Pastor Bob (10 May 2015)
""History Not Taught in the Public Schools - 7""

All Doves:

Under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, it states that "Congress shall have the power to coin (create) money and regulate the value thereof".  Today, however, the FED which is a privately owned corporation, controls and profits by printing fiat paper money, printing through/by the facade that we call the U.S. Treasury, and regulates its value.

The FED began with approximately 300 people or banks that became owners [stockholders] purchasing stock at $100 per share.  The stock is not publicly traded in the Federal Reserve Banking System.  They make up an international banking cartel of wealth beyond comparison.  I identified the 10 major stockholders [banks] in a previous post.  There are a large number of individuals besides the 10 Rothschild banks, but they are simply investors, and do not make policy.  The FED banking system collects billions of dollars, and as was revealed in the banking crisis of 2008, the public learned that the FED actually loaned money to foreign banks [not considered kosher in the Fed's charter] in sums of hundreds of billions of dollars while it kept the spigot shut-off when it came to making funds available to the American public.  The FED earns interest which in turn is paid to its owners and shareholders. 

The Congress illegally gave the FED the right to print money from nothing, and loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency.  The FED also buys Government debt with money printed on a printing press and charges the U.S. taxpayers interest.  It is absolutely incredible that the American public are so dumb to this scheme that is stealing its wealth.  Many Congressmen and even Presidents have said this is fraud.  Former Congressman Ron Paul of Texas even wrote and published a book on this by the title of, 'End the Fed". 

The image that the Federal Reserve System is an American institution has been a scam from the beginning!
  That interesting and surprising fact was revealed when it became known who the Fed made loans to during the 2007-2012 financial crisis.  Under pressure by certain congressmen the Fed had to give the government a peak at their books. 

Those banks that own the FED are connected to the London Banking Houses which ultimately control the FED.There is an interlocking directorship that ties all the big banks together, working in lockstep, carrying out the wishes of their owners.  When England lost the Revolutionary War (not really) with America our forefathers were fighting their own government, and they planned to control us by controlling our banking system, the printing of money, and our debt.

How did it all happen?  After previous attempts to push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson's campaign for President.  He had committed to sign this act.  In 1913, Senator Nelson Aldrich, the maternal grandfather to the Rockefeller's, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before the Christmas holidays when most of the congress had left on vacation.  The banks financially backed sympathetic candidates that will support their causes.  Not surprising, most of these candidates won their elections.  The bankers employ members of the Congress on weekends, (nicknamed the T-Club), meaning out on Thursday and back in on Tuesday with lucrative salaries.  There are 245 millionaires in Congress; 66 in the Senate, and 179 in the House of Representatives.  Furthermore, the owners of the FED started buying up the media in the 1930's and today you have a controlled media.

When you are stumped as to why our government does not answer to the people or comply with the public's will, just remember these 535 representatives, senators, answer only to the CORPORATE UNITED STATES.  The CEO (President) and the Supreme Court (Justices) are in the pockets of the Rothschild's/Vatican.  The very day after Chief Justice Roberts issued the Court's ruling of "Constitutionality" on Obamacare, he was photographed entering the offices of the Rome-based Knights of Malta headquarters on the Island of Malta.  His presence at the Knights of Malta was stated that he was going to teach a 2-week course to attorneys.  The Chief Justice was met by the top potentates of the Knights of Malta, including Grand Master Matthew Festig of Great Britain, Herman Van Rompuy of Belgium, a Bilderberger leader and at the time who himself was president of the EU Council.  He openly applauded Justice Roberts for his monumental socialist "achievement" ruling.  For those of you not familiar with the "Illuminati" hierarchy the Knights of Malta are an "intelligence" arm directly beneath and accountable to the Jesuits.

An excellent example of this idea of being owned, bought, bribed, or blackmailed control of the elected representatives has been in the scandal that came out in April 2015 of the Clinton's greed by their charity, the "Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation".  Chelsea was also inducted into the Council of Foreign Relations in 2014.  Chelsea is a "Clinton-secret", because she is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell.  When Bill Clinton left office in January of 2001, he pardoned virtually all the biggest drug kingpin crooks such as drug dealer Marc Rich, but not Webb Hubbell, a former Clinton staffer.  You can draw your own conclusion but Webb, who served his full sentence time, and today lives in Charlotte, NC and keeps his distance from the Clinton's.  The mainstream media never published a single story about the Hillary infidelity issue but it was as common on the streets of Little Rock as what the weather would be.  Webb just this past year published his book, 'When Men Betray'.  The revelation of Webb being Chelsea's biological father is not a major secret, and it was common knowledge on the street in Little Rock, Arkansas, where Webb was once the mayor of Little Rock.  His association with HIllary goes way back to 1979 at the Rose Law Firm in Hope, Arkansas. 

It came out in the media a few weeks ago that, when Hillary was Secretary of State, she received hundreds of millions of dollars to the "Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation" from foreign donations.  There is a Canadian company that has over one thousand unnamed donors to the HIllary Clinton campaign.  Ask yourself, who pays an ex-president a half-million dollars a pop to give a twenty minute speech?  Bill gets $500K for each of his speeches, and Hillary's asking price is $300K.  To learn how corrupt these people are - simply google the title "Hillary Movie Banned".  Hillary is as corrupt, if not more, than her husband Bill.  Decades ago Alabama governor George Wallace said there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between the two political parties.  Things have only gotten worse over the past six decades, and while lip-service is given in the television sound-bites, the elected are ALL for sale.  The first thing they do after getting elected is to find out how lucrative their vote will benefit their own pockets.  This is always obvious when they vote for things the public has spoken loudly against. 

Maranatha, Lord Jesus Come Quickly,

Pastor Bob