Garry B (7 Nov 2021)


Regarding the "falling away"  Jesus said that He saw that event happen in a vision according to :


Luke 10:18 ( Jesus speaking )

"I beheld  Satan, as lightning, FALL FROM HEAVEN."


Now look WHO IT IS that is being spoken of IN CONJUNCTION WITH the "falling away", IN  THE SAME SENTENCE , in the following Scripture: 


2 Thessalonians 2:2-3

" that THE DAY OF CHRIST ( the resurrection/rapture ) is at hand.......... for THAT DAY shall NOT come , except there come A FALLING AWAY FIRST , and THAT MAN OF SIN be revealed, the SON OF PERDITION."


This Scripture plainly states that "the son of perdition" who is "that man of sin" , ie. the anti-Christ , will "be revealed" as the result of Satan's "falling away FIRST" from heaven, and cast down to earth. The FIRST THING that Satan does AFTER "falling away " from heaven and cast down to earth is REVEAL HIS ANTI-CHRIST  according to BOTH SCRIPTURES :  2 Thessalonians 2:2-3  and  Revelation 13:1-8.



According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !