K.S. Rajan (9 Nov 2012)


The U.S. election is over and to a limited degree each candidate represented a different world view.  One wants to deconstruct America and created a Marxist State.  The other candidate wanted to restore Capitalistic principles and preserve our Constitutional freedoms.  It was important to vote, because each candidate did represent change.  But the reality is, as I will explain in, "PAUL McGUIRE ON "THE FUTURE OF AMERICA -  A PROPHETIC REPORT," MP3 Download, both candidates were controlled by the same powerful elite that has been controlling both political parties for the last two hundred years of our nation.

As I go into detail, in my, "Future of America Report," the U.S., UK, EU and most of the other key nations of the world are controlled by a Shadow Government or invisible elite.  Their primary method of control is international finance.  They are the banks in the City of London, which exists inside London, which is a secret enclave for the financial elite.  It is kind of like Vatican City in Rome.  The financial elite in the City of London work closely with the financial elite in the U.S. and its Federal Reserve System.  Both banking families control the finances of America, Great Britain and the world.  In addition, they are an occult-based group and are controlled by the Illuminati.

The occult pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar, with a tiny pyramid on top, represents the Illuminati elite, who have been illumined by the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer.  In the middle of the pyramid is the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer, a symbol of the Illuminati, which was formed by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, the same year America was formed.  America has always had a secret destiny.  Sir Francis Bacon, a Rosicrucian, which was a forerunner of the Illuminati. Bacon planned for America to be the "New Atlantis" and the headquarters of the New World Order.  At the birth of America, there was an intense spiritual battle between the Illuminati and the Founding Fathers, who were set on fire by the First Great Awakening.

It is no accident that at the bottom of the U.S. dollar is says, "Novus Ordo Seclorum," or New Order of the Ages, which means, New World Order.  Watch the free You Tube below which gives you a short message about what is in the 148 minute MP3 entitled, "Paul McGuire the Future of America - Prophetic Report."

Where is America in Bible prophecy I explain that in the full, "Future of America Prophetic Report."  A lot prophetic events are heading towards us quickly.  Russia and China have been warning of a World War III threat,  Several Russian nuclear submarine have been traveling on the U.S. coastlines, carrying enough nukes to destroy America.  Obviously, they are sending us a signal and the media hides this from the American people.  A regional thermonuclear war in the Middle East could become a global thermonuclear war.  It is time to cry out to God as never before!

The church in America must repent, fast and pray!  This last election was the judgment of God released upon our nation, but most of the church is so spiritually deceived they cannot see it. 

There are economic realities which I discuss in "Future of America - Prophetic Report," which you need to now, if you are to survive.  I have included exhaustive information in my 3-DVD series, "Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?"  Also, in the "Moon into Blood DVD," series and the book "The Day the Dollar Died," and the MP3 series, "The Plan to Rule the World."

A lot of people challenged me on those DVD's and books, some even called them "conspiracy theories."  But, those people are strangely silent, because EVERYTHING I WROTE IN THE BOOKS AND SAID IN THE DVD'S HAS ALREADY COME TRUE, OR IS COMING TRUE!

God's mandate was to "Be Fruitful and Multiply!"  Most of the church avoided teaching on the societal and economic implications of God's Word.  Instead the church rejected God's Word and went along with "excessive population growth," lie, which most Christians bought into.  One of the primary economic problems we have around the world is that we have not produced enough children to pay into the taxes which support our retirement, pensions and medical care.  In most Western nations, like America, people have 1, 2 or zero babies.  As such, there is nobody to support our retirement system, which is causing economic collapse.  Each older adult needs about 8 people to pay taxes into the system to support one person!

It was not fashionable in the Evangelical Church to teach God's Word, to be fruitful and multiply.  The result of this disobedience is that we are on the verge of economic collapse!  We keep violating Deuteronomy 28:1, over and over again!

Between 1946-1964, 79 babies were born in America; let's do the math, if 75 million baby boomers survive to age 66, this means through the year 2030, 4 million baby boomers each year.  Since we did not become, "Fruitful and multiply," we don't have nearly enough babies produced to support a system were 11,000 boomers become eligible for health benefits each year.  We are trillions of dollars in debt!

Don't be deceived!  The abortion generation is already primed to accept widespread euthanasia to solve the problem.  But, that means that the baby boomers will have to kill themselves?  God's judgment has a strange way of coming back!

But, have we learned our lesson?  No, we are still partying on the Titanic.  Porn, promiscuity, abortion, Mommy-porn like "50 Shades of Grey," drugs, booze and son on!  Unwed mothers have more babies than any other segment of our society. 

Things are just like Jesus Christ predicted in the last days, "earthquakes, wars, rumors of wars, the love of many will grow cold and lawlessness will increase, hurricanes, freak weather, false messiahs," and more!  Jesus Christ said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man."  Widespread sexual immorality is everywhere.

In the "Future of America - Prophetic Report MP3," which is about 14 minutes long, I describe Satan's plan working through the Illuminati to bring in the planned one world government, one world economic system and one world religion.  The secret occult elite are deliberately destroying the dollar and transferring trillions of dollars of the Middle Class to Third World dictators.  The reason is that by killing the dollar, they can bring in their one world currency and cashless society.  America and the world are being prepared to accept a new world currency very soon, along with a microchip implant!

In addition, America is being brainwashed to give up their Constitutional rights and join the coming Communist One World government.  Since the Fabian socialists in the 1870's, the plan has always been to create a World Communist government.  Do realize what this will mean to you and your children in practical terms?

God's major prophetic clock is the nation of Israel.  Israel must destroy Iran in order to survive.  America has always been America's friend, until very recently.  God's Word says that, "I will bless thee (Israel who bless thee, I will curse those that curse thee (Israel)."  By turning its back on Israel, America could become under a curse.  There are many military analysts who believe Russia and China are preparing to strike us with nukes, when are at our weakest point.

Now, I know this was heavy!  So I want to give you some good news!  First, God is our Source and the Bank of Heaven is not broke.  In any season, if we look to God as our Source, He can give us the power to get wealth supernaturally and meet our need!  I have talked with so many Christians who are discouraged, that I recorded some new MP3's to help them renew their minds!  One new MP3 series is, "Power to Get Wealth in Difficult Times."  This is a Biblically based teaching, which will show you how you can receive your financial and other needs through God's supernatural power!  I have other brand new DVD's that will supernaturally strengthen you.  The ultimate secret of being an overcome in the last days is to LEARN HOW TO WALK IN THE SUPERNATURAL POWER OF GOD!

As many of you know, I minister at regular church services at Paradise Mountain Church International and teach regular Bible studies.  A number of years ago I began to realize that many of God's people were struggling emotionally, spiritually and psychologically because the times we live in.  As such the Lord instructed me to minister in the supernatural power of God, so that people would be ministered to by the Word of God and the power of the Spirit.

We have people in 122 nations who are being spiritually fed, but they can't come to our meetings.  Yet, if I had the technology, I could air these meetings on the Internet and people could watch them all over the world.  Pray for us that God would open a door!

Your brother,
