The following letter was posted in a response to Charles, but I am hoping John will repost it to ALL DOVES, for I feel it is extreemly important and might have been overlooked by the majority of doves. It is an indepth study of Revelations, done with intense biblical research and prayer. I hope all will find spiritual TRUTH in reading and praying over it and give all glory to Jehovah God, Jesus Christ his son, and the Holy Ghost.
Subject: For ALL DOVES in Response to CHARLES.........."The truth of the narrow road and the worlds wide path"
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 22:09:03 -0400
Dear brother Charles and doves,
Upon reading your letter Charles, happiness came over me! You have found the answer! The Lord has blessed your devotion with wisdom and lead you to the TRUTH!
No one knows it all, but each are given as he can handle, meat to deeper truths and milk to introduce one to God's love, understanding, salvation, and all good things that are of Jehovah God Almighty, Jesus Christ his son, and the Holy Ghost.
I feel that the Lord wants me to share what he has shown me in my studies of Revelations, in summation. This is just my oppinion as to what I have learned from my point of understanding. Take it before the Lord, in prayer, and ask for the truth. I did.
Mathew 7:14........Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
The race is to become the bride of Christ, the prize of a position in the new Jerusalem government of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, under the Kingship of David, not to have to face the second death. The bride of Christ will be the 144,000 firstfruits, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. These people will be scattered all over the earth and from all walks of life. They will have a calling. All their lives have been focussed to learn the TRUTH, then declare the TRUTH to the world. This can be said to be an obsession with these people. They will be rejected and hated by those that have been deceived by Satan. Their goal is to do Jesus end time work of calling as many out of this Babylonish system of worshipping Satan and demons, that will listen. (Understand this! The entire world has been deceived and most know not what they are doing! They perish for lack of knowledge.)
Revelations 12:9....... And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. I believe that the Olympics ceramony's were a precurser to the manifestations of Revelations chapter 9.The 144,000 are the 2 witnesses that represent the 2 olive trees and 2 candlesticks that stand before the God of the earth.
......I believe they have a common trait of being sealed with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with and by the anointing of (oil).......
KJV Zechariah 4:14..... Then said he, These are the 2 anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.NLT Zechariah 4:14...... Then he said to me, "They represent the 2 heavenly beings who stand in the court of the Lord of all theearth.
Zechariah chapter 4 tells of the physical rebuilt temple of the Lord after Israels return from exile. Under the leadership of Jeshua and Zerubbabel, the religious and civic leaders of Jerusalem, the temple of the Lord was rebuilt and worship was restored in Jerusalem.
Zerubbabel and Joshua represented the two heavenly beings (literally two sons of olive oil), who were anointed with oil as part of their commissioning. Theirs was the physical representation of the restoring of the temple worship. Jesus Christ is the rebuilder of the spiritual temple. The 144,000 are the (sons of the oil) in this the end times, that represent the 2 heavenly beings. The 2 heavenly beings are the 2 olive trees on each side of the lampstand. Theirs is the spiritual representation of the restoring of temple worship. The oil is the word of God and is dispensed by the Holy Ghost. When it says 2 heavenly BEINGS, beings means more than one as in several, in this case, 144,000. The 2 represents Gods chosen people that are divided into 2 kingdoms presently. These two peoples will be reunited as recorded in Ezekiel:
Ezekiel 37:22........And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all;
They are from the 2 Kingdoms of Israel, thus, the 2 witnesses, The Northern and the Southern Kingdoms, and are seperated into their respective tribes, 12,000 from each one. The one kingdom represents the keeping of the laws of God and the other kingdom represents the saving grace and salvation of God. They are alive now and have been chosen by our Lord. Many are called to this purpose, but few will be chosen. And to be one is not what Christondom (False Christianity) thinks! They are not taken out of harms way by a (RAPTURE). They will be killed by the beast, as he will make war against them after they have prophesied for 3 and a half years. I feel that the anti-christ will accomplish this in front of the entire world, to make an example to the world what happens to those who won't take the mark of the beast. Their dead bodies will be left to rot in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 and a half days, at which time God will bring them back to life and call them up to the throne. This is the FIRST (ascension) up to heaven in Revelations 11:12 and it is the FIRSTFRUITS that are taken. Most of the world will rejoice when the anti-christ has the 144,000 murderred (probably by beheading) because the world does not want to hear the TRUTH! True Christians are not spared from "the persecution of the Devil"! We are spared from "THE WRATH OF GOD"! There is a difference and it is spelled out in Revelations for all to discover.
Satan has deceived the entire world and that is why the 144,000 will be hated by the world! They will be charged will the duty of declaring to the world that the entire world has been deceived!
Mathew 15:9....... But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Even family members will call them CRAZY and many other things because the 144,000 will not go along with the worlds deception, (Keeping pagan holidays instead of Gods Holy days). Satan has mixed pagan worship into Christianity to confuse the world and cause worshipping of false Gods. In actuality, christondom worships Satan and demons, and have lost their way because of not obeying Gods commandments. Jesus said himself that he did not come to destroy the LAW. He said we can keep the law by Loving each other as ourself and Loving God with our total being. But that entails KEEPING THE 10 COMMANDMENTS, if you love God you want to obey Gods LAWS. Simply put!
Mathew 10:36........ And a mans foes shall be they of his own household.37........ He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38........ And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
During this time of prophesying to the world, choices will have to be made! Either you believe the TRUTH and come out of Babylonish worship, or you do not. The difference will be your eternal destination and whether or not you are among those standing before the throne of God that come out of the great tribulation. You see, no one is going to be taken out of the earth to escape the persecution that is coming and is already going on all over the world. Christians and Jews are being persecuted all over the earth and it is going to get much worse!John 17:14..........I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.15............. I pray not that thou shouldest taketh them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keepeth them from the evil.16............. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.17............. Sanctify them through thy TRUTH: thy word is TRUTH.
Jesus here is talking to the Father about the firstfruits, the 12 desciples and the 144,000 of the end times.
John 17:20....... Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;21........... That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
Jesus here prays for the firstfruits and the future church that will become one with them together as Jesus is one with the Father.
The choice is summed up in:
Mathew 10:39............He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
In other words, if you take the mark of the beast in order to live, you will lose your eternal life with the Lord. And if you give up your life by not taking the mark of the beast and are thus killed because you believe in Jesus sacrifice for your sins, then you will gain eternal life and be with the Lord. Those standing before the throne of God in Revelations 7:9 are those that were killed in the tribulation, thus they did not take the mark of the beast. Instead they WASHED their robes and MADE them white in the blood of the Lamb. This means that they DID something to cause their robes to become white. They DIED for their belief in Jesus! This MADE their robes white. They are INNUMERAL! They cannot be numberred because there are so many of them! On the other hand the 144,000 are numberred! An exact amount! This proves that they are 2 different groups of people. The 144,000 are to be priests and kings. The great multitude are of the church, spared Gods wrath that culminates in revelations chapter 16, but not spared persecution during the tribulation.
Mathew 24:29....... Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from the heavens, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Notice the words AFTER THE TRIBULATION! Then the next verse.....
30........... And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
The harvest of the earth does not happen until AFTER, read that again, AFTER the tribulation! The dead will rise first and then those that are still alive and have not taken the mark of the beast will be translated! Those people that live through it all, right up until the WHEAT HARVEST, are identified in revelations 15:2 and are tribulation saints that stayed alive right up until the harvest of the earth, and were translated. These could have been some of the church and others that excepted Jesus during the tribulation that managed to stay alive until the harvest time. The tribulation saints that died during the tribulation, rose first, and were seen as a great multitude in revelations 7:9.......Many of the church and others that except Jesus during the tribulation, (saints that were deceived by Satan into false worship but woke up when the anti-christ wanted them to take the mark of the beast and worship him KNOWINGLY!) This would cause eternal damnation! A choice finally has to be made by all of these people.
I believe that we are at the end of the road! I also believe that the last church described by Jesus in revelations 3:14 is actually talking about the end time churches NOW, the La-od-i-ce-'ans! The people that are to face the last years on earth before the wheat harvest happens! The church is spued from the Lords mouth! They are neither hot nor cold! ALL will have to go into the great testing of the TRIBULATION. Even the 144,000! Many will be killed! This is a final testing of the faith of the saints. Some will be predestined to become the bride of Christ, the 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. The great multitude will be from the church. Others will come to be saved by turning from the beast and suffering persecution, and/or death.
Revelations 3:19.......As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.20............ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock, if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me.21............ To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
To overcometh is to live your life to the death, never forsaking your faith in Jesus. Choose death, over life with the beast as your life saver. DO NOT take the mark of the beast, PERIOD!!!!!!
Jews will eventually come to mourn for Jesus as they are persecuted by the anti-christ to the point of crying out to Jesus as their true messiah and their king. They will suffer greatly for excepting the anti-christ before excepting the TRUTH! All Israelites are Hebrew, but not all are JEWS! Read Genesis 48 and 49 to see the seperation of the 12 tribes and their blessings. There are 12,000 from each tribe that will become the 144,000 in the end times. Jews are from the tribe of Judah, thus they are called Jews. Benjamin and Levi were of the Southern Kingdom with Judah and they resided in and around Jerusalem with the tribe of Judah, thus they took the name also, Jews. The Northern Kingdom were of the lost 10 tribes. Jesus's mission from Jehovah God Almighty was to retrieve them from the world. They are called the house of Israel.
KJV Mathew 15:24.......... But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.NLT Mathew 15:24.......... Then Jesus said to the woman, "I was sent only to help Gods lost sheep-the people of Israel.
It is clear that Jesus was talking about the lost 10 tribes (the Northern kingdom) because the Jews have never lost their identity. The world has ALWAYS known who they are. The Jews are called the Children of Israel.
I believe that we know who the anti-christ is and the false prophet will come out of the RCC, Petrus Romanus. They want Jerusalem as their headquarters, and will stop at nothing to bring the nation of Israel (the Jews) to their knees. Islam is their army and is of the BEAST SYSTEM! The 10 horns of this union with the anti-christ are being formed as I type. They will give their power to the anti-christ and will share power as kings for one hour with him. You mathmaticians can figure it up, and please post for us all to know this time frame. These 10 kings of Islam will hate the whore, the RCC, and will make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
This brings us into the WRATH OF GOD, Revelations chapter 16, when the 7 vials of the Wrath of God are poured out upon the earth.The wheat harvest and the grape harvest were completed in revelations 14:14 and 14:18.
Michael P