Marilyn Agee (26 Nov 2013)
"TJ (22 Nov 2013) "QUESTION" : Figuring Jubilee Years"

From: Marilyn Agee

Thanks for your information on the Jubilee Year. Identifying it is so misunderstood that it took me years of studying books at BIOLA Library's Seminary Collection to be sure I figured out the right way to count it.

It isn't hard.  It is very logical, but so many figure it different ways that it got confusing. I wondered who was right.

Now, I understand. The Jubilee Cycle is a 49-year cycle. The 50th year is both the Jubilee Year and the first year of the new cycle.

The Jubilee Year follows a Sabbatical Year, and Sabbatical Years are divisible by 7 with no remainder. For instance, 5775 is a Sabbatical Year, so 5776 can be the Jubilee Year in which the Second Advent takes place.

The Jubilee Year starts on Nisan 1, the first day of the Sacred Year, Regnal Year and Jubilee Year, but it is announced on the previous Day of Atonement. That is to give people enough time to make arrangements for the Jubilee Year.

Nisan 1, 5776 will be April 9, 2016, the anniversary of Christ's resurrection on April 9, 30 AD. It looks like that will be the day of the Second Advent, another type of resurrection.

There are 7 months (Eze 39:12,13) between the Feast of Trumpets (Day of God's Wrath, Day of the Lord, Sept. 15, 5776) and the Second Advent on Nisan 1, 5776, because 5776 is a Leap Year with a 13th month.

Marilyn Agee

TJ (22 Nov 2013)

I know Israel doesnt observe the Jubilee anymore.  Do they?  Lopez writes down here they do?  Lopez also says after the jubilee year the shmitah 7 year cycle starts over again, but if Israel doesnt observe the jubilee then doesnt the end of one shmitah start a new seven year cycle?   Its not that a shmitah ends with a jubilee year then begins another seven year cycle, its that the end of one shmitah begins another 7 year cycle?

Can you please explain this for me?


        Stefen Lopez (3 Aug 2010)
"Why 2015-16 is the Jubilee Year"

Hi Doves,

I wanted to give credence to 2015-16 being a jubilee year which may help in pinpointing the second coming of Christ.

The Hebrew calendar is different from our own calendar in that their civil year begins sometime in September-October, vs. our civil year beginning January 1st. So Hebrew years will always begin sometime around Sept./Oct. through Sept./ Oct. of the next year. Can we use this in helping to determine the next Jubilee year???

Well, the last Jubilee year occured from Sept. 24, 1966 to Oct. 13, 1967 (these dates are from atonement/yom kippur 1966 to atonement/yom kippur 1967). This entire span of time from Sept. 24, 1966 to Oct. 13, 1967 of the following year was the Jubilee year. And it was WITHIN this period of time (Jubilee) that Israel recaptured Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. So looking to the next Jubilee we count 49 years of 365.25 days, from Sept. 24, 1966 and literally end up at Sept. 22, 2015...with the next day September 23, 2015 being the START of that extra 50th Jubilee year, which would run through to Oct. 12, 2016. Perhaps this is why Rabbi's in Israel celebrated the last Shmita (Sabbath) year from Sept 22, 2007 to Oct 8, 2008, because the next Shmita year ocurrs 7 yrs later from Oct. 4, 2014 to Sept. 22, 2015, the next day being Jubilee from Sept. 23, 2015 to Oct. 11, 2016.

The 7th day is a sabbath rest day, the 7th year (Shmita) is a sabbath rest year, and the 7th Shmita is the 49th year, with the next 50th year being Jubilee...then the cycle starts all over.

But I think some ambiguity ocurrs when we dont consider that a Hebrew year intersects 2 of our years. And so if you bust out a calculator and add 49 yrs to 1967 you get 2016, or add 50 yrs to 1967 you get 2017. But the last Jubilee didn't start in '67, it began in '66 and ran through to '67 (Sep. 24, 1966 to Oct. 13, 1967). Consider, If the Jubilee didn't begin until Atonement of '67 (Oct 14, 1967), then Israel would have captured Jerusalem before Jubilee even began, which would be outside the laws of Jubilee...since all land is recaptured, debts cancelled, slaves set free WITHIN the year of Jubilee. But instead, if you add 49 yrs to Sept. 24,1966 you come to Sept. 22, 2015, with the very next day of Sept. 23, 2015 being the first day of that 50th year...Jubilee.

Israel capturing Jerusalem did not start the Jubilee, Jerusalem was recaptured by Israel WITHIN the year of Jubilee which had already begun 8 month earlier on the Feast of Atonement/Yom Kippur.

This ultimately reinforces Daniel 9:25 and the 7 weeks (49 years). Because if you take 49 Hebrew years (17460 days) from Israel capturing Jerusalem on June 7, ALSO end up at September 23, 2015 which is the Feast of Atonement/Yom Kippur, and next Jubilee. Here are the past Shmita years which have been observed by rabbis since Israel became a nation:

1916-17 (this was 7th Shmita/49th year, following year 1917-18 is Jubilee) General Allanby captures Jerusalem from Turks Dec 1918.
*1965-66 (this was 7th Shmita/49th year, following year 1966-67 is Jubilee) Israel captures Jerusalem in 6 day war.
*2014-15 (this will be 7th Shmita/49th year, following year 2015-16 is Jubilee) Christ returns??

Jubilee years can be confusing b/c the bible doesn't specify whether they ocurr within the 7 year cycle. For instance the 50th year is Jubilee, but it is also the 1st year of the next 7 year cycle. There's division over this question among scholars. However, if the Rabbi's say the next shmita year is from 2014-15, then 2015-16 would be the next Jubilee.

And if anyone is interested in how you can determine the hebrew feast days visit or just type in "hebrew date converter" to google or bing.

-passover (aka pesach) is always Nisan 14
-unleavened bread is Nisan 15
-first fruits is Nisan 17
-pentecost (aka shavuot) is Sivan 7
-trumpets (aka rosh hashanah) is Tishrei 1
-Atonement (aka yom kippur) is Tishrei 10...Shmita years (every 7th year) and Jubilee (every 7th Shmita plus 1 yr for 50 years) are always announced on this date, which ocurrs around sept/oct.
-tabernacles (aka sukkot) is Tishrei 15-21

You can type in these dates and it will convert them into our Gregorian dates ie. January 4th. Also, if you'd like to count the amount of days inbetween dates, go to, or just type in "date counter" to google or bing.

Stefen Lopez