Pastor Bob (24 May 2015)
""Dangers of Mixing Law and Grace - 2""

All Doves:

Without realizing it, many Christians still rigidly follow some form of Old Testament "Law".  These same believers reject the New Testament doctrine of "Grace" believing it makes them appear "soft" or "weak".  This belief often prevails among holiness and pentecostal groups who accept nothing less than human perfection from the point a person is saved.  This might surprise some of you but I earned my Masters of Divinity from a theological seminary entrenched, grounded, and committed to "Holiness of Heart and Mind". 

The Apostle Paul said in Romans 3:20-24: " human being can be brought into a place of justification (right standing - some Greek scholars say God's righteousness) by the works of the Law.  For all the law can do is to make human beings aware of their sin.  But now it has come to light that a righteousness God has given human beings a way of having right standing with Him.  It is a way that is not prescribed the Law, but it attested to by the [scrolls of the] Law and the Prophets.  God's righteousness comes to all human beings who believe [in Christ and have a faith in Him].  For everyone has sinned [and missed the mark], and are falling short of the glory of God [that is, the honor bestowed by Him], being made righteous [literally - justified] as a gift by His grace (love), provided by the priestly/sacrificial atonement of Christ Jesus atonement of Christ Jesus to make them free [from sin]."  Note:  Missing the mark (is in the Greek aorist tense and is essentially the same as the English past tense as listed above.  And "falling" is the Greek present imperative tense.).  If this is true, then how will we be approved or be made righteous by God?  It is only by His Grace!

The above mentioned Scripture of Romans 3:20-24 by the Apostle Paul, is the most masterful explanation of Grace ever written.  Yet, this masterpiece is virtually ignored and/or misunderstood by a large majority of the Christian world.  The truth is, "You don't have the wherewithal to be considered pure and clean by your deeds; only by God's grace is this made possible".  The "Law" may get you going, but it is "Grace" that keeps you going!

Romans and Hebrews are the most neglected books of the Bible.  Why?  It takes much more intensive study to understand these books and to teach them.  They both teach of "Grace".  For more than twenty years, I purchased the Common Lectionary  published for busy pastors.  Intended as "creative juices" to stimulate pastors in their sermon message preparation, they often became a crutch for lazy pastors.  Most churches where I have been the resident pastor, I had at least three worship services a week: Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening. When you have a hospital and shut-in list like mine, you don't have a lot of personal study time.  My last full-time United Methodist church of just over 350 members, my shut-in list was between 25-30 most of the time.  They all got personal weekly visits.  Even with a Youth Pastor and a secretary my schedule was packed full with Bible Study and support groups, not to mention denominational and community meetings.  The reason I note this mainly to justify the Common Lectionary helps force pastors out of the ruts they get into.  But I noticed over the years where I purchased the Common Lectionary, it contained little reference to either Romans or Hebrews.

The Law Cannot Justify Us -(Hebrews 11:8).

Word processing programs justify words and sentences automatically so the typist doesn't have to be frustrated with alignment.  In like fashion, that is what God does for us:  He lines us up properly so we both look better and become better.

Grace is most often misunderstood.  World-wide, there is a tendency for human beings to believe that following a prescribed code of law will give them "peace and illumination", and that eventually "right standing" with their God (or gods) will come about.  People today search the world over seeking "peace and love", never realizing that all of these things are found only in Christ Jesus.

Cults always rely on codes [of law] to please God  The JW's, the Mormons, the SDA's, and the "Oneness" Pentecostals all fall into this category because their doctrines are based firmly on "works" righteousness and not on "Grace".

The world religions rely on codes [of laws] to find peace with their god (or gods).  Though many world religions trust in some sort of code of law to give them peace, the three major world religions outside of Christianity are centered in some sort of code of Law(s) to find peace.  The three major world religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam use their own set of codes and Law(s). 

Remember, "Grace" is never taught or accepted by either of the World religions or even the so-called Christian cults.  Do not expect to find "Grace" in the Sabbath-observant religious groups.

The Law Cannot Make Us Righteous - Clean and Holy -(Galatians 3:11-12).

"By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place where he was to receive an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going".  The prophet of old has said, "Your righteousness is as filthy rags" -(Isaiah 64:6).  This statement, which should cause each of us to pause and think seriously, is virtually ignored in the Christian holiness denominations.  Though holiness groups believe this is a state one must strive for; it cannot, in point of fact, be humanly achieved by anyone.  Why?  Because this is only accomplished by the action of the Holy Spirit within and through us.  Interestingly, when one is lacking in holiness, he or she often appears (on the outside) to be more holy than they really are.

John Wesley, an early church pioneer, highly esteemed by most Christians, once said:  "I believe that absolute sanctification is possible, but I cannot achieve it".  So, what is the greatest proof of holiness?  Is it proved by how much we may read the Bible?  Or by how well you apply Christian principles in everyday life?  During the times of Christ Jesus, the "Law" demanded adherence to 613 rules and regulations in order to justify (or make righteous) one before Yahweh God.  These rules were nothing more than a "yoke" (or burden) to the Jewish people, which most of them could not follow perfectly in order to please God.

The Law Cannot Replace Faith -(Galatians 3:11; 3-14).
The promise of the Spirit is by faith -(Galatians 3:14).  In the Old Testament, the languages of the people were "confused" -(Genesis 11:9) at the Tower of Babel.  In the New Testament, the languages of the people seeking God -(Acts 2:6) were "infused" at Jerusalem.

The Bible says, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; that is, freedom and not bondage" -(2nd Corinthians 3:17).  Now this applies to what I am saying.  The Spirit of the Lord is not manifest because someone speaks in tongues or shouts "Hallelujah!"  But those who have the testimony of the Holy Spirit know beyond any doubt that they have been freed from the bondage of sin, and by God's "Grace", will complete there course on earth.

Faith also brings unity -(Psalms 133:1).  When brothers and sisters dwell together in unity and harmony, the Spirit of God dwells in their midst, because God hates anything among His people that brings disunity or discord.

Returning to find the Galatians again under the Law [of bondage], Paul (who had previously taught them about Grace) exclaimed, "O you foolish Galatians, who has bewitched [that is, mesmerized or deluded you, and caused you to follow [again] the "Law" [by casting a spell over you? -(Galatians 3:1)]"  They had once again reverted to arguing about holy days, holy foods, holy clothing, holy living, and holy swearing.  Though much may be said today about "holy living" (which is pleasing to God); legalism is of little value, and puts people under bondage and slavery.  People don't need to perform "good deeds" to be saved, but they will perform "good deeds" when they are saved.

Those who do in depth studies of God's "Grace" in the Word come to being overwhelmed just how good God is.  Even when you have been a "Grace" Christian for some length of time, there is an unnerving affect on your persona because most Protestant Churches are prone to mixing and co-mingling the "Law" with "Grace"  I'll share a short list contrast between "Law" and "Grace" a pastor friend of mine in Florida compiled a few years ago before his graduation to his heavenly home.

Contrast between Law vs. Grace

Law                                                                                                Grace

1.  Prohibits -(Ex. 20:7-17; Galatians 3:10)                                   1.  Invites and Gives -(Matthew 11:28)
2.  Condemns -(Romans 7:9)                                                        2.  Redeems -(Romans 8:1)
3.  Says "do" -(Exodus 20:7-17                                                     3.  Says "It is done" -(John 17:4)
4.  Curses -(Galatians 3:10)                                                          4.  Blesses -(Galatians 3:14)
5.  Slays Sinners -(Romans 8:2)                                                   5.  Makes Sinners Alive -(Romans 8:2)
6.  Says, continue to be Holy -(1st Peter 1:15-16)                        6.  Says, "It is finished" -(John 19:30)
7.  Condemns best man -(James 2:10; Galatians 3:10;                7.  Saves the worst man -(1st Timothy 1:15)
        John 3:3)
8.  Says, "pay what you owe" -(Matthew 18:34)                            8.  Says, "I freely forgive all" -(Romans 3:24)
9.  "Wages of sin is death" -(Romans 6:23)                                   9.  "The gift of God is eternal life" -(Romans 6:23)
10. Reveals sin -(Romans 7:7)                                                    10. Reconciles Sin -(2nd Corinthians 5:19)
11. Given by Moses -(John 1:17)                                                 11. Came by Jesus Christ -(John 1:17)
12. Demands obedience -(Romans 6:11-13; Exodus 20:7-17)    12. Bestows and gives power to obey -(Romans
13. Done away in Christ -(2nd Corinthians 3:14)                         13. Abides forever -(John 1:17)
14. Shuts every mouth before God -(Romans 3:19)                    14. Opens the mouth to praise God -(Colossians
                                                                                                                3:16; Psalms 100:4)
15. Written on stone -(Exodus 24:12; 31:18)                               15. Written in the tables of the heart -(2nd Cor. 3:3)
16. Puts us under bondage -(Romans 8:15;                                16. Sets us free in liberty of the sons of God -
        Galatians 2:4; 5:1)                                                                           Romans 8:2; Galatians 5:1)
17. Gives knowledge of sin -(Romans 3:20)                                17. Gives redemption from sin -(Titus 2:11)
18. Says, "the soul that sinneth it shall die -(Ezekiel 18:20)        18. Believes and they shall live -(John 3:16)
19. Brings death -(Romans 8:2)                                                   19. Brings life -(Romans 8:2)

In conclusion, I am absolutely convinced the Bible teaches that "Grace" is simply trusting in God's love to run the race of faith.  Even though we may fall away and hurt ourselves and others, through confession and obedience to His word, we are given another chance.  God is a God of Second Chances, and Third Chances, etc.  This is GRACE in its purest form!  You may feel like a loser when you fall away, but a real winner will rise to the occasion and try...try...try again.  Christians are not enslaved to the Old Testament Law.  Were called by Christ Jesus to observe two laws, to love God and to love our fellow man.  More to consider next time.

Maranatha, Lord Jesus Come Quickly!

Pastor Bob