Denis Hart sent me a copy of the letter he wrote for the Five Doves this weekend on the 100th anniversary of the 11.11.1918 Armistice. Denis made note that where he lives they give the day before the month in a date string. They also use Celsius. Where I live we give the month before the day in a date string and we use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius. These temperature differences when combined with the golden ratio (Phi) and Noah's seven day warning yielded a unique anomaly linking the dates 11.11.2018 and 11.18.2018. In my last letter to the Five Doves I created a Genesis Pyramid where the date at the capstone was 11.18.2018. Please read:
11.11.2018 will be the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice ending WW1 on the 11th hour of 11.11.1918. Water changes from a liquid to a steaming vapor at the boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius which is 212 degrees Fahrenheit. A pyramid with 212 tiers will have 22,578 stones. 22,578 multiplied by Phi (1.618033989) rounds up to 36,532. 11.11.1918 plus 36,532 days will be 11.18.2018. This will be seven days after 11.11.2018. Noah was given a seven day warning to enter the Ark before the floods began. Again, the 100th anniversary of 11.11.1918 plus 7 days will be 11.18.2018. The numbers 100 and 7 total 107 and 107 is the rapture number. Could we be raptured or 'vaporized' on 11.18.2018?
In Bullinger's book "NUMBER in Scripture" he wrote that the prime number seven can be broken into the sum of the sides of the first two rectilinear shapes that encompass an area: the triangle (3) plus the square (4). 11.11.2018 plus 3 days will be 11.14.2018. In my last letter this date fell at the end of a series of significant dates which all fell in a straight diagonal line in my pyramid diagram: 8.21.2017 solar eclipse, 1.31.2018 lunar eclipse, 7.27.2018 lunar eclipse and the unique 10.08.2018 California 'Daily 4' lotto anomaly where the result equaled the draw number (3795). 11.14.2018 plus 4 more days will be 11.18.2018.
113 is the 31st prime number and the first of the four points of my 'Prime Cross' which total 1948: 113 + 431 + 523 (the 100th prime number) + 881. 113 has a unique relationship to Pi. 113 multiplied by Pi yields the closest result to a whole number - closer than any other whole number times Pi. Pi x 113 = 354.9999699. A points of a Star of David within a circle will divide the circumference into six equal arcs. When each of these six arcs equals 113 then the area of the circle rounds off to the inclusive number of days from 11.11.1918 to 1.04.2019. 1.04.2019 is the last date at the top of my 'Prime List'.
I will be watching for a seven day warning on 11.11.2018.