The Preamble to the Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787. From 17 September 1787 to 25 December 2020 (Christmas Day) will be 113 x 754 inclusive days. 754 is the Hebrew gematria for ‘Yehoshua HaMeshiach’. 2368 is the Greek gematria of ‘Jesus Christ’. 2368 divided Pi rounds off to 754. There is a unique relationship between Pi and 113. Multiply all numbers from 1 to infinity and Pi x 113 yields the closest result to a whole number: Pi x 113 = 354.9999699. 354.9999699 rounds off to 355 which is the maximum number of days in one normal Jewish year with 12 lunar cycles. From 17 September 1787 to 13 January 2021 (or 1.13.2021 > 7 days before Inauguration Day) will be 153 x 557 inclusive days. In the attached ‘Prime List’ table I assigned the 31 words of the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ to the first 31 primes from: 1 to 113. I then continued with the 52 words in the Preamble. The very next prime number is the top of the ‘Prime Cross’ where the four points total 1948 (113 + 431 + 523 + 881).
There are a total of 268 letters and 8 punctuation marks in the Preamble for a total of 276 characters. 276 were saved in Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27:37.
The sum of the ASCII codes for all 276 letters and punctuation marks is 28,720.
On 18 March 1942 Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, signs Executive Order 9102, creating the War Relocation Authority (WRA), which becomes responsible for the internment of Americans of Japanese and, to a lesser extent, German and Italian descent, many of them legal citizens. 18 March 1942 + 28,720 days will be 3 November 2020 – Election Day.
The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ (834) + ‘we the people’ (1186) equals: 2020.
There are 16 uppercase letters in the Preamble. The sum of the lowercase ASCII codes for these 16 letters is 1778.
From wikipedia: The Preamble was placed in the Constitution during the last days of the Constitutional Convention by the Committee on Style, which wrote its final draft, with Gouverneur Morris leading the effort. It was not proposed or discussed on the floor of the convention beforehand. The initial wording of the preamble did not refer to the people of the United States, rather, it referred to people of the various states, which was the norm. In earlier documents, including the 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France, the Articles of Confederation, and the 1783 Treaty of Paris recognizing American independence, the word "people" was not used, and the phrase the United States was followed immediately by a listing of the states, from north to south. The change was made out of necessity, as the Constitution provided that whenever the popularly elected ratifying conventions of nine states gave their approval, it would go into effect for those nine, irrespective of whether any of the remaining states ratified.
From 1778 to 2020 has been 242 years. 242 equals: 11^2 x 2. 11^2 equals: 121 which is the fifth Star of David number and the first one composite number Star. There are 121 spaces on a Chinese checkerboard. This makes me think of the China/Biden scandal. The four significant digits in 11^2 x 2 are ‘1122’. JFK was assassinated on 11.22 of 1963.
This Election Day may be the most significant election in U.S. history. I pray the Lord will help us make it through the rough days to come.