The Great Sign points to January 23, 2021. The Lord placed the lights in the heavens for "signs and seasons" ( seasons, moed ; hebr. meaning his appointments with man). Gen 1:14. Signs generally point to things ahead. An entire chapter in God's word, Revelation 12, is devoted to a "Great Sign” , a "Great Wonder in the Heavens". It surely points to something significant as it is the ONLY “great sign" in scripture. So both the first book, Genesis, and the last book ,Revelation say "look up , pay attention". The Revelation 12 sign is very detailed. A woman, Virgo, the moon under her feet, in travail and giving birth to a manchild , with a crown of 12 stars , and clothed by the sun. This event In every detail certainly took place one time and only one time, Sept. 23, 2017. It has not happened in the past nor will it happen in the future. Jupiter, the " king planet" with a big red spot and stripes (like Messiah who bore our stripes upon his back and a spear in his side) spent 9 months and two weeks in Virgo's womb and then exited between her legs Sept. 23, 2017. That same day she had 12 stars above her head, and only for that one day. * Counting exactly 40 months from the Great Sign, September 23, 2017 places us on Jan. 23, 2021. Forty is the number of biblical testing and trials. 1.Noah was 40 days in storms. 2.Israel was 40 years in the wilderness. 3.Ninevah was given 40 days to repent. 4.The Messiah was tempted 40 days. 5. Elijah fasted 40 days. 6.Moses was 40 years in Egypt and then twice on Mt Sinai for 40 days . 7.The spies were 40 days in Canaan after 40 years in the wilderness with Moses. Notice the last two. Moses is there 40 (long term, years in Egypt) and then 40 (short term , days). And Moses is a "type" of Messiah. If 40 Months (long term, from the Revelation Great Sign) time of trial goes before two 40 days of trial (short term, this December-January) then we have a perfect match. ... just like Moses...."The Lord will raise up a prophet like unto me".... Deut.18:15 ; Acts 3:22. Books have been written describing how Moses is so similar to Messiah. Now look at Noah's Timeline of multiple 40's !!! (Next post) Here is another example, should it come to pass. Moses is like the Messiah. * an excellent detailed study of the Revelation 12 great sign can be found at