Luis Vega (14 Oct 2013)
"A Meridian Moon Alignment - Hidden Zodiac Pattern in the Tetrad 2014-15"


The Sacred Zodiac Geometric Configurations
Church & Rapture Pattern within the Tetrad of 2014-15

by Luis B. Vega
Online PDF charts at:
Online PDF of Ley-Lines:

This is what the LORD says: ‘Heaven is my throne, and the Earth is my footstool. Where is the House you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?’ – Isaiah 66:1

On October 18, 2013 the 291st day of the year, the last of the 3 Lunar Eclipses for the year 2013 will occur. A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth. This Eclipse is a Penumbral type meaning that from Earth’s perspective, a reduction of the Moon’s brightness might occur but the Moon’s disk will not be completely covered by the Earth’s shadow or Umbra. The Moon will not go totally dark in other words. It is scheduled to last about 4 hours or precisely 3 hrs, 59 min, 6 sec or 239 minutes according to NASA. The Eclipse will max-out at 23hr 51min UTC. It will occur in the backdrop of Pisces

This study, with online accompanying illustrated charts, seeks to highlight several peculiarities that this Lunar Eclipse apparently has. This study postulates that the place and timing of the Eclipse starts a significant Biblical Church Zodiac pattern. These in turn could have prophetic implications, as far as the Rapture of the Church is concerned, because of where the eclipses occur on the Zodiac. This study and illustrations are not insinuating that the Rapture of the Church of Christ will take place on this specific day of the Eclipse, but it could or on the other eclipsed given the pattern of the next 7 Lunar Eclipses.

What is peculiar about this unapparent Lunar Eclipse is that, out of all the 26 Lunar Eclipses that have and will occur from 2013 to 2023, this Eclipse of October 18, 2013 starts the 7-fold Zodiac pattern highlighted by the 4 Total Lunar Tetrad of 2014-15. These 7 Zodiac pattern alignments alternate from Pisces to Virgo. These 2 Signs are paired-up as they correspond astronomically with each other when using the circular astrological Zodiac configuration.

What this study suggests is that this Zodiac Pisces-Virgo pattern could be signaling just how close the Rapture of the Church is. This assertion is stipulated only by such a suggestive astronomical pattern of where the Lunar Eclipses occur against the backdrop of the Zodiac or Mazzaroth. Lastly, an inference will be made on how this Lunar Eclipse of October 18, 2013 is associated with the pivotal national economic decision for the world’s leading economy, that of the USA. It will be the date that the US Federal Government will have to decide regarding its debt obligation that in turn will have a direct effect on the global economy.

Due to the current US Federal Government shut-down, if it does extend beyond the October 17 deadline, the US Government will default on the payments due on the interest alone owed to the Federal Reserve Bank. Given this possible scenario, many economic experts are speculating a bleak fallout that could trigger the ‘Armageddon Economic Meltdown.’ Many economists have been predicting this on-and-off speculation for the last 2 years. But could this Eclipse be the ‘trigger’ that spirals the US and world economies into chaos?

The Pisces-Virgo Prophetic Pattern
Astronomically speaking, what is significant about this Pisces-Virgo 7-fold pattern is that these 2 Signs are perhaps the most relevant symbols of what the Bible depicts the Church of Christ to be like or associated with. These 2 symbols represent metaphorically the ‘fishes’ that are to be caught in the LORD’s ‘net of salvation’ as the Bride of Christ has been preparing herself, awaiting the Blessed Hope when the Jewish Messiah will come for a predominately Gentile Bride like the case with Boaz and Ruth.

Again, these 2 symbols, out of all the current 13 signs or ‘houses’ of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac are the most synonymous with the Christian Church. The sign of Pisces alludes to the Age of the ‘Fishes’ -all 153 of them prophetically that will be saved. The sign of Virgo alludes from where the Redeemer, Jesus Christ came forth from a Virgin and will be coming forth for a Virgin Bride at the Resurrection & Rapture. It will be the time of gathering; to reap the complete harvest of all those redeemed souls ‘caught’ in the LORD’s net throughout the Commissioning of the Church Age.

This pattern of the Lunar Eclipses occurring in Pisces-Virgo will only occur 7 times within the 2 Solar Hybrid Eclipses that ‘bookend’ this series of Lunar Eclipses from 2013-2023. (See online chart timeline for illustration.) Other peculiarities of this Lunar Eclipse of October 18, 2013 are as follows. The Lunar Eclipse occurs on the Prime Meridian; to occur at this location is very rare and is a prelude to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse that will also. The Hybrid Eclipse of November 3, 2013 will have its maximum not only on the Prime Meridian but also at the Equator.

For a perspective of how this pattern appears, the charts accompanying this study will highlight the 4 cardinal celestial directions by way of the Zodiac superimposed onto the top view of the Solar System. Although the depiction infers a ‘sphere’ as the universe has a zenith, it will only be a 2-deminsional approximation. The charts will focus on a top view of the Solar System to get a perspective of where the Earth and the Moon, along with the Planets, will be during these Lunar Eclipse Pisces-Virgo Zodiac alignment patterns.

Each Lunar Eclipse on the timeline will be designated as to what type of eclipse it will be; either a T for Total, a P for Partial and an N for Penumbral. Only the Lunar Eclipses will be plotted on a timeline from 2013-2023 for context and a visualization. Then only the Total Lunar Eclipses will be marked with the Zodiac Sign it will occur on. No Solar Eclipses will be included on the timeline except for the 2 ‘bookend’ Hybrid Solar Eclipse of 2013 and 2023.

The Zodiac
What is the Zodiac or Mazzaroth? It is the division of the Celestial Longitude grid on which the Ecliptic is centered upon. The Ecliptic is the path that the Sun travels along this Celestial Sphere in 1 year. Within an extension of 9 degrees to either the North or South of the Ecliptic, all the Plants, along with their respective moons, also traverse along this ‘beltway’. It is from this Ecliptic line that Celestial Latitude is determined much like our theoretical ‘Equator’ is the bases for our Latitudes on Earth. What then determines the degrees of Celestial Longitude, as it does on Earth by the Prime Meridian, is determined when the Sun is positioned at the Spring Equinox.

As to the Zodiac’s meaning? What is amazing is that the names of these star clusters or constellations that make up the ‘sign’ of the Zodiac have names whose meaning has not changed since recorded history. The Mazzaroth or Zodiac from ancient times has preserved the relevant meaning. Thus the interpretations tell a story from Leo to Virgo of a prophetic plan and purpose of the Redeemer, the King, the Judge, the Victim, the Pierced one, the Messiah, etc. In a Biblical context, each Zodiac Sign corresponds to a prophetic attribute of the person and the work of redemption of the Human Race by the Messiah, the 2nd Person of the God-Head, Jesus Christ. He took on flesh and blood for this very purpose. (For a chart on the study of the Mazzaroth, click here.)

Up until 2012, there were 12 Zodiac Sign division or ‘Houses’ that pertain to a peculiar ‘Sign’ or a symbol; most are either animal forms or human in appearance. A 13th sign was added in 2013, that of Ophiuchus, the ‘Serpent Bearer’ on January 13th, 2013. Is this a coincidence? These Signs are reflective of the star cluster ascribed design that is depicted against the night sky from Earth’s perspective. Realize this one amazing phenomena, that at no other location in the known Universe can the same exact Zodiac configurations exist as they are configured from Earth’s perspective. It is as though the Zodiac was designed and placed specifically for those on Earth to see, and ‘witness’ to a telling of a story on a celestial tapestry.

A 33 Degree Alignment
The chart online will also depict the 4 prime coordinates relative to the position to the Zodiac. This circumference will show the North-South, East-West axis and where the 33 degree angle to the ‘Gates of God and Man’ is positioned relative to the Zodiac circle. What is interesting about the October 18, 2013 Lunar Eclipse is that it will occur at 33 degrees from the East-West axis of the Zodiac. It is the same 33 degree inclination that the Gate of God-Man has.

Since the October 18th Lunar Eclipse is the only one from 2013-2023 that occurs on at 33 degree angle, could the matching of the corresponding degree angles of this Lunar Eclipse alignment with the Golden Gate and Silver Gate be linked somehow the Rapture of the Church geometrically to these celestial doors?

Many speculate that this general direction of where the Golden Gate leads to the very Throne Room of GOD. The Bible does speak of its location being -on Mt. Zion…in the ‘sides of the North’ and where one is ushered to the presence of the Creator. The Gate of Man (Silver Gate) corresponds to the southern celestial coordinate that is in line with the Golden Gate. Through this Silver Gate, it is believed that it is through which one is ushered into the mortal realm or from where mortals are first ushered through to get to the Golden Gate. Could this very well be the ‘Door’ that the LORD alluded to when promising an open door to the Church of Philadelphia? Is this where the Saints will go through at the time of the Resurrection & Rapture first as they will meet the Jesus Christ in the midst of the ‘silvery’ clouds of the air?

This is why in many places around the world, prominent buildings and/or temples of the masons –for example are at 33 degrees from certain ley-lines. Such Latitudes and Longitudes seek to reflect the divine order and heavily grid. The 33 degree heading to the Celestial Throne of the Creator from due Celestial North is sacred because it from there that the cohorts of Fallen Angels were expelled from -due to their part in the satanic revolution of Heaven, and currently still seeks to overthrow. Fallen Angels/Demons have 1st hand knowledge of such sacred geometric coordinates and locations of where GOD’s Throne is located at. The Bible does reference that. For example, lucifer has an administrative right to ‘accuse the Brethren’ before very Throne Room of GOD.

The luciferian occults with their ‘secret societies’ mystify this prominence of dark wisdom that has been taught by the Fallen Angels. They have divulged such dark secrets to mortal men and women through such venues as numerology and sacred geometric wisdom to lure mortals into joining their satanic rebellion against a holy Creator. It is for this very reason that the 33 number is sacred but misused by the occult to profane the LORD’s majestic design of creation. So timing, heading and location are key factors, not only in GOD’s plan and purposes for humanity and planet Earth but also for lucifer’s.

The 4 Celestial Coordinates
The online charts will illustrate the 4 celestial coordinates that also correspond to the 4 Heavenly directions. These emanate from the very Throne of the LORD according to Biblical accounts. Each direction is associated to one of the Seraphim’s that are stationed as heavenly sentinels in GOD’s Throne and Merkavah, the mobile Throne or Chariot of the LORD. The LORD has a 4 wheeled Celestial Chariot that is mounted or pulled by 4 Living Seraphim, which literally means ‘burning angels’.

This is where the notion of the Quadriga or ‘gods being pulled by 4 creatures, mostly horses in the case of human renderings comes from. This fiery chariot of the LORD is how the LORD appeared and met Ezekiel with in the Old Testament. The ‘wheel within the wheel’ that allows the chariot to move in any direction is called the Ophannin. Some suggest that this phenomenon is actually the basis of where the Zodiac circle is derived from.

The Zodiac is then perhaps just a mirror of Heaven itself with the 4 prime cardinal points of direction that can thus be determined for the whole of the known universe. The prime celestial points of North, South, East and West will be shown on the charts that are associated not only with the 4 key cardinal symbols of the universal directions but mirror 4 Living Creatures that are stationed there and the 4 Gospels of Christ. To highlight these celestial reference points, each prime direction that correlates to a certain Sign of the Zodiac will be marked by their corresponding star on the online illustrated charts that accompany this study.

They are as follows. 1) The North corresponds with Scorpio or the Eagle in the ancient Mazzaroth, having Antares as the cardinal star. 2) The East corresponds with Leo, having Regulus as the cardinal star. 3) The South corresponds with Taurus, having Aldebaran as the cardinal star. 4) The West corresponds with Aquarius, having Fomalhault as the cardinal star. To reiterate, these 4 cardinal and universal directions and signs in a Biblical context correspond to the very make-up and/or model of the Throne of GOD the Creator, YHWH.

Furthermore, the very name of the LORD, ‘YHWH’ represents, in itself, the 4 basic tenants that are stamped as His signature in every aspect of His Creation; it is one of His Universal Laws. This creative signature is perhaps the very ‘unifying law’ of all things that scientist seek but that the Apostle Paul ascribed to Christ alone. ‘For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.’ Colossians 1: 17-18

What are some examples or this Universal Law? There are the 4 universal sounds, the 4 seasons with 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices, etc. The LORD’s throne is sustained and cared by the 4 Living Creatures that are seen in both the Old and New Testament. In the Throne Room of the LORD, the 4 Living Creatures are as follows. There is an 1) Ox or Bull, 2) a Man, 3) a Lion and an 4) Eagle. These are the very symbols the LORD instructed Moses to station the nation of Israel during the wilderness journey with the 4 major Hebrew Tribes having the banners of the Lion, the Eagle, Bull and Man as their standard insignia.

The Closing Church Age
Subsequently the 4 Gospels of the New Testament are themselves associated and symbolized by these 4 Living Creatures. Each of the four Evangelists are ascribed a creature. This is known in Christianity as the tetramorph. It is the union of the symbols of the Gospel from the four Living Creatures derived from the Book of Ezekiel.

1) Matthew, with the Man or Aquarius depicting the humanity of the Messiah. 2) Mark with the Lion or Leo depicting the Kingship of the Messiah. 3) Luke with the Bull or Taurus depicting the servitude of the Messiah. 4) John with the Eagle directing Christ’s divinity.

>From a purely Biblical metaphorical perspective, the Church Age started on Pentecost with ‘Pisces’ currently reflective of the present Age. This symbol is indicative of the work of Jesus Christ through His Church that has labored and has gone out to catch the souls of men with the ‘nets’ of the Gospel for the past 2000 years. Christ commissioned His Church to spread the ‘net’ to the 4 corners of the world; to have His Disciples ‘catch men’ during this Age of Grace dispensation. Then according to Christ’s own words, the ‘age would end’.

Each of the 4 tetramorphs emphasizes the work of Christ Jesus that in turn has reflected a particular era of Church history. The 4 depictions of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, has not been ‘lost’, contrary to how some so called ‘christian churches’ proclaim. So if this postulation is valid, the last Church era will culminate in the Gospel of John or with the emphases on the divinity of Christ, which happens to correspond to the Eagle or Scorpio. Coincidentally, it was in 2013, that now Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer became the 13th Sign of the Zodiac and is attributed to the coming Messiah(s). The luciferians also await their own false messiah as do the muslims, Hindus, and New Agers.

By chance, is there a Lunar alignment that directly lines up with Ophiuchus during the 2013-2023 timeline? Yes, in 2021 and 2022. Perhaps this will be the signaling that the Divine King, Jesus as God will initiate His 2nd Coming soon thereafter. But until then the Resurrection and Rapture of the Church will not happen until the Great Commission is completed and the ‘last fish’ is caught. Thus could this event of the Blessed Hope promised, occur when an eclipse occurs against the backdrop of Pisces to commemorate and signal the ‘last prophetic catch in the world by the Church? Perhaps the 7 fold Pisces-Virgo pattern is a clue to consider.

The 5 Eclipses of 2013: The Number 5
Why was a 13th Sign added in 2013? Why does the 7 fold Pisces-Virgo eclipse pattern start in 2013? Is 2013 a prophetic marker? The year 2013 had a total of 5 eclipses. There have been 2 Solar Eclipses and there will be a total of 3 Lunar Eclipses finishing off with the October 18, 2013 one. This last one starts the 7 Pisces-Virgo prophetic pattern that is highlighted within the Tetrad of 2014-15. Could the number 5 be also a key factor and prophetic prelude to a coming Tetrad Rapture then? A short Biblical study of the number 5 might give some context and clue to this possible ‘coded’ Rapture event due to the 5 Lunar Eclipses preceding the Tetrad. The following is a paraphrase from of the significance & meaning of the number 5.

The number 5 is associated with a People called out from mankind, as in ecclesia or ‘Church’. It can be implied of the Redeemed and Saved of Christ, that are to be ushered from Earth to Heaven. The number 5 is thus ascribed to the Plan Redemption that culminates with the Resurrection and Rapture of the Redeemed. Biblically speaking, the number 5 is the number of Grace that the Church Age exemplifies. Since 5 is (4+1), it is also attributed to ‘Divine Strength’ that is added to make things perfect in weakness. This too describes the Church Age as the Body of Christ is made up of broken vessels of clay, yet containing the very Glory of GOD through which the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin and makes a Christian’s Faith perfect in ‘weakness’.

An Eclipse to Comet Economic Collapse?
October 17, 2013 will mark a pivotal turning point in the USA’s history with the debt ceiling trigger. What is alarming is that the Lunar Eclipse of October 18, 2013 is on the eve of the US Debt default deadline. Some speculate that the Stock Market, of the US for example, is tied to astrological cycles. Regardless if it is a mere coincidence, the USA cannot continue borrowing on money it cannot afford to even pay the interest on. Constitutionally, the USA is mandated to print its own money, without interest.

The Federal Reserve is a private bank has been allowed to usurp the Department of the Treasury by bought-out elected officials that have given away the responsibility of printing money. The US Federal Reserve is not ‘federal’, nor are there any ‘reserves’ as it is a private conglomerate of banks, mainly the Bank of England that prints money backed up by nothing or called ‘fiat.’

They in turn, print and lend the notes to the US Federal Government with interest that in turn has to be paid by the hard working taxpayers. Currently, the burden of a USA’s debt and interest is intentionally designed to be borne on the backs of the worker who has less purchasing power and is about to lose all savings and retirements while the Money Changers transfers their ill-gotten wealth to themselves. 

Each dollar that the US Government borrows comes automatically with interest added on to every dollar it prints for the US Government. This scheme is designed to enslave a nation with a perpetual debt that is never expected to be paid back. At a certain point of economic critical mass, the Money Changers that run the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, etc., will implode the currency and confiscate all resources, infrastructure, institutions for pennies on the dollar. This end-game has been implemented in so many countries throughout history. This is what exactly happened to Iceland, Greece and Cyrus in the last few years. Perhaps it is the US’s turn now. Will it occur on this eve of the Eclipse or the one coming on November 3rd?

If on the other hand the debt ceiling stops, the USA will default on just the very interest on the bank loans from the Federal Reserve -as it is virtually bankrupt. Regardless, an economic collapse is inevitable mathematically. It would take 100s of years just to pay off the interest alone. This scheme by the Banksters is not designed for a nation’s debt to be paid off but for a certain day and time to implode the economy to destroy the nation economically at the time of the Money-Changers’ own choosing.

This has always been the design of slowly and methodically milking a wealth of a country and funneling it to other nations or banks to start anew or as in a new ‘order’.  Either way, it is currently a well-orchestrated economic implosion like they did with the Twin Towers to bring it down to build up a new order to take its place.

A third scenario is being currently considered in that a possible stay in the default could be made by a temporary extension to the deadline. But if initiated and implemented, it is only a temporary ‘Band-Aid’ to the inevitable coming economic collapse. What is fascinating is the timing. The possible extension would be for 6 weeks or 42 days (7days x 6weeks). If you add the 42 days from the eve of the Lunar Eclipse of October 17, 2013 you will end up at November 28, the 1st Day of Hanukah and when comet ISON will reach its perihelion or when it starts to rapidly sling-shot around the Sun. So, the future of the most powerful economic engine in the world is subject to a Lunar Eclipse and a spectacular comet on a Jewish festival? What are the odds? Can you see who is behind this?  Why?

Eclipse cycles have been linked to the speculative Stock Market cycles by some who actually work from within the apparatus and can attest to a tie-in to astrological alignments and eclipses. Many would agree that the current Stock Market is being manipulated and artificially propped-up in a façade of normalcy. It has the effect of how the violins where being played as the Titanic was slowly sinking. It is not a matter of IF but WHEN the violins of the hypnotic Money Changers will stop their monopoly game and are going to ‘pull the plug’ to have the US economy come crashing down to unprecedented degree far worse than the 1929 Crash. This coming designed economic implosion will affect the whole world and perhaps set the stage for the New World Order’s biometric cashless economy.

To reiterate, many economic experts are predicting the inevitable crash but perhaps there is a delay as it is all about ‘timing’. But it is interesting to consider if either or both Lunar or Solar Eclipse patterns could still be tied to a coming economic collapse. The next Solar Eclipse occurs on Nov 3 for example. (For a study on the relationship between the economy and eclipses, click here.) Regardless, the US Debt ceiling will have to be addressed by October 17; October 18 is a Lunar Eclipse.

If the US does not raise the debt ceiling, the US GOV will default as the Federal Reserve will either not print more money or stop it all together. If a 42 day extension is given from October 17, it will coincidentally be marked by comet ISON on the 1st day of Hanukah. Either way, the nations of the world will most likely stop buying US Debt because there is nothing to back it up as increasing numbers of other nations are refusing to buy oil solely based on the Petro Dollar, the current standard medium of exchange.

Prophetically, the Bible does speak of economics in the Last Days. It depicts the time of the Tribulation in which inflation will soar the likes of having to work 1 whole day to buy a loaf of bread. This will be the case if one can find a job and if you are part of the ‘grid’ that will even allow you to buy or sell. Many End-Time scholars like Jonathan Cahn predicts that 2015 is tied also to the Jewish sabbatical 7 year economic cycle that coincided with 3 major Stock Market crashes. This 7 year economic cycle started in 2001 with the 911 attacks, then on Rosh HaShana in 2008 and thus 2015 is predicted to be the final and culminating Big worldwide economic crash.

Does the 7 fold Pisces-Virgo alignment highlighted in this study within the Tetrad then have a correlation to the when the Rapture of the Church could possibly occur? Are these Zodiac patterns prophetic in the sense that perhaps the Tetrad is chiming the Church, made of ‘fishes’ and ‘virgins’ that their catch, their bridal preparation is about to come to fruition sometime either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the passing of this Tetrad?

My we be found worthy of the escape, regardless of the timing; like Rahab...may we have that red chord that speaks of the Blood of the Lamb applied to our household out our proverbial window ever vigilant of the coming judgment to this Earth, this 'city of man' the economic walls of the mighty city’s come tumbling down, perhaps during these eclipses. May we be ‘going up’ through the wall as they will be falling down to take hold a ‘celestial city’. We shall see.


Some Sources