NEPAL 7.9 EARTHQUAKE REPORTED TO BE AT 11:11 A.M., LOCAL TIMEI can hardly contain my excitement, as I am writing this latest post. We have been given sign, after sign, after sign, after sign, that the date of the Sudden Destruction, and 1st Day of the Tribulation is scheduled to be 11/11/15. Now it is being widely reported that the 7.9 massive earthquake in Nepal took place at ELEVEN ELEVEN a.m., local Nepal time!!! Other reports have indicated that the correct time of the earthquake was 11:56 a.m., local Nepal time. I do not know the reason for the discrepancy. I do not know why two different times were reported to be the correct time of this devastating earthquake.But what I do know is this. God can, and does, cause earthquakes, as warnings, and as part of His Judgment. Important events in the life of Christ, such as His crucifixtion, and resurrection, happened simultaneously with earthquakes. Jesus WARNED us that EARTHQUAKES were a sign of His Second Coming. But, also in these last days, I believe that MAN can now cause earthquakes. I have read enough about HAARP (you may want to Google HAARP), to know that man can, and does, alter the weather, including earthquakes. I believe that the NWO elite have manipulated weather patterns, including tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, floods, storms, and earthquakes.I believe that the 2010 Japan massive earthquake/tsunami, and tremendous widespread devastation, was almost certainly caused by the Satanic NWO elite. Why? Because the date was 3/11. The three most occultic prime numbers are 3, 9, and 11. Their fingerprints were all over the 9/11/01 attack on NYC, including the Satanic numbers of 9 and 11. And now they are WARNING us time, and time, and time again, about the DATE OF ELEVEN, ELEVEN, of this year.I do not know if 11:11 a.m., or 11:56 a.m., Nepal time, was the correct time that this massive earthquake struck Nepal. I suspect that it was more likely 11:56 a.m. But, if so, this raises the intriguing question, as to why 11:11 a.m., Nepal time, was so widely reported to be the correct time. This should tell us that the media is largely controlled by the NWO elite. They are continuing to give us MANY, MANY clues, and WARNINGS about the date of ELEVEN ELEVEN this year. This is just another example. Why else would a false time be so widely reported to be the correct time?The odds of an earthquake striking, or an earthquake being reported to have struck, precisely at ELEVEN ELEVEN, are one in 720. So, the odds are very, very slim that this ELEVEN ELEVEN reporting of an earthquake, whether the correct time, or the incorrect time, could have been a coincidence, especially in light of all of the other signs, and markers, and direct WARNINGS, pointing us EXACTLY to the same date of ELEVEN ELEVEN. The recent Explosion and devastating Fire in New York City was another example, which I recently wrote about, where the NWO elite were POINTING US DIRECTLY TO ELEVEN ELEVEN of this year.Their fingerprints, and clues, and WARNINGS were written all over that event, and I believe their fingerprints are also written all over this massive and extremely destructive earthquake, and this means, once again, that the NWO elite are showing us that ELEVEN ELEVEN is their CHOSEN date for the Sudden Destruction, which they believe will usher in their long-awaited one-world government, with them as the masters of planet Earth. CHOOSING such a Satanic date as ELEVEN ELEVEN, in their minds, gives this evil, diabolical, and wicked plan of WW3, and the resulting New World Order, a much greater chance of success. This is part of their occultic belief system.Let's take a closer look at this Nepal earthquake, looking for NWO elite fingerprints on this horrific event. In the news reports below, you will find the results of the first four pages of my Google search on this devastating earthquake. Some news reports show 11:56 a.m., local Nepal time, as the correct time. However, as documented below, there were many news reports that showed 11:11 a.m., Nepal time, as the correct time of the earthquake. Here are some of the news agencies that reported ELEVEN ELEVEN a.m., local Nepal time, to be the actual time of this massive killer earthquake:1. Foxnews.com2. WNBG.com3. Marketwatch.com4. Lockerdome.com5. Fultonsun.com6. YournewlifeinChrist.com7. Newswhip.com8. (United Kingdom)9. Newsherder.com10. (from India, which borders Nepal)Let's examine some other aspects of this PLANNED Earthquake, looking for possible NWO connections:1. If 11:56 a.m., local Nepal time, was the actual time of this earthquake, then 5 + 6 = 11, forming another 11/11.2. The date of the earthquake was 4/25. 4 + 2 + 5 = 11.3. In one of the reports below on this earthquake, the following words were written: "at 11:11 a.m., firefighters responded to a reported structure fire". What a strange coincidence. Are the media giving us another clue, pointing us directly to another HUGE FIRE, on ELEVEN ELEVEN, the date of their PLANNED nuclear explosion and fire?4. Reports indicated that this earthquake was ELEVEN kilometers deep.5. Another report below has the following words, "last updated on Apr. 26th, at 11:11 a.m., PDT. This EXACT time of this update was on the day FOLLOWING the earthquake. They CHOSE to put 11:11 a.m., as the time for their update. Why would they CHOOSE to give this 11:11 a.m. time, as the time of their update? Would it not be more natural to choose a round number, like 11:00, or 11:15?6. The magnitude of this massive earthquake was reported at anywhere from 7.5 to 7.9. The settled-upon official magnitude appears to be 7.9. As in SEVEN point NINE, both prime important occultic numbers.7. The reported epicenter (by the NWO elite?) was 77 kilometers northwest of Kathmandu (the capitol city), Nepal. The number 77 is SEVEN times ELEVEN.8. 11/11, was reported, a total of 27 times, just in the news headlines below, and not always in conjunction with the reported 11:11 a.m., local Nepal time, of the earthquake.Yes, I do believe that this earthquake was NO accident. I believe that it was PLANNED, for all of the above reasons. Yes, I believe that mankind now has the capability to CAUSE earthquakes. It was PLANNED to cause more destruction, and chaos, in the world. It was planned to help reduce the world's population, one of the main goals of the New World Order. It was planned to bring the world one step closer to a one-world government and a New World Order. But it was also planned to give the whole world another WARNING THAT THEIR CHOSEN DATE IS ELEVEN ELEVEN OF THIS YEAR!!!For those of you who have not read my 3-Part series, entitled, "ELEVEN Signs Pointing Directly to 11/11/15 to be the 1st Day of the Tribulation", here are the links:For those of you who have not read my post on "NYC Explosion and Fire Point Directly to the Tribulation on 11/11!!!", here is that link:The evidence in my 3-part series, pointing DIRECTLY to 11/11/15, is extremely compelling. The evidence in the Explosion and Fire is the nail in the coffin. And now the additional evidence in this post, on this latest New World Order event, is just more icing on the cake. Mark 11/11/15 on your calendar. It is ELEVEN Days after Halloween, the most Satanic of all holidays. Mark 11/11/15 on the calendar of your heart. ALL of this extremely compelling evidence, pointing DIRECTLY to 11/11/15, will SOON start tugging at your heart. The urgency in your spirit will become greater and greater. It is THE CHOSEN DAY. It is GOD'S CHOSEN DAY, as it is SEVEN Prophetic years of 360 days each, or 2520 days, from Day of Atonement (the Feast Day that ends the Tribulation (with the literal 2nd Coming of Christ), Oct. 5, 2022. One of the astronomical Signs in the Heavens, that Jesus talked about, was the Comet striking Jupiter. It also CONFIRMS ELEVEN ELEVEN, of this year, as God's CHOSEN time.As you can see from reading ALL of these recent posts of mine, it is also SATAN'S CHOSEN date for the Sudden Destruction, for the unveiling of the 2nd Seal of WAR AND THE GREAT SWORD (of nuclear weapons), and for the Starting Date of the Tribulation. Will it also be the Day of the Great Escape, our Blessed Hope, the Rapture of the Bride (I believe it is VERY likely)? Will YOU be part of that Bride? Are you beginning to see 11:11, more and more on your digital clock readings? Is Jesus trying to get your attention? Are you heeding His call? Are you repenting of any sin in your life? What are you doingto show Jesus that you have a fervent desire to be part of His Bride (Luke 21:34--36? Jesus WILL speak to you, if you let Him, and if you are willing to listen, and obey what He is calling you to do. If you are ready for the Rapture, are you WARNING others? Sending these WARNING posts out to others would be a great start. Time is now of the essence. The eternal destinies of many are now at stake.For those of you looking at a different time, other than the Fall of 2015, pray about it, as the evidence is becoming more and more compelling, almost every day now. God has CHOSEN the day. Satan has CHOSEN the day. Are you ready for THAT DAY? It is the ONLY day, when ALL of the Prophetic puzzle pieces fit. The Lord wants us to KNOW our Wedding Day. What Bridegroom would not want to let His Bride KNOW the day of their Wedding?Jesus told us, IN HIS OWN WORDS, that WE COULD KNOW THE TIME!!! Jesus says in Revelation 3:3, "Remember, therefore, how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and REPENT. IF, THEREFORE, YOU WILL NOT WATCH, I WILL COME ON YOU AS A THIEF, AND YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHAT HOUR I WILL COME UPON YOU." Jesus goes on to tell us, in 1st Thess. 5, that to those Christians, WHO ARE WATCHING, HE IS NOT COMING AS A THIEF!Repenting, and watching. Repenting does not just mean feeling sorry for your sins. It means turning away from your sins, with the Lord's help, and turning towards God. Those are the keys to KNOWING THE TIME. Those are also the keys to KNOWING THAT YOU ARE READY. By His mercy, and His grace, God is giving us plenty of advance WARNING. Are YOU Ready?Maranatha!Ron Reese fc379fb1866d4655a7c11e0bb766d83f
22 hours ago ... ... 11:45 PM ET Aid starts coming to Nepal after quake kills 1,865 ... Apr. 25, 2015 11:11 PM ET .... It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) northwest of Kathmandu.
Aid starts coming to Nepal after quake kills 1865 - ... 9c59ede5b3c848239437f15725218ae1
AAA Apr. 25, 2015 11:11 PM ET .... It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time ( 0611 GMT) at Lamjung, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) northwest of Kathmandu.
Nepal quake: Over 1,000 dead, history razed, Everest shaken | ...
1 day ago ... Nepal quake: Over 1,000 dead, history razed, Everest shaken .... It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung, about 80 kilometers (50 miles ) northwest of Kathmandu. ... April 23, 2015 - 11:11 pm ...
Weather News | U.S. Weather | International Weather - Fox News - Similar to Weather News | U.S. Weather | International Weather - Fox News
Nepal Earthquake Kills Hundreds; Adverse Weather Follows ... The 7.9- magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 81 km ( 50 ...
Magnitude-7.9 quake hits Nepal, causing big damage, injuries ... damage-inju...
1 day ago ... The U.S. Geological Survey revised the magnitude from 7.5 to 7.9 and said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung a ...
7.8 magnitude quake slams Nepal; hundreds dead, authorities ... authorities-say
Posted: Apr 25, 2015 11:11 AM PDT Updated: Apr 25, 2015 11:11 AM PDT .... The quake struck at 11:56 a.m. local time (2:11 a.m. ET), occurred at a depth of 9.3 ...
Earthquake slams Nepal 7.8 Magnitude April 25, 2015 - YouTube
WBNG-TV: News, Sports and Weather Binghamton, New York ... - Similar to WBNG-TV: News, Sports and Weather Binghamton, New York ...
BREAKING: Magnitude-7.9 Earthquake Rocks Nepal. The 7.9-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 81 km (50 miles) ...
Magnitude-7.9 quake hits Nepal, causing big damage, injuries ... injuries
A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely ... revised the magnitude from 7.5 to 7.9 and said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time ... EDT2015-04-25 08:11:11 GMTover 16 minutes agoApr 25, 2015 1:11 AM PDT.
Web Results
WBNG-TV: News, Sports and Weather Binghamton, New York ... - Similar to WBNG-TV: News, Sports and Weather Binghamton, New York ...
BREAKING: Magnitude-7.9 Earthquake Rocks Nepal. The 7.9-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 81 km (50 miles) ...
Thane Weather - AccuWeather Forecast for India -
BREAKING: Magnitude-7.9 Earthquake Rocks Nepal: April 25, 2015; 3:22 AM ET: The 7.9-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an ...
Nepal earthquake: Rescuers hunt for survivors as death toll ... death-t...
Soldiers and police dig through debris Sunday across Nepal's Katmandu Valley and other ... 11:11 A.M. ET ... Published: Apr 26, 2015 11:42 a.m. ET ... Saturday's quake, which struck shortly before noon, local time, spread devastation across a ...
Magnitude-7.9 quake hits Nepal, causing big damage, injuries ... injuries
The U.S. Geological Survey revised the magnitude from 7.5 to 7.9 and said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung. It was the largest ...
Massive quake hits Nepal, shakes India... | Sakal Times Massive%20quake%20hits%20Nepal...
Reporters Name | PTI | Saturday, 25 April 2015 AT 11:11 PM IST ... The earthquake first struck around 11:56 am (local time) followed by aftershocks, Nepal ...
BREAKING: Magnitude-7.5 Earthquake Rocks Nepal - LockerDome
The 7.5-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 77 km (48 miles) northwest of Kathmandu, Nepal, the nation's capital, the ...
Nepal quake: Over 1,000 dead, history razed, Everest shaken ... Ever...
22 hours ago ... The U.S. Geological Survey put the magnitude of the quake at 7.8. It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung, about ...
Magnitude 7.8-7.9 earthquake strikes near Katmandu, Nepal html
1 day ago ... A strong earthquake occurred in Nepal about 14 hours ago, and as I ... The earthquake struck near noon local time (11:56 a.m.), 11:11 p.m. the ...
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BREAKING: Magnitude-7.5 Earthquake Rocks Nepal - The 7.5-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 77 km (48 miles) ...
Your New Life In Christ Ministries | Sharing the Gospel of ...
7.9 Earthquake hits Lamjung, Nepal! ... The 7.9-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 81 km (50 miles) northwest of ...
Web Results
Page 4 - Earthquakes today | Current and latest world ...
Earthquake: M 6.7 quake strikes near Kodari in Nepal ... The temblor was reported at 10:43:39/10:43 am (local time epicenter) at a depth of 10 km (6 miles). ... The temblor was reported at 17:11:11/5:11 pm (local time epicenter) at a depth of 10 ...
BREAKING NEWS - Maui's Weekly Online and Television News ... - Similar to BREAKING NEWS - Maui's Weekly Online and Television News ...
A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely ... It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (4:56 a.m. HST) at Lamjung, about 80 ... Then today, at 11:11 a.m., firefighters responded to a reported structure fire at the ...
74 dead as 7.9 quake hits Nepal, causing big damage - ...
1 day ago ... The U.S. Geological Survey revised the magnitude from 7.5 to 7.9 and said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung.
Aid starts coming to Nepal after quake kills 1,865 - Northern ... 62ad67b2b...
23 hours ago ... KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Tens of thousands of Nepalese who spent ... It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung, ...
Weather - News App - The world's most shared stories | NewsWhip
Massive earthquake – Nepal on April 25, 2015 ... ... The 7.5-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 77 ... - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and ... - Similar to - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and ...
(New) Bend teen 1 of many missing after Nepal earthquake .... Local No time to lose: Global response to Nepal quake gears up ... here is still time to save lives — that's why governments and aid agencies Sunday rushed doctors, .... Press Published: Apr 26, 2015 at 9:46 AM PDT Last Updated: Apr 26, 2015 at 11:11 AM PDT.
BREAKING: Magnitude-7.9 Earthquake Rocks Nepal - News Herder
1 day ago ... A violent earthquake rocked Nepal late Saturday morning. The 7.9-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 81 ...
Local Firefighters Gear Up For Possible Rescue Mission In ...
21 hours ago ... Local Firefighters Gear Up For Possible Rescue Mission In Nepal ... of Mt. Everest from the quake, which hit at 11:11 p.m. California time Friday.
Nepal quake's death toll is at least 1,800; aftershocks ... - ... 77eb64c12d90.html
1 day ago ... Nepal bore the brunt of the quake's impact with at least 1,805 dead and more than .... It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time at Lamjung, about 80 .....
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A violent earthquake rocked Nepal late Saturday morning. The 7.9-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Saturday with an epicenter 81 km (50 miles) ...
Near Nepal's capital of Kathmandu, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake ...
Shared publicly - Yesterday 9:10 AM ... Near Nepal's capital of Kathmandu, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Saturday around noon local time, ... Pictures: Nepal's 7.8-Magnitude Quake Reaps Death, Destruction ..... Yesterday 11:11 PM. +. 0
Summer Olympics | | The Thibodaux Daily Comet
- Similar to Summer Olympics | | The Thibodaux Daily Comet1 day ago ... Nepal quake Hundreds dead thousands homeless Everest shaken .... It said the quake hit at 11:56 a.m. local time (0611 GMT) at Lamjung, about 80 kilometers ( 50 miles) northwest of ..... Saturday, April 25, 2015, 11:11 am ...
USGS Real-Time Earthquake Map - The Feed - Similar to USGS Real-Time Earthquake Map - The Feed
U.S. Local News ... Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 9.44.03 AM ... ListClicking the list icon in the top right corner will load the earthquake list. ... 4.5 29km NNW of Ramechhap, Nepal 2015-04-25 23:41:52 UTC 10.0 km; 5.6 41km WNW of ... 4.4 10km SSE of Ometepec, Mexico 2015-04-25 22:11:11 UTC 10.0 km; 4.3 217km SSE ...
Strong Earthquake rocks North India, Nepal | The Indian Awaaz
1 day ago ... He said, the epicentre of the quake was located in Nepal. ... report said that the 7.9-magnitude temblor hit at 11:11 a.m. local time Nepal with an ...
71 people die in Nepal earthquake - BT
Last updated: 25 April 2015, 11:11 BST ... Survey revised the magnitude from 7.5 to 7.9 and said the quake hit at 11.56am local time (6.11am GMT) at Lamjung.