Steve W (22 Nov 2020)
""Re: Fay book of Revelation 7 mag Quake 10/30/2020 sync USA Election and 2028 Prophecy""

       Hello Five Doves,
                    Last week Fay was inquiring about potential prophetic significance of the 7.0 mag Quake
      that struck on 10/30/2020 near the Island of Patmos where John wrote the book of REVELATION.
      That area is also near where the 7 churches named in book of Revelation are located.
       This was also the 7th largest mag Quake of 2020 recorded so far.

                          see links >

              Also last week we posted an article about the church of PHILADELPHIA in book of Revelation
    synced with the 2020 USA ELECTION by way of the remarkable Open Vision testimony of CHRIS REED !
                           see link >

          And back on 11/1/2020 we posted a Five Doves article showing how the two Largest  Quakes in the
     USA this year, both in Alaska, are prophetically pointing to DONALD TRUMP winning re-election
     and serving a full 8 years as President !!!!!
                            see link >

      So in this article we're going to examine how the 7 mag Quake near Patmos 10/30/2020 also synchronizes 
    with all the above revelations about the 2020 Election outcome and potentially END TIME prophecy as well !!!!!!!

    The following time chart unveils this revelation....

                                                                                       Near Patmos where JOHN
                                                                                         wrote book of Revelation
  Largest Mag Quake in the          3rd largest Quake            near 7 churches              TRUMP
    world in yr 2020 to date         in world in 2020 to date     book of Revelation         vs BIDEN                  Presidential
          7.8 mag Quake                   7.6 mag Quake                7.0 mag Quake                  USA                     inauguration
               ALASKA                              ALASKA                        Aegean Sea                ELECTION                      day
              7/21/2020                            10/19/2020                      10/30/2020                 11/3/2020                   1/20/2021
                     !.................90 days..............!...............11 days............!..............4 days........!.............78 days.........!
                                           ^^                                ^^                                     ^                 ^^^          ^^
                                              ^^                          ^^                                      ^                     !................2888 days > 9/30/2028 <
                                                ^^                     ^^                                       ^                     ^^^        ^^   ^^^^            see below
                                                       ^^        ^^                                         ^                         ^^^      ^^    ^^^^       for significance
                    take the synced number 9011 >>>>>>>>  divide   by   4   =  2252.75 divide by 78 = 28.88 !!!!
                                                                                                                   ^^^    ^^   USA ELECTION
      In CHRIS REED open vision on 8/20/2020 about the 2020 Election  ^^^    ^^       11/3/2020
                                                                 !.....................................................its 75 days to..!   ^^
                                                                                                                ^^^                             ^^
       And we discovered from CHRIS REED's open vision 1st Kings 2:25 being vs number 78
            of book of 1st Kings, describes where SOLOMON has ADONIJAH put to death.      ^^
   As CHRIS explains, JOE BIDEN is the prophetic typology of ADONIJAH                            ^^
            and DONALD TRUMP is the typology of SOLOMON, and JOE BIDEN will turn age 78 on 11/20/2020
    and shortly thereafter sometime in DEC 2020-JAN 2021 BIDEN will go to his political death
                      as DONALD TRUMP wins in the legal proceedings for re-election !!

                                           "So King Solomon sent by the hand of Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; 
                                                           and he struck him (ADONIJAH) down, and he died."
                                                                                    1st Kings 2:25


    Now what is just as remarkable about the timeline above is when we take the LAST
    part of the equation as you see above > 2252.75 divided by 78 = 28.88  we get this further amazing
     sync about END TIME PROPHECY in the following way.....         ^^^^
                                                                                                           ^^^^            astonishing amount of evidence
                                                                                                          ^^^^                     amassing here as
                                                           DONALD     JOE                    ^^^^                       potential day for
                                                            TRUMP vs BIDEN                ^^^^                      SECOND COMING
                                                             USA ELECTION                  ^^^^                      JESUS CHRIST
                                                                    11/3/2020                     ^^^^                             9/30/2028
                                                                            !..........................2888 days...........................!
                                                                                                       in greek gematria 888  = JESUS !!!
   The bible is very clear that  GOD uses EARTHQUAKES as prophetic signs. For example in the book of Revelation
   EARTHQUAKEs appear 5 times. And in Revelation 11:13 the language is very clear an EARTHQUAKE will occur
   right before the 7th and LAST TRUMPET is sounded in Revelation 11:15 for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!

   The language is very specific in this verse that 1/10 of the city it occurs in will be destroyed and 7000 people will die. 
    While many verses in Revelation are symbolic this verse appears to be talking about a very literal and real event,
    so that when it happens it will be easily identifiable and make WORLDWIDE NEWS as a clear SIGN, as to how close
   we are to the actual  SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRIST in all power and Glory !!!!!!! 

                                                  "In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. 
                                                                 In the earthquake 7000 people were killed, 
                                                and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven."
                                                                                               Revelation 11:13
And the death count of 7000  is also prophecy because it is reflecting GOD's 7000 yr overall plan for mankind
which we believe is best reflected in the chart below.

                                                                           ISRAEL becomes                <  ISRAEL becoming a nation again fulfilled bible
                                                                             a nation again                    <  prophecy, and the generation JESUS spoke of in the
                                                                                    1948                 2028   <  parable of the Fig Tree/ISRAEL in Matthew 24:34 is
                                                                                        !.......80 yrs.......!      < revealed in Psalms 90:10 as 80 yrs for a generation.
                                                            JESUS                                   JESUS    
                                                          Crucifixion                                Second                            JESUS    
        Creation of                               Resurrection                              Coming             1000 yr millennial reign
            ADAM                                      28 A.D                                      2028              ^^^^              3028
                 !.................4000 yrs................!..................2000 yrs................!.............1000 yrs..............!         
                 !                                                                                                !                                         !        
                 !..........................................6000 yrs........................................!..............1000 years..........!
                 !............from Genesis 1 > 6 days GOD created >....................!...7th day GOD rested......!
                 !                                                                                                                                          !
                 !................................................................................GOD's 7000 yr plan for mankind.......!

       "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a 1000 years, and a 1000 years as one day."
                                                                                      2nd Peter 3:8

God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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