John B (23 Oct 2016)
"The puzzle pieces are coming together might want to read this one"



From my standpoint (an end time watcher's standpoint) many of the final pieces that lead to the “finally” appear to be coming together. Obscure bible passages and confusing wording are now becoming clear, understandable and unlocked so to speak......These passages are painting an end times picture that's now becoming lucid rather than obscured. Daniel the prophet indicted that this would be the case.......locked up and hidden until the time was right.


What I am referring to is tying together Revelation 12 with Isaiah 66 and Revelation 6. Collectively these three areas of scripture portray quite the least the way I see it. Let's combine the story lines from the three areas of scripture and see what we come up with.


The internet is ripe with many well done recent explanations of the sign that will appear in the sky on 23 Sept 2017 that is or has been foretold in Revelation 12 verses 1-5. This sign is an exacting (multi month) alignment of stars, planets and constellations that is exactly described in Revelation 12 verses 1-5. Not only is it a pictorial draw by God in the heavens but also has a very important story line that accompanies it. Note also that this exact pictorial alignment (that agrees with scripture) is a once in a 7000 year event that also just happens to fall on one of God's feast days......Rosh HasHanah or the Feast of Trumpets.


Because of this extremely rare occurrence and the perceived importance of the wording in this “end time” passage many bible scholars have and are critically examining the wording and the prior understanding of Revelation 12 and have found translation errors leading to a different meaning than what was perceived prior to now. This is HUGE...The text wording was before translated to indicate Jesus being caught up to God and His throne. Now under the latest scrutiny from bible scholars the wording indicates that it is Jesus's seed or His Church that is taken (caught up) to God and His in the RAPTURE. Here below in a video is a very good explanation of the difference (error) in wording...(the wording error has to do with the phrase male child or man child)


So where does this leave us? It leaves us with a sign in the sky that happens next September that is affiliated with the Rapture of the church among other things.


But there are other very important features of the wording of Revelation 12 that indicate that the devil (the red dragon) tries to prevent the rapture of the church from happening at all and that the rapture (the birth) does happen but as per Isaiah 66:7...... it, the rapture (the birth) happens before the labor pains begin. Wow!! that means before next September.


Isaiah 66:7.....states


Before she was in labor, she gave birth:

before her pain came,

She delivered a male child (now correctly revealed as Jesus' seed, the Church, not a male child)


When you watch the excellent video depiction of the Revelation 12 event as per Scott Clark...


you see that the king planet Jupiter is birthed on the 23rd of September 2017 but prior to the birth pains of that event as per Isaiah 66:7…...the Church is caught up and taken away. That being said, it definitely appears that the rapture is pre-trib or as per Isaiah pre birth pains or pre-wrath and that it also appears (to me) that the rapture happens sometime between now and next September 23rd at or during the period of the sixth seal.

And..... as per Revelation 12:4 the devil is going to try to prevent (devour) the church from being caught up. Wow again!! How is the devil going to do this?


The answer to that question will be speculation and discernment on my part but will be backed up by scripture and current events.. Here is what I see happening in the interim, from now until next September where the devil (as per Rev.12) will try to destroy the church and prevent the rapture......i.e devour the man child, Jesus' seed, the church.


What we see happening now on the world stage is an all out attempt to start WWIII. A nuclear conflagration that would lay waste to the Christian countries of the planet and lead to a nuclear winter that would kill the vast majority of the remaining people on the planet.

Would that fit into the 7 year end time scenario described in the bible? No


Would it kill (devour) most of the Christians on the planet preventing them from being raptured as per scripture? Yes


Does Jesus want His bride, the Church bloodied, incinerated or vaporized before he can take them home? No


Who is behind this all out attempt to annihilate this planet now (before next September) with nuclear weapons and why? Satan is, along with his many demonic stooges like Obama and Hellary. He (Satan) rules this planet and will enact nuclear war but God the Father and Jesus will pull the plug on his plans at the last minute. How you ask?


That brings us to the third area of scripture I mentioned above, Revelation 6....specifically the sixth seal, an area of scripture that I have spent countless hours on and have often posted about to the Doves site. Here (at the sixth seal) we find God the Father and Jesus present on the world stage not punishing but intervening for mankind. The seals are interventions not judgments. God the Father for the Jews (Ezekiel 38,39) and Jesus for His church at the rapture which happens during the multi month period of the sixth seal events.


This is what I see coming to pass soon and have subscribed to for many years concerning the sixth seal intervention...


Satan, within the next several months, through and with his minions (Eph.6:12.....we do not fight against flesh and blood....) brings the world to the brink of total nuclear destruction. At the last moment God intervenes......How?


As per the sixth seal there will be a world wide earthquake so much so that every mountain and island will be moved out of its place. The sun will appear black as sackcloth and the moon red as blood.


The worldwide earthquake alone may scramble Satan's launch plans but God also does other things during the sixth seal to shut Satan's nuclear ambitions down. He causes our atmosphere, our sky, to roll up like a scroll. How many miles up does He retract it? Far enough for His purpose. What is that purpose? I believe to prevent nuclear war. How so?


We also learn that during the sixth seal lots of somethings fall from the sky. John the revelator said that..... the stars of heaven fell to the earth. They couldn't be literal stars like our sun but probably looked to John like falling stars or meteors and they fell rather softly...... like late figs after being shaken by a mighty wind.


If we take the fact that God has just then retracted our atmosphere miles farther out into space and now things are falling to the earth that resemble falling stars or burning meteors it appears obvious to me that God has caused gravity to be extended far enough from our planet to cause all the satellites and space junk that is orbiting our planet to fall back to earth burning up as they late figs.


What are these satellites used for? Communication and especially war. Without these satellites Satan's earthly war machine and nuclear abilities are scrambled.......preventing him from destroying / devouring the church before Jesus can take them home.


I googled the number of satellites and space junk that is now orbiting our planet and you'll probably be shocked to know that there is nearly 600,000 pieces large and small that would fall burning back to earth. I believe this is what John the Revelator saw during his vision of the end times.


So I am looking to go home to be with our Lord and Savior sometime between now and next September but I will be particularly focused on the spring season due to what scripture portrays in Isaiah 18 and The Song Of Solomon as they both indicate a spring rapture.


I believe that the period of time between now and the rapture will be very troubling with much fraud and deceit (elections), economic collapse, wars and rumors of wars and all the other trials Jesus spoke of like.....lawlessness will abound......a lot of that going around these days.....unchecked, I might add.


Looking like a short stint now Doves.....hang in there

Blessings..........John B


P.S. Remember also the posts that I have written to the Doves site concerning the “banner” that will appear in the sky. This huge banner will be a depiction of or a reference to Jesus whether it be a huge cross or His face or whatever but the bible says that Jesus is the banner. Maybe it will appear to all when the sky is rolled up like a scroll. And remember..........all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. I have to believe that many will call on that day when His representation appears in the sky high above the mountains. Exciting stuff.......scary tooooooooooooo