Day (8 Oct 2013)
"Start of Hanukkah to fall on Thanksgiving for only time in next 79,000 years..."

If this event won't occur for another 79,000 years, wouldn't a first and logical thought be to wonder if the current Jewish calendar year is simply 'off;' that it has been inaccurately calculated? 


Many prophecy-watching Christians and certain segments of religious Jews have been considering just that possibility.  They believe that the start of the Jewish Civil Year at Rosh Hashanah was a month too early this year and had it been correctly counted, Rosh Hashanah (New Year's) would be in early October, somewhere between the 6th and 8th.  


As Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28, 2013, by this method of counting, Hanukkah would be celebrated near Christmas.  The combination of Christmas and Hanukkah seems to happen with much greater frequency; Wiki Answers says that in the last 100 years, one unspecified day of Hanukkah,(any one of the eight days) falling on Christmas has occurred 50 times. (


Are the Jewish High Holy Days just beginning now or were they in early September and already concluded?


 Gobble tov! American Jews ready for Thanksgivukkah



Posted: Oct 07, 2013 1:13 PM EDT Updated: Oct 07, 2013 1:14 PM EDT

It's a turkey. It's a menorah. It's Thanksgivukkah!

An extremely rare convergence this year of Thanksgiving and the start of Hanukkah has created a frenzy of Talmudic proportions.

There's the number crunching: The last time it happened was 1888, or at least the last time since Thanksgiving was declared a federal holiday by President Lincoln, and the next time may have Jews lighting their candles from spaceships 79,043 years from now, by one calculation...

...While the whole thing is lots of fun, is there anything truly cosmic happening here?

Well, there's Comet ISON, which is scheduled to pass close by the sun on Thanksgiving this year and may provide a nice show — possibly even during daylight. Or not, since comets can't always be counted on.

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Headline from Drudge Report 10/7/13/6:30PM