Carl Berryman (25 Oct 2012)
"The real end of the age 'strong delusion' is the masonic agenda"


Hi Doves,

As you know in my recent posts I have talked a bit about the agenda of the Masonic elite.


A very interesting article posted yesterday by Tom Horn on his Raiders News Update website (

called: Brightest Minds In The World Gather Inside Masonic Temple Under All-Seeing Eye To Ask: Will The Singularity Turn Us Into Gods Or End The Human Race?


Hundreds of the world’s brightest minds — engineers from Google and IBM, hedge funds quants, and Defense Department contractors building artificial intelligence — were gathered inside the auditorium of the San Francisco Masonic Temple atop Nob Hill more:


But I mean, I ask you...the crux of the article is that the only hope these elites see for human kind is to merge with machines and become everlasting gods. There is no way of salvation so we must do it ourselves. Deep down...they hate the LORD.


There are so many deceptions linked to the Masonic order, that to me, have dovetailed together to become the world’s most nefarious end of the age delusions that even if it were possible, the elect would be fooled. Here are just a few that I know of:


·         Deception 1 - All roads lead to God - To be inducted into the masons you just have to have belief in a higher being


·         Deception 2 – First levels of masonry are the Blue and Red lodges – permeate society through the forces (ie, the army and police that are the enforcement arms of the elite on society and world. They always wear masonic insignia - black and white checkers, particularly around the head, inverted pentagrams on their badges, uniforms are often blue. You always see blue and red in corporate logos. In academia, a student wears a mitre board shaped cap when they receive their first of what? The various levels of masonry are called degrees!


·         Deception 3 – The Craft must be kept secret/protected – there is no transparency to the outside world. You risk your life by going against this oath as a freemason. Why is it that we as tax payers, who elect public officials into office, don’t get to know about key decisions that government makes – we are kept in the dark, so to speak? There are no windows in masonic lodges – it is the same reason all corporate and government deals are done behind closed doors and around round tables – the knights of the round table, ie, the templars were the beginnings of freemasonry. Why is it only some get rich and others get richer?...the elites always look after themselves.


·         Deception 4 – All royalty, particularly of Europe. I mean...come on! Who are these people! Why, as tax payers, do we have to fund these so-called royal bloodlines! Just at its basic premise this is a wrought! Being a member of the British Commonwealth here in New Zealand, our government is essentially ruled by the British is a completely masonic system. Follow the blood red cross of the templars. It is on all our flags in the so called ‘union jack’ or Union of Jacob. Ever seen the Alfa Romeo badge? It has the blood-red cross of the templars and a serpent swallowing a man! Do you think the owners of Alfa are/were masons?


·         Deception 5 – Domes and Obelisks everywhere. These represent the worship and procreation of Egyptian gods which are basically Lucifer, Apollo, Osirus. Our so called Christian founders of the western world (Canada, Australia, NZ, US, UK) have these things erected in our cities and towns and it is an abomination. We basically live in an alchemic working designed to suppress the power of the Lord and his word. Just look at the capital of the US in DC with its dome, obelisk and streets laid out in a pentagram. We even have a dome and an obelisk here in Napier, NZ. They are hiding in plain view. If you asked the average person on the street what they were looking at, they wouldn’t have a clue.  See Tom Horn’s and Chris Pinto’s work on this. An eye opener for any American.


·         Deception 6 – Indoctrination and manipulation through mass media and marketing – Pyramids with cap stones on the back of the $1 bill, Olympic ceremonies, movies, children’s T shirts and TV shows....about their coming NWO and who their god is. It all represents the god of this world. No wonder the Lord said love not this world!


·         Deception 7 – Lucifer is the Grand Architect of the Universe, or the light bearer  – (‘Luc’ meaning light) - and is above Jesus Christ. Revealed at the very highest levels of freemasonry. The initiated mason is fooled throughout his journey into thinking he just has to be a model citizen and do good, which is all fine in essence, however, the initiation ceremonies are basically witch ‘craft’ and the truth of who they actually worship is revealed at higher level degrees.


·         (Coming) Deception 8 – Lucifer will be made manifest in the flesh to cap (rule/head/lead – a mockery of our Lord’s “ I am the corner or foundation stone”) the pyramid (NWO) – The $1 bill seal. Will come in peace but will destroy many. Will speak against all that is good and against the most high, openly mocking the Lord. Will call and show himself to be god. Will likely sit in the greatest masonic temple of all time, on the temple mount, with his own statue and right at the end, lead the armies and kings of the earth to battle against the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with his ten thousands saints.....I think you know the rest.


This is the strong delusion folks...there are a lot of people fooled by these elites.


Think twice about thinking it’s good to fight their phoney wars and to put up with their theft and abuse through their unethical and unchristian care of others for the sake of great power and wealth now.


The scriptures are clear that the meek will inherit the earth, the first will be last and last first, and that all of the powerful men of the world will bow to the Almighty and acknowledge Him as such, then they will be cast into the lake of fire for not using their position for the great commission.


The most powerful men of this world have their chance to do good now. The scriptures and current realities prove that they, with a little help from their grand architect, choose to do otherwise and deceive the world. If you know of anyone involved in freemasonry, pray for them, help them to get out of it now and to see the truth.


In Him always,


Carl Berryman