MC (26 Oct 2013)
"The true location of the Jewish Temple"

Hi John and Doves,

This topic has probably been discussed here before, however I just saw the documentary by Ken Klein "Jerusalem and the lost temple of the Jews"

This is a must watch and will change your view of this issue, unless you are already aware of this.  The making of this documentary was inspired by the late Dr. Ernest Martin, In his book The Temples That Jerusalem forgot.

Here is a link to a website that has a similar description of what was presented in the film.

The clincher for me which was brought up in the film, (I can't believe I looked over this before), is the fact that Jesus said not one stone would be left on top of another after the destruction...  We are all aware of the veracity of the words of Our Lord, so how could the western wall or any part of what is called the temple mount structure today be part of the original temple?...  Because we know not one stone was left upon another after the destruction!

The film provides a treasure trove of info that I had never come across before...

I highly encourage anyone else who believes as I did that what we now call the Temple Mount to be the location of the old Jewish temple to watch the movie, ponder this, and enjoy...  

I believe in the doctrine of eminence, and there are no preconditions keeping The Lord from grabbing us tonight, or any day now, so keep looking up for our salvation draws nigh!