Hi Doves,Jamie Fox is simply confessing out loud what I've already known and the Word confirms.That many people in America and the World, have already made Obama the God of their temples [that is, their bodies].For the Word says, "...he [Obama] sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."[2Thess.2:4]While many Christians are waiting for the Antichrist to sit in a literal temple in Jerusalem, he's busy taking up permanent residence in the hearts, souls and bodies of millions of people in America and around the World!I believe we are just 12 days away from receiving our glorified bodies!The date to watch is the 24th of Kislev, which falls on the 8th/9th of December 2012, according to the Torah Calendar.Between now and then, let's continue to glorify God in the temples of our bodies and our spirits, which are God's [1Cor.6:20]Ola.