8 October 2018 was the 3795th time the California 'Daily 4' lotto numbers were picked. The four numbers that came up in order were: 3,7,9 and 5. This was the first time that the 'Daily 4' picked numbers were the same as the draw number. There is a 1 in 10,000 chance of this happening. 8 October 2018 was 'Columbus Day'. In the 'MM.DD' format that was '10.08'. The Greek gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST' (3168) divided by Pi rounds off to '1008'. The California 'Daily 4' lotto game began on 19 May 2008. From 19 May 2008 to Obama's last day in office and Trump's first day on 20 January 2017 was 3168 days.
On 9.11 of 2018 the California 'Daily 4' draw numbers in order were '2-5-8-8'. 2588 is the sum of the ASCII codes (1795) and English gematrias (793) for 'Barack Hussein Obama'. 793 is the12th Star of David number and the 654th composite number. 12 + 654 = 666.
On 12 October 2018 (the fifth inclusive day after the 'Daily 4' equaled the draw number) the 'Daily 4' draw result was '0645'. '3795' + '0645' equals: 5 x 888 (the gematria of 'JESUS'). 37 days have 888 hours and it will be 37 days from 8 October 2018 to 14 November 2018. 14 November 2018 is marked in my previous post: http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/sep2018/bobware930-2.htm . The fifth inclusive day from 14 November 2018 will be 18 November 2018. The 'Daily 4' draw number for the date centered between 14 November 2018 and 18 November 2018 will be 3834. 3834 is the sum of the four corners of my 'Prime List'.
On Columbus Day the BBC ran a story showing Obama personally answering letters from the general public. Why did this mundane event rate national coverage on Columbus Day?