Ron Reese (26 Nov 2011)
"Nov. 29, 1947-United Nations accepts Israel--64 years ago (8 x 8)-New beginnings"

I just received this email from Friedrich Wenz, who used to post regularly on 5 Doves.  Nov 29, 1947, was the date that the United Nations voted to accept Israel as a separate nation, exactly 64 years ago, which is 8 X 8.  8 is the number of new beginnings.


Greetings from germany bro friedrich, Maranatha, Shalom precious Brother Ron. 

NOV. 29, 2011

Well, surely, please look at this:


On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly accepted the partition resolution, 33 to 13.

Listen to UN vote (pls. klick on the loudspeaker button)

NOV. 29, 1947 until NOV. 29, 2011 = 64 years (8 x 8) [8 = new beginning] … I’ve been watching for years this date Nov. 29…

Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!



By the way, “EXODUS”

I read parts of Leon Uris famous book “Exodus” .... breathtaking chapter about November 29, 1947 ... with tears in my eyes