Virginia (20 Nov 2016)


Thank you so much for Five Doves.  I know it's time consuming for you but it is a wonderful site.  Those that are truly seeking a better or more conclusive understanding of end times come to your site.  I am grateful for it.  I have read it for years but have never written before.  There are some favorite contributors that I always look for.  Some are so far over my head that I can only admire the ability they have, but others speak directly to me.  One very special contributor, Ron Reese, I always look for and am disappointed when I fail to see his writing.  There are many more that are outstanding and Randy is one of those.

Today, I would like to speak to Randy on his
Randy (13 Nov 2016)
"What Jewish years 5777 and 5778 are such meaningful "Watch-Dates" to me.  They must be the Rapture "Window!"" post
I remember much discussion about the stock market drop in 2008.  We all had an opinion, but weren't sure exactly what it all meant.  When I read Randy's post, I looked at the .68 of the 777.68 as a percentage.  Something I had never done before.  That it will be a particular day 68% into the year 5777.  I took 68% of 365 days and came up with 248.2 days.  I initially thought it would be one of the spring feast, but then thought, no it will probably be Pentecost.  I was excited to see which day it would be.  When I saw the very day, the hair stood up on my arms.  It was none of the days that I had thought.  But, it was a most exciting discovery.  I have no idea what the meaning is or will be, but I do know it is significant.  The day will be June 7, 2017.  Exactly 50 years from the day the Israelis took the Temple Mount and a year of Jubilee was declared.  What will happen that day?  I believe it will be a very special day!

Randy, thank you for your continued love of Five Doves and the many contributions that you make.  I always love reading your post.
