Marilyn Agee (8 Oct 2013)
"GM (4 Oct 2013) "Earnest N re Man’s calendar""

From: Marilyn Agee

> The "creation calendar" reflects this notion.  That calendar uses > Hebraic ques and is in the year 5999 right now.

Then 6000 should be interesting. I read most of what was recorded at "

His ideas make no sense in my head. He even says that Passover was the preparation day for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. To me, that is impossible. Passover is an annual sabbath, a high day. No work can be done that day. The preparation day for Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits was Thursday. Jesus was crucified on the preparation of the passover, Thursday.

Joh_19:14 says, "And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!" Jesus was crucified on Thursday, Nisan 13, the preparation of the Passover, which was Friday, Nisan 14. Unleavened Bread was Saturday, Nisan 15. Firstfruits was Sunday, Nisan 16.

Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights: Thurs. (day), Fri. (night then day), Sat. (night then day), and Sunday (night).

You said,
> It seems that you (Earnest) are assuming that the year count started > exactly at zero upon Christ's birth.  I have seen very few who have > counted this way.  This has been usually considered from 5 B.C. to 1B.C. > Also, the Crucifixion was around 33 A.D. range, give or take.  In either > case, the 2000 years does not match the year 2000 exactly.  The year > 2017 does include the "17" years, so I see that and the offset of the > years.  It could work out that year as you say.

After a lot of study, I (Marilyn) think Jesus was born on the Feast of Trumpets in 5 BC, and was crucified on the Eve of Passover, Thur. Nisan 13, 30 AD.

Near his 30th birthday in 27 AD, and near the Day of Atonement, Jesus stood up in the Synagogue in Nazareth and read Isa. 61:1-3 to introduce the coming Jubilee Year, the Julian 28 AD.

Luk 4:16-21 says, "And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. 17  And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, 18  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach (kerusso, to herald as a public crier) the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19  To preach (kerusso, to herald as a public crier) the acceptable year of the Lord. 20  And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21  And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."

His reading was from Isaiah 61.1,2. It says, "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2  To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD".

In the calendars used in that day, the Hebrew and Julian, we have to add 2 days to the Hebrew Calendar dates in most of our modern calendar programs to account for the delays put into the calendar by Hillel II. If we just add 2 days to the Hebrew Calendar, we can use those calendar converters.

For instance, at Calendar Converter (, in the Hebrew Calendar, I entered 3790, Nisan 13, and clicked Calculate. The Julian Calendar just above it says, 30 April 4, Tuesday. The Crucifixion was on Thursday, so I enter Nisan 15 in the Hebrew Calendar, click Calculate, and the Julian Calendar reads correctly. It says 30, April 6, Thursday. That is the correct crucifixion day.

Concerning the Jubilee Year, it must be preceded by a Sabbatical Year.
The Hebrew 3787 was a Sabbatical Year. We can be sure of that, because it divides by 7 evenly.
The next year, 3788, the Jubilee year, was to be announced on the preceding Day of Atonement, Tishri 10, 3787. I enter Tishri 12, 3787 in the Hebrew Calendar and click Calculate. Now the Julian Calendar is correct. It says, 26, September 13, Friday.

Jesus' 30th birthday was Tishri 1, 3787, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 26 AD. This is when his ministry started.

On the following Saturday, Sept. 7, 26 AD, near his birthday, Jesus stood up in the synagogue at Nazareth and read from Isa. 61.



THIS SABBATIC YEAR CANNOT BE MOVED. 3787 DIVIDES BY 7 EQUALLY, THEREFORE THIS JUBILEE YEAR CANNOT BE MOVED. It was the last Jubilee kept by Israel before the Temple was burned in 70 AD.

Luk 3:1,22,23 "in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius...Jesus also being baptized... Jesus himself began to be ABOUT thirty years of age"

26 AD, 15th year of Tiberius, Jesus was baptized near his birthday, Tishri 1, 3787
Mon 2 Sep, Julian 1,464,983, Tishri 1, 3787 (SABBATIC YEAR), Jesus 30, when priests begin ministry
Sat 7 Sep, Julian 1,464,988, Tishri 6, 3787, Jesus announced the coming JUBILEE YEAR

Reading Isa 61:1,2, Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable (ratson, favour, from ratsah, pardon, i.e., the Jubilee) year of the LORD"


27 AD, 28 Mar, Julian 1,465,190, Nisan 1, 3788, JUBILEE YEAR began


10 Apr, Julian 1,465,203, Nisan 14, 3787, 1st Passover of Jesus' ministry, John 2:13
Sun 21 Sep, Julian: 1,465,367, Tishri 1, 3788, 46th year of Temple construction


28 AD, Nisan 14, 3788, 2nd Passover of Jesus' ministry, John 5:1


29 AD, Mon 18 Apr, Julian 1,465,942, Nisan 14, 3789, 3rd Passover of Jesus' ministry, John 6:4


30 AD, Thu 6 Apr, Julian (1,466,295), Nisan 13, 3790 (354 day year) Preparation Day for 4th Passover of Jesus' ministry (John 12:1) (our son David's birthday)


--Fri 7 Apr, Julian: 1,466,296, Nisan 14, 3790, Passover
--Sat 8 Apr, Julian: 1,466,297, Nisan 15, 3790, Unleavened Bread, Israel left Rameses
--Sun 9 Apr, Julian: 1,466,298, Nisan 16, 3790, Firstfruits, Annual Sabbath, Jesus' Resurrection
--Sun 28 May, Julian: 1,466.347, Sivan 6, Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, counting Omer 1 on Firstfruits
--Mon 29 May, Julian: 1455.348, Sivan 7, Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, counting Omer 1 on day after Firstfruits (May 29 is our daughter Carol's birthday).

> Only time land is returned to the previous owner is on a "Jubilee".The > corrected year was 1950 when Jerusalem was returned. Those who > understand time his return will also be on a Jubilee year. This is how a > Holy a perfect God works.”

Here is how I figured it:

The Balfour Declaration was signed 2 November 1917 giving the Jews the right to return to their land.
2 November 1917 = 17th of Cheshvan, 5678

The Jubilee is a 49-year cycle. The 50th year is the Jubilee and the 1st year of the next cycle.

Using the Gregorian Calendar:
1917 + 49 = 1966
1966 + 49 = 2015
The Jubilee would be 2016

Using the Hebrew Calendar:
Cheshvan 17, 5678
5678 + 49 = 5727
5727 + 49 = 5776

A Jubilee Year has to be preceded by a Sabbatical Year. The year  5775 is Sabbatical. It divides by 7 evenly. Therefore, a Jubilee Year could start on Nisan 1, 5776 (Sat. April 9, 2016) and end Nisan 1, 5777 (Tue, 28 March 2017).

The coming Jubilee would be announced on the previous Day of Atonement - 10th of Tishrei, 5776 = Wed, 23 September 2015.


> If his birth was in 1 B.C. his 14th birthday would have been in 2013, > since there is no “zero” year between B.C. and A.D.

You probably meant 13 AD instead of 2013.

Marilyn Agee
GM (4 Oct 2013)
"Earnest N re Man’s calendar"

Thanks for offering your thoughts.  You got me thinking in terms of the big picture where time is concerned.  I somewhat understand what you are saying. I just could not completely “get it”.   So, I will try to ask good questions from my partial understanding.

You wrote:

“To get to the point I am going to tell you there is a 17 year error on our calendar. It was impossible for Jerusalem to be given back in 1967 unless our calendar was wrong in view of how Lord works thru scriptures.. Only time land is returned to the previous owner is on a "Jubilee".The corrected year was 1950 when Jerusalem was returned. Those who understand time his return will also be on a Jubilee year. This is how a Holy a perfect God works.”

Also, you wrote:

“Those who have studied time understand the Lord Jesus should have returned in 2000 years at the end of 6000 years. The Daniel prophecy of 7 X 7 is nearing completion for only 62 X 7 is accounted for at the death of the Lord.”

I gather you are trying to exactly reconcile to the number of the year 2000, then plus 50 years?  To call the difference between the year 2000 and another an "error" seems to go a bit far.  Perhaps you are meaning this a bit lightheartedly?  I'm not sure what you mean by "study time". Studying prophecy should connect to the Bible and the information in it.  I'm not aware of a reference to an even number of years, although dispensations/ages have been considered to be 2000 years plus a few.  Also 1948 years is a pattern in biblical history.  The "creation calendar" reflects this notion. That calendar uses Hebraic ques and is in the year 5999 right now.

It seems that you are assuming that the year count started exactly at zero upon Christ's birth.  I have seen very few who have counted this way.  This has been usually considered from 5 B.C. to 1B.C.  Also, the Crucifixion was around 33 A.D. range, give or take.  In either case, the 2000 years does not match the year 2000 exactly.  The year 2017 does include the "17" years, so I see that and the offset of the years.  It could work out that year as you say.

I have seen various accounts of rabbinical thought that the ages are in the 2006 to 2009 year range.

I will add a parallel thought.  Jesus would have been Bar mitzvah'ed after his 14th birthday.  My choice for his birth year is 1B.C.  This relates because as a "man" he was qualified to read scripture aloud in meetings among other things.  If his birth was in 1 B.C. his 14th birthday would have been in 2013, since there is no "zero" year between B.C. and A.D.  That is 2000 years this year!  Of course, I don’t expect the Millennial Kingdom to begin this year, but other things could start.