^^^^New Testament Revelation 9:12
!....................................7708 vs to.....................................!9/11/2001 ^^^^^ !!...................................7708 days..............................10/19/2022^^^^^^^^^^^What happened to John Carman is on 10/19/2022 John noticed Case # 5150 onwater bottles he had ordered. John recognized this number because in law enforcement 5150 is thenumber for people in a mental health crisis who can be legally detained for 72hrs. John noticed this5150 number at the same time the DOW was closing down 99.99 pts!! John called me up and told meabout this and I told him there's only one place in the Bible with this chapter vs combo JEREMIAH 51:50.JEREMIAH 51:50 is vs number 20263 of the Bible. Then wediscovered when we take John's birth year 1953>4th monththe difference is 9x9x9 = 729 !!!..........................................................................................................................................................................Hello Five Doves,The Cathedral of St John the Divine officially opened on 4/19/1911 with its consecration ceremony.See pics in the links above. ^^^^^In the Bible verse number 1911 is where the historic event ofGOD parting the RED SEA takes place on the Jewish calendarof NISAN 21"Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go backby a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided."EXODUS 14:21
History records this event took place on the Jewish calendar date of NISAN 21. So the first remarkable prophetic synchere is the date 4/19/1911 was NISAN 21 !! This sync aligning 4/19 with NISAN 21has only happened 6 times in the 114 yrs from 4/19/1911 to 4/19/2025.In our Forty Years article > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2022/stevew313.htm < we do an extensive analysis showingGOD parting the RED SEA is the prophetic typology event in the Bible synced to the start date of the Great Tribulation !! Andthe Forty Years ISRAEL spent in the wilderness is the prophetic typology time frame of the 1260 day Great Tribulation !!
So here is how the Bible confirms by divine numerical alignments, GOD is using the official opening of the St John Divine Cathedral on4/19/1911 as a Prophetic Sign synced to the coming Great Tribulation timeline of 4/19/2025 > 1260 days > 9/30/2028 !!
GOD parts RED SEA in Revelation 11:15History on this Jewish Date DAY OF ATONEMENTNISAN 21 >>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<< NISAN 21 Jewish YR 5785 MASSIVE amounts ofSt John Divine Cathedral PSALM 66:6 in Bible synced evidence aligning here
officially opened with with this Start Date of the for Second Coming ofconsecration ceremony on Great Tribulation Jesus Christ4/19/1911 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.....................114 yrs = 6 x 19 yrs.........................!........................1260 days...........................!! !!......................................................................................42899 days to.......................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "And those who died in the plague were 24000."In the Bible verse number 4484 is NUMBERS 25:12. NUMBERS 25:9^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 24000 = (20X25)+(20+28)Start of Bible Exodus 7 NUMBERS 25 Years 2025 to 2028 represent the!............................57 chapters....!........85 chapters......! ^^^^ Great Tribulation time frame !!Jewish Year 5785 is year 2025 starting year of the Great Tribulation. ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^Exactly 7 books of Bible have a chapter and verse combo of 9:30 and 20:28 !!^^^^ revealing date 9/30/2028 !!
Judges 9:30 > its 298 vs to >>>>> Judges 20:282nd Chronicles 9:30 > its 221 vs to 2nd Chronicles 20:28Job 9:30 > its 273 vs to >>>>>>>> Job 20:28Matthew 9:30 > its 411 vs to >>>> Matthew 20:28Luke 9:30 > its 476 vs to >>>>>>> Luke 20:28John 9:30 > its 425 vs to >>>>>>> John 20:28Acts 9:30 > its 408 vs to >>>>>>> Acts 20:28total > 2512 <Also see our article involving > EXODUS 25:12 > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jul2022/stevew710-3.htmAnd see our article involving > JEREMIAH 25:12 > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/june2022/stevew65.htmAnd notice 2512 = 4X628This reveals a prophetic sync with JEREMIAH 46:28 which is the Last verse inchapter 791 of the Bible. A=1,B=2 etc >> 791 = Jesus Christ Second Coming September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight !!........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
^^^^^^Another prophetic sync is ACTS Book,chapter vs 44>8:4 is verse 27181 of the Bible.^^^ACTS 8:4 Acts 9:30 Acts 20:28!................66 vs to.............!................408 vs...............!^^^ ^^^^66 divided by 408 = .1617^^^^^^^^^^Seventh Angel sounds ^^^^^Seventh Angel 7th and Last Trumpet Seventh Angelappears for first time for Second Coming of appears 3rd and last timeStart Book of in Bible here Jesus Christ here in Bible hereREVELATION Revelation 10:7 Revelation 11:15 REVELATION 16:17!.......................................171 vs to............!..............19 vs to.........!.............84 vs to...................!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^171 divided by 19 divided by 84 = .1071^^^^^^Book of MATTHEW ends with chapter 957 + vs 1071 = 2028And MATTHEW begins with chapter 930 of Bible,so from beginning to end MATTHEW reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028 !!"And lo I will be with you always,even to the End of the Age" amen.MATTHEW 28:20
The first 7 books of the Bible reveal an AMAZING prophetic sync about the Cathedral of St John the Divine in the following way.
From Genesis 4:19 its >> 370 vs to >>>> Genesis 19:11.From Exodus 4:19 its >> 417 vs to >>>> Exodus 19:11.From Leviticus 4:19 its >> 478 vs to >>>> Leviticus 19:11.From Numbers 4:19 its >> 538 vs to >>>> Numbers 19:11.From Deuteronomy 4:19 its >> 394 vs to > Deuteronomy 19:11.From Joshua 4:19 its >> 403 vs to >>>>> Joshua 19:11.From Judges 4:19 its >> 417 vs to >>>>> Judges 19:11.total > 3017 <The latitude longitude coordinates of the ^^^^^^ AMAZINGLY by simply using the official opening dateCathedral of St John the Divine are 40.80 and 73.96 ^^^^^^ of the Cathedral of St John the Divine 4/19/1911 theWhen we simple multiply these we get 40.80 X 73.96 = 3017 !! Bible perfectly identifies its exact location on Earth !! WOW !!..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
In the above chart Judges 4:19 is vs number 6619 of the Bible.As we noted above from 4/19/1911 ^^ ^^^^the Jewish date NISAN 21 occurs on 4/19 exactly 6 times up to the date 4/19/2025 .And from 4/19/1911 its exactly 6X19 years to >>> 4/19/2025 !!So the Bible AMAZINGLY has the exact time line encoded to the start date of the Great Tribulation, by way ofsynchronizing with the opening date 4/19/1911 of the Cathedral of St John the Divine !!....................................................................................................................................................................................................................Again as seen above Judges is the first book of the Bible that has the chapter vs combo of Judges 9:30 > 298 vs to Judges 20:28.So we get even more prophetic insight with this chart.
Judges 4:19 Judges 9:30 Judges 20:28.!................166 vs to............!..................298 vs to................!A=1,B=2 etc > 166 = TWIN TOWERS >>> 298th vs Book of Revelation is Revelation 18:2 where we have^^^ documented extensively Stage 3 Fall of Babylon is synced.Genesis 7:6 is vs number 166 of the Bible where the Stage 1 = TWIN II TOWERS destroyed 9/11/2001.age of Noah at 600 is given, same year of the Great Flood, Stage 2 = S&P500 Falls to lowest low of 666 on 3/6/2009.which is a prophetic typology event of the Great Judgment that Stage 3 will be executed on 9/30/2028 !!!will happen to the world at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ !! ^^^^^^^^In addition the 600th chapter of the Bible is PSALM 122 which is the last place a vs has a 2028 gematria count !!Judges 4:19 Judges 20:28.!.............................................464 vs to..........................................! ^^^^^^9/30/2028................................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^..............................................Now we bring into the prophetic picture the famous RABBI YITZHAK KADURI ^^^^^^^^^^^^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Kaduri ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^DAY OF ATONEMENTThis is the last time PSALM 66:6 MASSIVE amounts ofJewish date NISAN 21 >>>>> <<<<< NISAN 21 evidence is aligning hereYITZHAK KADURI > occurs on 4/19 Start date of the for Second Coming ofdied on before arriving at >>>>>>>> Great Tribulation Jesus Christ1/28/2006 4/19/2006 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!......................81 days.....................!....................19 years.................!...........1260 days...........!^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MARK OF ^^^ MARK OF <<<< These are the only two vs in Bible where the actualTHE BEAST ^^^ THE BEAST <<<< phrase MARK OF THE BEAST appears in the Bible.in text of vs ^^^ in text of vs <<<< Revelation 13 makes it very clear theRevelation 16:2 ^^^ Revelation 19:20 <<<< MARK OF THE BEAST will be implemented during!......................81 vs to......................! the time frame of the Great Tribulation !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^There's also a perfect numerical sync here with verse 19419 ofthe Bible which is JEREMIAH 19:11 !!The Cathedral of St John the Divine officially opened on 4/19/1911 !!
Before his death KADURI was saying he expected the MESSIAH to arrive soon. KADURI left a sealed hand written note BEFOREhis death telling his followers it was only to be opened ONE YEAR after his death. KADURI died on 1/28/2006 and the notewas opened 1/28/2007. In Hebrew the note read > רים העם ויוכיח שדברו ותורתו עומדים''''' < which translated means,> "He will raise the people and confirm that his word and law are standing" <Again in Hebrew by acronym this phrase spells out the name YEHOSHUA !!YEHOSHUA is a Hebrew Name for JOSHUA which is also a name synced with JESUS !!
So here are all the prophetic revelations that come to light from these extraordinary events in the life of YITZHAK KADURI.A=1,B=2 > JOSHUA = 74 > In standard english gematria > YEHOSHUA = 1182A=1,B=2 > MESSIAH = 74 In the Bible REVELATION 15 is chapter 1182 of the Bible. This is the only chapterA=1,B=2 > JESUS = 74 in the Bible where the verses 250+251+252+253+254+255+256+257 = 2028 !!!And with REVELATION 15:8 being the last vs of the chapter,we have revealed A=1,B=2 etc > DAY OF ATONEMENT = 158. And in 2028 theDAY OF ATONEMENT will be on 9/30/2028 !!.........................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^..............................
On OCT 13, 2022 John Carman and I made the first discoveries of the prophetic revelations involvingCathedral of St John the Divine synced to the coming Great Tribulation. The very next day OCT 14, YITZHAK KADURI^^^^^^^ was mentioned in our talks and you see his prophetic syncs discovered here. John Carman also^^^^^^^ mentioned that same day OCT 14 the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR and their OCT 13,1307 infamous date !!^^^^^^^In standard english gematria > 1307 = Saint John Divine Cathedral.OCT 13,1307 was the infamous day in KNIGHTS TEMPLAR History.^^^^^^^^^^^^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_TemplarHere are the incredible prophetic syncs encoded in the Bible...MASSIVE amounts ofKNIGHTS TEMPLAR evidence aligning hereInfamous Day in History many for Second Coming of
arrested for heresy and Satanism Jesus ChristOCT 13,1307 9/30/2028!........................................40 X 6583 days to................................................!MATTHEW is Book 40 > 6583 is the greek gematria count of REVELATION 21:7.MATTHEW begins with chapter 930 of Bible, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MATTHEW ends with chapter 957 + vs 1071 = 2028 "He who overcomes shall inherit all things,
so from beginning to end MATTHEW reveals 9/30/2028. and I will be his God and he shall be My son."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start of the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^New Testament REVELATION 21:7!........................................7916 vs to..............................................................!! ^^^^^6 vs have a 6583 gematria count REVELATION 21:7 is the last !!! ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The famous note ^^^^^^ MASSIVE amounts of> רים העם ויוכיח שדברו ותורתו עומדים" < ^^^^^^ evidence is aligning herewritten by YITZHAK KADURI ^^^^^^ for Second Coming ofwas opened on ^^^^^^ Jesus Christ1/28/2007 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........................................7916 days to............................................................!The MASTER PLAN of GOD is 6 prophetic days equals 6000 years from ADAM to 2028 !!^^^^^^ Genesis 5:5 ADAM dies age 930. ^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 791 = Jesus Christ Second Coming September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight !!...........................................................^^^^^^...................................................................................................................................................Stage 1 ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^TWIN II TOWERS ... ^^^^^^ prophetic ^^^^^^^^^^^DESTROYED ^^^^^^ sync date ^^^^^^^^^^^9/11/2001. ^^^^^^ 5/15/2023 9/30/2028!....................................7916 days to....................!...................1965 days....................!7916 divided by 1965 = .4028. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^9/20/2017 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.............................4028 days........!^^^^^^^^^ 40th Book of Bible is Matthew^^^^^^^^^ 28 chapters in MatthewProphetic Sign Prophetic Sign in the Heavens Prophetic Sign in the Heavensin the Heavens Stars King Regulus and Venus were 12 Stars + SUN + MOON were inThe Great AMERICAN in 26.3 degree Christ Angle perfect alignment with descriptionSOLAR ECLIPSE alignment with the of 12 Stars + SUN + MOON in vsacross the USA Great Pyramid on REVELATION 12:1 on8/21/2017 9/20/2017 9/23/2017!......................30 days to...............!..................3 days................................!!.............................33 days to......................................................................!Stephen Wilkins ^^^^^^began his calling from the LORD ^^^^^^ DAY OF ATONEMENTto document the 2028 Revelations ^^^^^^ MASSIVE evidence aligning herewhen he received Gabriel Ansley's Book ^^^^^^ for Second Coming of2028END with a KNOCK on the Door ^^^^^^ Jesus Christon 6/11/2020 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.............................................3033 days to...........................................!"Behold, I stand at the door and KNOCK." ^^^^^^REVELATION 3:20 is vs 69 Book of REVELATION. 3033 = 957+28+20+20282028 vs of Bible begins 69th chapter of Bible. ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^DOW JONES closed down 6.9% on 6/11/2020. Chapter 957 of the Bible is Matthew 28.As of OCT 2022 this is still the WORST day DOW JONES Matthew 28:20 is last vs of Book.has had since 6/11/2020 !! I Stephen Wilkins 1071 is the last vs Book of Matthew iswill turn age 69 in 2028 !! 957 + 1071 = 2028Jewish Yr 5720 began > 69 yrs to Jewish Yr 5789 930th chapter of Bible Bible begins Matthewon 10/3/1959 >> 25200 days >> 9/30/2028 >>> beginning to end reveals 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ "And lo I will be with you always,25200 = 10 X 5X7X8X9 even to the End of the Age" amen.10th day of 5789 Jewish Yr MATTHEW 28:20is the DAY OF ATONEMENT !!...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Synchronizing with the Great Tribulation, running from 4/19/2025 then 1260 days to 9/30/2028.^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^A total of 13 Books of the Bible have a chapter vs combo of 4:19 and 20:25, while 7 have a 9:30 and 20:28 combo.So here are the revelations that come to light by way of these divine vs count alignments.
Exodus 4:19 > its 456 vs to >>>>>>> Exodus 20:25Leviticus 4:19 > its 529 vs to >>>>>>> Leviticus 20:25Numbers 4:19 > its 574 vs to >>>>>>>> Numbers 20:25Judges 4:19 > its 461 vs to >>>>>>> Judges 20:251st Samuel 4:19 > its 439 vs to >>>>>>> Exodus 20:251st Kings 4:19 > its 570 vs to >>>>>>> Exodus 20:252>Chronicles 4:19 > its 347 vs to > 2nd Chronicles 20:25 Judges 9:30 > its 298 vs to >>> Judges 20:28Job 4:19 > its 402 vs to >>>>>>>>>>Job 20:25 2nd Chronicles 9:30 > its 221 vs > 2 Chronicles 20:28Proverbs 4:19 > its 470 vs to >>>>>>Proverbs 20:25 Job 9:30 > its 273 vs to >>>>>> Job 20:28Matthew 4:19 > its 589 vs to >>>>>>Matthew 20:25 Matthew 9:30 > its 411 vs to >> Matthew 20:28Luke 4:19 > its 722 vs to >>>>>>>> Luke 20:25 Luke 9:30 > its 476 vs to >>>> Luke 20:28John 4:19 > its 717 vs to >>>>>>>> John 20:25 John 9:30 > its 425 vs to >>>> John 20:28Acts 4:19 > its 610 vs to >>>>>>>>> Acts 20:25 Acts 9:30 > its 408 vs to >>>> Acts 20:28total > 6886 < total > 2512 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 12:6 and or Revelation 13:5 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ confirm 1260 days = length of great tribulation ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^> 6886 + 1260 + 2512 = 10658 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^73 X 146 = 10658 ^^^^^^^^^^^This equation reveals prophetic Bible syncs in the following way > JOEL has 73 verses ^^^^^^^^^^^and the very next book AMOS has 146 verses. ^^^^^^^^^^^146 = 57+89. ^^^^^^^^^^^AMOS is the only book of Bible that can reflect Jewish Year 5789 by vs ^^^^^^^^^^^count this way, which begins in Sept 2028.JOEL is only book in Bible with 73 verses in sync with Genesis 1:1 with its37x73= 2701 gematria count, which configures into a perfect TRIANGLE with 73 rows. See picture of 2701 TRIANGLE below.Counting up from bottom left to right of that TRIANGLE, you arrive at center row 37 where years 1999 to 2035 are seen.And on that center row 37 position 30 = YR 2028 !That puts us back in prophetic sync with AMOS book 30 of the Bible.And AMOS has 9 chapters, which togethercompletes the full prophetic date 9 / 30 / 2028 !!!!!!!And AMOS chapter 9 = 888 chapter of Bible.^^^^^^^This puts the Bible in prophetic sync with REVELATION 11:15 verse 30888 of the Bibleright where the > Seventh Angel sounds the 7th and Last Trumpet <for the > Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!! <
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
GENESIS 1:1....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Hello Five Doves,This article documents how the prophetic phrase Forty Years in the Bible is synced by typology withthe Great Tribulation timeline, which we have documented extensively in past articles is going to run from4/19/2025 then 1260 days to 9/30/2028 culminating in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ....First lets look at Forty Years on an actual timeline chart and see what it reveals..
check link DAY OF ATONEMENThttps://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=9&d1=30&y1=1988&m2=9&d2=30&y2=2028 astonishing amount of
!...........................................Forty Years.........................evidence amassing hereprophetic for Second Coming ofsync date Jesus Christ9/30/1988 9/30/2028!...............................................14610 days............................................!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^AMOS is only book of Bible with 146 verses. ^^^^^^^^^^^^and 57+89 = 146. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^So AMOS is only book that reflects Jewish Year 5789 this way ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^And in Jewish Year 5789 the 10th day is the DAY OF ATONEMENTwhich in Jewish year 5789 on our calendar is >>>>> 9/30/2028 !!In other words you can pick any time frame for Forty Years and it will always be a total of 14610 days,which by the Bible and Jewish Calendar always perfectly syncs to 9/30/2028 !!In addition AMOS has 9 chaptersand AMOS is book 30 of Bible,and in the 2701 Genesis 1:1 TRIANGLE of 73 rows counting up from bottomleft to right, when you reach CENTER row 37 position number 30 = YR 2028 !!And AMOS last chapter 9 = 888 chapter of Bible,which reveals a perfect sync with REVELATION 11:15 verse number 30888 of the Bible,where the Seventh Angel sounds the 7th and Last Trumpet for Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In addition book Forty of the Bible is MATTHEW which begins with chapter 930 ^^^^^^^and MATTHEW ends with chapter 957 + vs 1071 = 2028so from beginning to end MATTHEW reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028 !!............................................................................................................................................................................................
"Isaac was Forty Years old when he took Rebekah as wife,the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian."
Genesis 25:20^^^^^Notice 2520 = 1260 + 1260This is the 1st place Forty Years is seen in the Bible and it gives us our ^^^^^^ first big clue the Biblereveals a prophetic correlation between the Great Tribulation timeline of 1260 days and Forty Years.............................................................................................................................................................................................Another way to understand the prophetic connection between Forty Years and the Great Tribulation is with theseverses in the Bible...
"Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God,that they should feed her there 1260 days."Revelation 12:6
"So the Lord’s anger was aroused against Israel, and He made them wander in the wilderness Forty Years,until all the generation that had done evil in the sight of the Lord was gone."Numbers 32:13
Notice the Bible describes both prophetic time frames take place in the wilderness !!..............................................................................................................................................................................................So where the Bible really nails down the prophetic correlation between these two time frames with exact precision is in theBook of PSALMS starting with this verse....
"For Forty Years I was grieved with that generation, And said,‘It is a people who go astray in their hearts, And they do not know My ways.’"PSALMS 95:10
This is the only place in the book of PSALMS where Forty Years appears in text and leads us into these astonishing revelations.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"He turned the sea into dry land; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
They went through the river on foot. Forty Years "Our feet have been standing
There we will rejoice in Him." in text of vs Within your gates, O Jerusalem!"PSALM 66:6 PSALM 95:10 PSALM 122:2!..................................585 vs to....................!......................627 vs to......................!This is vs number 14880 ^^^^ ^^^^ !New World Order = 1488 585 + 42 = 627 !in standard english gematria ^^^ << Notice it is GOD himself who is granting authority"And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies,<< to the 666 ANTICHRIST BEAST world systemand he was given authority to continue for 42 months." << to implement the New World Order with the coming! REVELATION 13:5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^<< Mark of the BEAST and all other details Revelation 13.! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !! With a Prophetic year of 360 days > 42 months equals 1260 days same as Revelation 12:6,! length of the Great Tribulation timeline.PSALM 66:6 is ^^^^ PSALM 122:2is where the prophetic date ^^^^ is where the prophetic date4/19/2025 is encoded ^^^^ 9/30/2028 is encoded!............................................................................1260 days...................................!http://www.newjerusalem.org/Ps.66?from=Search(Ps.66.6)#6 http://www.newjerusalem.org/Ps.122?from=Search(Ps.122.2)#2
The subject of PSALM 66:6 is GOD parting PSALM 122:2 is the Last place in the Biblethe RED SEA which history records happened a verse has a gematria count of 2028 .on the Jewish calendar of NISAN 21. At the same And PSALM 122:2 is vs 2152 of the Book of PSALMStime PSALM 66:6 has a gematria count of 2025. The reverse 2512 unveils the following revelations.And NISAN 21 is the date 4/19/2025 in that year. ^^^^^^^^