Steve W (15 Nov 2020)
"!!! Rev 3:7 Chris Reed PHILADELPHIA Prophetic Vision of 2020 Election !!!"

                                 And to the angel of the church in PHILADELPHIA write, 
              ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the Key of David
                             He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”:
                                                                Revelation 3:7

       Hello Five Doves !
                We have an extraordinary prophetic revelation to share with you.  It begins
    with this you tube interview where CHRIS REED shares an open vision he had about the
    2020 Election see link > <

     In this vision the LORD pointed CHRIS to PHILADELPHIA in the book of Revelation as a prophetic parallel
       of how the city of PHILADELPHIA USA is a key to understanding how the 2020 Election will play out !!
                   CHRIS wrote down the words he specifically heard the LORD say in his vision...

      "As I said to you before, so I say to you again, WATCH PENNSYLVANIA, particularly PHILADELPHIA.
       And what I said to the church of PHILADELPHIA in the book of Revelation, so I say to my church,
              in this season about the city of PHILADELPHIA, and the nation in the days ahead"

       Now in the bible the word PHILADELPHIA appears only twice both in the book of Revelation.

                               PHILADELPHIA                                        PHILADELPHIA
                                   in text of vs                                                in text of vs
                                Revelation 1:11                                           Revelation 3:7
                                       !............................45 verses to......................!
         perfect sync with DONALD TRUMP 45th President of USA !!
                                       PHILADELPHIA is the 6th church named of the 7 churches of Book of Revelation.
                                                                   ^^      ^
                                                                 45  /    =  7.5
  CHRIS in his testimony says that he first got an         ^^                                DONALD      JOE
   open vision about the 2020 Election                          ^^                                  TRUMP vs BIDEN
     connected to PENNSYLVANIA                                 ^^                                 USA ELECTION DAY
       back on August 20, 2020                                        ^^                                         11/3/2020
                                 !....................................................75 days.......................................!


 So going with this prophecy when DONALD TRUMP wins re-election he will be officially inaugurated once again
 on 1/20/2021, which when synced with CHRIS REED's original 2020 Election vision on Aug 20, 2020 gives us 
 the following prophetic time chart.
                                                                                                           DONALD TRUMP
      CHRIS REED testimony                   DONALD    JOE                            USA
  open vision about 2020 Election        TRUMP vs BIDEN                     Presidential
    connected to Pennsylvania             USA ELECTION DAY               inauguration day
           on Aug 20, 2020                               11/3/2020                              1/20/2021
                         !.....................75 days.................!..................78 days..............!
                                                  ^^                                     ^^
                                                       ^^                          ^^   Each year represents when TRUMP 
                                                             ^^              ^^  will be in office for his second term !!!!!
                                                                   ^^    ^^                ^^^
                            Take the synced number 7578 divide by 2021 = 3.74           A=1,B=2 add the letters in his name
                            Take the synced number 7578 divide by 2022 = 3.74                     DONALD TRUMP = 138
                            Take the synced number 7578 divide by 2023 = 3.74                        PHILADELPHIA = 101
                            Take the synced number 7578 divide by 2024 = 3.74                              the difference is 37 !!
                            Take the synced number 7578 divide by 2025 = 3.74          perfect sync with Revelation 3:7 !!
                                                                                                         ^^ ^
                First revelation here is the perfect sync with Revelation 3:7 where PHILADELPHIA is seen
  synchronizing with CHRIS REED's PHILADELPHIA open vision and the Presidential Election !!
                         Second amazing revelation here is verse number 374  of the book of Judges 12:14 is where
  we have documented in a prior Five Doves article DONALD TRUMP fits the typology of ABDON who
                         judged ISREAL for 8 years just like DONALD TRUMP is destined to
                   serve as President for 8 years !!!!!!!!
             link for article > <

  One of the most remarkable parts of CHRIS REED's testimony is he shows the prophetic connection in
  Revelation 3:7 where the LORD refers to the KEY OF DAVID. CHRIS shows how this phrase connects back
   to the Old Testament story about KING DAVID, ADONIJAH and SOLOMON of 1st KINGS chapters 1 and 2.
  As CHRIS explains, ADONIJAH is the typology of JOE BIDEN who is presuming to be the new KING even
  though he has not been given the blessing of KING DAVID who holds the KEY , in speaking the will of the LORD,
  to who will really become KING !!

  In the same way the media has proclaimed BIDEN President Elect and BIDEN has accepted their proclamation
  even though they all know the only real way to become President is to have the CERTIFIED majority of VOTES
  in the Electoral College, which has certainly not happened yet, because of so many allegations of FRAUD by the
  democrats that has yet to be ruled on by the Courts !! That's the KEY !!

  KING DAVID, then goes on to proclaim SOLOMON / TRUMP  the real new KING and ADONIJAH is disgraced
  and it even comes to the point where SOLOMON executes his older brother ADONIJAH in 1st Kings 2:25 !! 
                                     Notice the prophetic sync here BIDEN is older than TRUMP !!

                                       "So King Solomon sent by the hand of Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; 
                                                           and he struck him (ADONIJAH) down, and he died."
                                                                                 1st Kings 2:25

                                     1st Kings 2:25 is verse number 78 of the book of 1st Kings. 
                         On 11/20/2020 JOE BIDEN will turn 78 years of age and as this prophecy plays out we are expecting
        JOE BIDEN will go to his political death at age 78 sometime in Dec 2020 to Jan 2021 where the Election will be
   decided for DONALD TRUMP when all legal proceedings are played out !!

       And the prophetic syncs between 1st Kings chapter 1 and 2, where this KING DAVID, ADONIJAH, SOLOMON story
     plays out, and Revelation 3 JESUS speaking to PHILADELPHIA , can be seen in the following numerical alignments...

              1st Kings chapter 1 is chapter 292 of bible + 878 chapters to Revelation 3 chapter 1170 of Bible.
              1st Kings chapter 2 is chapter 293 of bible + 877 chapters to Revelation 3 chapter 1170 of Bible.
                                                      JOE BIDEN was age 77 on Election day 11/3/2020.
          And as we just noted above JOE BIDEN will turn 78 on 11/20/2020 and shortly thereafter sometime in 
                             DEC 2020 or JAN 2021 TRUMP = 88 will be decided the winner of the Election !!

God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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