Pastor Bob (10 May 2015)
""Pre-Tribultaion Truth - 12""

All Doves:

This will now be the fifth block of data points, exegesis, analysis of the accumulating evidence for supporting a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.  I set each block at 50 points for structure and reading ease.  Now to the growing evidence for our verdict supporting a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. 

201.  So there is definitely no peace on Earth during the first 3-1/2 years of the Tribulation like "Pre-Wrathers imply!  The Judgments fall from God's throne (showing that it's from God and the Lamb (Christ Jesus) from the very beginning of the opening of the Scroll.  The opening of the Scroll starts a series of catastrophes which are sent onto the Earth.  This is not the "wrath of man" or "the wrath of Satan" (even though God uses them as agent of His judgments).  The origin of the wrath is from the very presence of God, and is judgment from Him (His wrath).  The source of the "seven" year Tribulation is all of God's doing or by permission.  Note:  the 24 elders are in heaven, worshiping the Lamb "before" He even receives the Scroll with the "Seven" Seals.  The Bride/Church is in heaven before the Four Horsemen are set loose upon the Earth.  That fact alone confirms the Rapture will be a Pre-Tribulation event.  I could have stopped right here and need go no further. 

202.  The Scroll is defined, it's the "Title Deed" (a legal document) to the Earth itself (which rightly belongs to the Lord God Himself).  Yet the Scroll is also a parchment of Judgments, by which Christ Jesus will take possession of what's rightly His.  In order for Jesus to gain back that which belongs to Him, the enemies of God must be destroyed.  -(Psalms 2:1-12; Revelation 5:1-14).

203.  The Scroll is written on both sides, containing lamentations, mournings and woes.  It's "the Curse" which goes out over the whole Earth.  The dimensions of the Scroll are the same as "The Holy of Holies" which shows that the Judgments are sent from the Throne of God -(Ezekiel 2:9-10; Ezekiel 3:1-9; Zechariah 5:1-4; Revelation 6:1-17; Revelation 10:8-11.  In chapter 10, the Scroll is open, showing that Jesus had already ripped the seals off in chapter 6.  Revelation 10 is a picture of Christ Jesus laying claim to the Earth, by the legal means of the Open Scroll, yet more judgment must occur to complete the transaction.

204.  The First Seal reveals the Antichrist, who is indeed a Judgment (wrath) from God upon Israel, for their sin of rejecting Christ Jesus at His First Coming.  Jesus Christ came unto His own (Israel) and they received Him not. Remember the prophecy, that if one comes in his own name (the Antichrist), they will receive him, another coming in his name.  -(John 1:11; John 5:43). 

205.  Isaiah 28:15-18 calls the "Peace" Covenant between Israel and the Antichrist, revealed by the First Seal, "a covenant with death" and "an agreement with hell".  If that's not Wrath and Judgment, then just what is it?

206.  The Seal Judgments are clearly the Wrath of the Lamb (Jesus), Who Himself performs the Judgments of God in the "Tribulation".  -(Revelation 6:16; 2nd Timothy 4:1; and 2nd Timothy 4:8).

207.  At the opening of the 6th Seal, kings and great men and people on the Earth finally realize that God's Wrath is upon them.  It took major events in the heavens, and an earthquake, to awaken these blinded people so they can recognize what's been going on.  The people say they must hide from the Wrath of the Lamb.  In this, we can see the Judgment is from Christ Jesus, as He removes the Seals, so it is His Wrath that is poured out on Earth.  The people add, "For the great day of His wrath is come (is present)."  Therefore, the Seals contain the Wrath of God.  -(Revelation 6:16-17).

208.  The 7th Seal, on the Scroll brings ominous silence in Heaven.  Also proceeding from the 7th Seal are the Trumpet Judgments.  The harsher judgments of God are unleashed when the 7th Seal is opened.  The Trumpets come forth from the 7th Seal, bringing increased Wrath in Revelation 8:1-2.

209.  Likewise, "the Bowl Judgments" proceed from the blowing of the 7th Trumpet.  Make a note here, with so much parenthetical information from chapters 11 to 16, it's extremely difficult to see that progression, but it's there if one pays particularly close attention to detail.

210.  All of God's Wrath is contained in the Scroll, and will be set loose in it's proper order, issuing from the opening of the 7th Seal, which brings the Trumpets, which brings forth the Bowls.  For a clearer picture for this concept, think of a "telescoped" eyeglass with segments that slide out for greater vision, and as each portion of the Judgments proceed from the opening of the 7th Seal, a harsher element of God's Wrath emerges into view.

211.  The Bowl Judgments "fill-up" and complete the Wrath of God.  The Bowls are not the beginning of God's Wrath, but the completion of it.  -(Revelation 15:1).

212.  Many people do not fully understand just how bad the "Tribulation" will truly be.  It will be worse than the flood of Noah's day; no other time like it since the creation of the world! -(Matthew 24:21-22).   I have a thought that I have not heard anyone comment on and that is, when the Pre-Tribulation Rapture occurs, the National economy will collapse as we know it.  Consider this hypothetical thought.  If 150,000,000 adults in America disappear through the Rapture, particularly the economic collapse that will result.  The average income based on government data is about $45,000 a year per person.  The immediate net income loss to the US National economy will be at least $7-Trillion dollars of lost economic activity.  This is a ballpark or an approximate figure, however, the implications are even more profound to say the least.  Mortgages, car payments, truck payments, all abruptly cease!  Groceries will not be bought!  Utilities such as gas, electric, water, sewage, telephone, cable, will go unpaid.  Most businesses operate on small profit margins, Wal-Mart is 3%, they depend on volume to sustain their large profits.  Government payouts for Social Security, Food Stamps, WIC programs, Public Assistance, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, will all come to a crashing halt, like water over Niagara Falls, NY.  We have all heard the story of airplanes falling out of the sky at the Rapture of Christian pilots, but have you thought about the things as basic as garbage and trash removal?  America is built on a "just-in-time delivery" pipe line.  By that I refer to the supply chain that operates to keep commerce flowing, parts going in one door of a plant to be moved to the assembly line on arrival, installed to the finish product, to the loading dock for shipping out to the retailer. 

I remember the economic impact a winter storm had back in 1994 that shut down the Interstates in Kentucky for a week.  Ford has three plants in the Louisville, KY area and they were forced to shut down for over a week.  They [Ford] even threatened the state and city with talk of relocating if the States of Kentucky and Indiana if transportation is permitted to be shut down ever again.  Everything we think of as "business as usual" would cease in a heart beat and bring on the collapse. 

Interestingly, there has been talk in financial circles that there will be a global financial "reset" this fall, mid-September to October of 2015.  That may go off with the Rapture at Rosh HaShanah.  Beginning May 1st, JP Morgan-Chase bank began charging its large depositors 1% interest to shelter depositor's money.  This is a 180-degree turn around from the day you used the bank to save for the future and earn a little interest on your savings!   Other banks will jump on the train as the system implodes!  I could go on but you get the picture by now.   

213.  At the end of the "Tribulation" when Jesus arrives at the Armageddon site in the Jezreel Valley, there's no mention of a Resurrection.  The Rapture (which includes a Resurrection) cannot happen at that time, as Post-Trib. folks insist.  It's simply not possible!  -(Isaiah 63:1-6; Zechariah 14:1-15; and Revelation 19:11-21).

214.  If there were a Rapture at the end of the "Tribulation", all the believers who survived would be changed into immortal, glorified bodies.  All the enemies will be destroyed.  There would be no one left in natural-flesh bodies to populate the Millennium!  The Rapture cannot happen at the end of the "Tribulation".

215.  Some say the "gathering of the elect" in Matthew 24:31 is the "Rapture" at the END of the "Tribulation".  But, in the Rapture, Jesus calls His own UP to Himself, Angels gather the "elect" at THE END of the "Tribulation".  The Matthew 24 argument has tripped up most of the denominational Church for centuries, thanks be to the Roman Catholic Institution's interpretations.

216.  The "elect" of Israel and survivors of the "Tribulation" will be gathered from wherever the Antichrist has scattered them, to the four winds, or directions of the Earth.  Israel will be found gathered in Bozrah, in modern day Jordan.  -(Isaiah 63:1).

217.  The Angels also gather "the elect" from one end of Heaven to the other.  The gathering of Old Testament saints and martyred "Tribulation" saints for the Resurrection of their bodies as seen in Revelation 20:4, so they will be able to participate in the Feast of Tabernacles, which will take place 5 days after Jesus returns, according to the timing of the Feasts of Leviticus 23 that will be fulfilled when Jesus returns.

218.  There's also the Judgments of the Sheep and Goat nations after Christ Jesus returns to the Earth, and it must take place before the Millennium is officially started.  People are "gathered" from around the globe.

219.  The "Tribulation" period is described in extensive prophecies throughout the Scriptures.  Here is a lengthy list (here a little, there a little) of the words that define it:  "Wastedness, desolation, darkness, gloominess, clouds, thick darkness, blood, vengeance, destruction, fierce anger, fire, jealousy, cruel, trouble, great distress, revenge, furious, arrow drunk with blood, sword, terrible, men's hearts failing them for fear, the powers of heaven shall be shaken, wars, great earthquakes, famines, pestilences, fearful signs, great tribulation- such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, the earth utterly broken down, the earth clean dissolved, the moon shall be confounded, the sun ashamed, to punish leviathan, to slay the dragon that is in the sea, a covenant with death, an overflowing scourge, hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, your agreement with hell, you shall be trodden down by it, the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, the stars of heaven shall not give their light, I will shake the heavens, the earth shall remove out of her place (her orbit and axis?), to punish the world for their evil and the wicked for their iniquity, lamentations, mournings, woe, sound an alarm, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, they shall run like mighty men, they shall climb the wall like men of war, the people shall be much pained, howl ye, the moon became as blood, stars of heaven fell to the earth, the curse that goes forth over the face of the whole earth, death and hell followed with him, thundering, lightnings, the smoke of the pit, men shall seek death-and shall not find it, the torment of a scorpion, it (the sea) became the blood of a dead man, men were scorched with great heat, they gnawed their tongues for pain, every island fled and the mountains were not found, except those days be shortened-there should be no flesh saved, and then the end shall come."  These are just some of the phrases that I collected from Scripture back when I was researching the Scriptures for descriptive "cosmological" signs that might have been descriptive confirmation of "Planet-X" which Marshall Masters was observing the skies for over the past decade.  That was back around 2010.  This list is not a complete list by any means.  This is the Wrath from which the Bride/Church is promised to be delivered from!  The list still remains a pretty good description of what Gil Broussard talks about in his study of Planet-7X, which, if it is correct, times with the period from September-October through April-May of 2016. 

220.  There is no proof that the 8th Trumpet of Revelation is the so-called "last" trumpet of 1st Corinthians 15:52. That explanation is just the result of people erroneously concluding their preconceived ideas and assumptions, that the Pre-Wrath folks are as they claim.  The Pre-Tribulation Rapture position is the only Rapture view that maintains the proper distinction between the prophetic trumps of the Bride/Church, and the Judgment Trumpets of the Tribulation.  The Pre-Wrath position, in its over-simplification fails to take into consideration that the difference between the First Half and the Second Half of the Seven year Tribulation is more a matter of degrees than in substance.  The twenty-one judgments are just that, judgments!

221.  The Apostle Paul wrote about the "Last" Trumpet decades before John saw the Seven "Judgment Trumpets" of the Revelation.  The Apostle Paul's "last trump" was written in the mid 50's and certainly by 60 AD at the latest.  John's vision came 30+ years later - about 95/96 AD.  The Apostle Paul could not have known about the 7th and "Last Trumpet" of Revelation before it was revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos!

222.  The "Trump of God" brings in blessing, eternal life, glorified bodies.  -(1st Thessalonians 4:16).  The "Seven Trumpets" of the Revelation of Jesus Christ brings destruction upon the enemies and God's wrath for sure.

223.  The "Trump of God" is distinctly for the Bride/Church.  Since God deals with Israel and a rebellious world in the Tribulation, the 7th Trumpet cannot refer to the Bride/Church without losing the distinctions between Israel and the Church.

224.  The Last Trump for the Bride/Church in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is the Trump of God.  The Revelation Trumpets are blown by Angels.  Folks these are not simply different terms describing the same thing or event.  Much of the confusion about the Rapture event comes from tripping over the word "trump" or "trumpets".  Failure to understand Biblical terms are the result of over simplification through ignorance.

225.  The Last Trump for the Bride/Church is to"call an assembly" to rise and meet Christ Jesus in the air.  The Revelation Trumpets send God's Judgments onto a rebellious world.

226.  The Last Trump for the Bride/Church is  a call to come worship at God's throne.  The Revelation Judgments' Trumpets cause people to harden their hearts and they do not repent.  -(Revelation 9:20-21).

227.  The Last Trump for the Bride/Church is for believers.  The 7th Trumpet Judgment in Revelation is for unbelievers.

228.  The Last Trump for the Bride/Church is an act of God's Grace.  The 7th Trumpet Judgment in Revelation is an act of God's Wrath.

229.  In the Trump of God passage, for the Bride/Church, we are exhorted to "Comfort one another with these words".  At the 7th Trumpet in Revelation, "the nations will be angry."

230.  When the "Last Trump" blows for the Bride/Church at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Jesus was not to be found in heaven (like He is at the sounding of the 7th Revelation Trumpet).  Instead, Jesus descends into the air to call the Bride/Church unto Himself.   In the Revelation passage of the 7th Trumpet, there is no mention of Jesus descending, shouting, or being in the clouds.

231.  The "Last Trump" for the Bride/Church in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the 7th Trumpet of the Resurrection cannot be the same event.  Folks need to do a word study on trumpets!

232.  In Numbers 10:1-10, the use of trumpets are defined.  Two silver trumpets were constructed for the purpose of "calling the assembly together to worship" and for "the journeying of the camps".  When the camp was called to move, One trumpet would blow and the east part of the camp went forward.  A Second trumpet would sound and the south part of the camp would move.  Numbers 10:1-10 doesn't mention the north and west sides, or the tribe of Levi and the Tabernacle (as viewed from Numbers 2:1-34), but a third, fourth, and fifth trumpet must have sounded for the moving of the camps.  At the Last Trumpet, the whole camp would be moving.  We have a similar pattern of illustrating this point In the military.  When there is a change of the commanding general of a division-size unit, there is usually a division parade of its troops.  All the units that make up the division, under the commanding general "troop" their unit colors and march past the change of command ceremonies on a parade field.  Individual units from company-sized or smaller up to battalion, regiment, and brigade-size parade march past the old and new commanding general's, usually of 2-star rank.  This is a picture of how the 12 tribes responded to the trumpet in some ways resembles the change of command that takes place at the Christ's Second Coming.

233.  The Apostle Paul, being a well-taught Jew, had to know the meaning of the Last Trumpet (by the Jewish definition).  At the Last Trump for the Bride/Church, which is a signal that our work is done, the whole assembly of the Bride/Church will move the "camp" to Heaven.

234.  Some people think the ascension of the "two witnesses" in Revelation 11:12 is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Bride/Church.  The "two-witnesses" are raised from the dead before the blowing of the 7th Trumpet in Revelation!  But at the very instant the Trump is blown for the Bride/Church, the resurrection/rapture will happen.  There is only ONE Rapture of the Bride/Church, not two, not three, just One!

235.  Some people think the ascension of the "Two Witnesses" in Revelation 11:12 is the Rapture of the Bride/Church.  The Bride/Church will be Raptured in the twinkling of an eye.  The twinkling of the eye is instantaneous, a split fraction of a second!  For the Bride/Church , it's "Now you see them - now you don't!"  But the "two witnesses" will have time to stand on their feet and the whole world will watch them on satellite TV.  The resurrection of the "two witnesses" cannot be the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Bride/Church.  Call it what you want but it is not the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Bride/Church.

236.  In Exodus 19:16-20, there's a "Trump of God" as God descended upon Mt. Sinai; no angels or people blew this trumpet, but God Himself.  At the second occurrence of the Trump of God, at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Bride/Church, no angels or people will blow it.

237At Mt. Sinai and in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, both the Trump of God and an Audible Voice and are heard.  Exodus 19:19 states that Moses heard the voice of God.  In 1st Thessalonians 4:16, the Raptured hear the shout of Christ Jesus.

238.  At Mt. Sinai, Israel was redeemed from slavery to Egypt.  At the Rapture, the Bride/Church was redeemed from our sinful flesh (which can indeed hold a Christian in slavery, if we don't reckon ourselves dead to sin through Jesus).

239.  At Mt. Sinai, God dwelt with Israel.  At the Rapture, the Bride/Church dwells with Christ Jesus.

240.  The "Trump of God" sounded on Mt. Sinai for Israel on the Feast of Pentecost.  The "Second and Last Trump of God", relates to a Bride/Church that began at Pentecost.

241.  The "Trump of God" is a different Trumpet than the ones used in the judgments of the Tribulation.  The 7th Trumpet cannot be the Last Trumpet of the Bride/Church's Rapture! 

242.  The "Seven Feasts of the Lord", given to Israel in Leviticus 23:1-44 is God's Timetable, like a "Program Guide" that you would get at a major league baseball game.  They show "Prophetic Fulfillment's" of Christ's Atonement, the crucifixion of Jesus, to the Resurrection of Jesus, the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Bride/Church, the marriage of the Lamb, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

243.  Four of the Feasts are fulfilled on the exact day, and even more precisely to the very moment of the precise day, when Israel observed them!  Passover on the 14th day of Nisan, the First Month of Israel's religious world. Jesus was crucified on the very same day as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.  Unleavened Bread, the 15th of Nisan; Jesus was buried by Sundown, the start of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  Jesus' burial on that Exact Day represents and fulfills the middle loaf which was hidden and buried in the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  The First fruits, the Sunday after Unleavened Bread (in 32 AD), the exact day occurred three days after Jesus was buried.  On the Third Day, Jesus rose from the dead and became the First fruits of them that died, fulfilled exactly.  Pentecost, also called the "Feast of Weeks," the 50th day after First fruits.  The Holy Spirit descended upon the First believers of the new Bride/Church.  When Pentecost (Hebrew "Shavuot") was fulfilled on the exact day of its celebration, the first member of the new Bride/Church were Jews, so the feast was fulfilled in Israel, even though the Bride/Church became predominantly Gentile throughout its history from the second century AD onward.

244.  Since the first four feasts were fulfilled on the exact days Israel observed them, so also, we can safely conclude and assume that the last three feasts will be fulfilled on the exact day of their observance, and most likely at the exact hour and moment.  God does not change.  God is a mathematician.  The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh HaShanah), the first day of the 7th month of Tishri (which is also the First Day of the First month of Israel's Civil Year)!  This is when Israel celebrates their New Year!  On that day, a new Seven Years will begin for Israel, as Antichrist confirms a Covenant with them, which starts the Tribulation.  The Bride/Church will be Raptured before that event occurs.  Yom Kippur, the Feast of Atonement, the 10th day of the 7th month.  This will be the day that Christ Jesus will Atone for the sins of Israel; they will be forgiven and restored; He will descend to touch His feet down on the Mount of Olives on this day at His Second Coming.  The Second Coming will simultaneously fulfill a Jubilee -(Leviticus 25:9-15) in Israel on the Day of Atonement.  The land will be returned to its rightful owners, and the Earth will be returned rightly to the Lord's Possession.  Captives will be set free and all debts will be forgiven/cancelled.  All these details are a part of what Jesus will do as His feet touches the Earth on that Day of Atonement.  The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), the 15th day of the 7th Month; five days later after Jesus has returned to the Earth, the celebration of God living with His people (dwelling with, or tabernacling with them) will be celebrated.  Zechariah 14:16, will be fulfilled on the exact day of its celebration!

246.  These Feasts are for Israel.  The Bride/Church has not been instructed to keep them.  -(Colossians 2:16-17).  It is true that they are called the Feasts of the Lord, but the Bride/Church is an anachronism to the Jews, because of their having failed to recognize their Redeemer/Messiah/Savior.  God set Israel aside, because they failed to recognize the day of their salvation.  The entity we know as the Bride/Church could be understood as God's "Plan B" in God's Master Plan.  The overarching theme of Scripture is God's Grace.  It's all about what God is doing, for you and me, and even the Apple of His Eye!

247.  Some teach that the Rapture of the Bride/Church will happen on Pentecost to End the Bride/Church Age on the same day the Church was birthed.  The reason that this is incorrect is based upon three reasons.  1.  Although the Church was born on Pentecost, it fulfilled a Feast Day for Israel, because the First who were born into the Church were Jews.  2.  If we needed to wait for the Lord to Rapture His Bride/Church on Pentecost (from year to year), it destroys imminence.  3.  We will not know the day or the hour when the Bride/Church will be Raptured, so we are exhorted to be watching for Christ Jesus.  The fact that Rosh HaShanah is a two-day feast, we cannot possibly know the exact precise moment, despite there are allusions of what time that might be.  This is why Jesus referred to or used the Hebrew "Idiom" that "no man knows the day nor the hour" - it pointed the Disciples to the only Feast Day that is two days in length because it is declared by the sighting of the New Moon!  The Feast Day was God's way of hinting in advance how the process could be observed or to get our attention of what was approaching.  God's Grace was at work in the Old Testament as well when it came to God's methods of revealing His Master Plan of human redemption.

248.  Some teach that the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Bride/Church will happen on the Feast of Trumpets (because of the Trumpets, in relation to the Rapture).  The idea is based on what I consider to be true but nonetheless as some what misleading:  1.  The Trumpets blow to announce a New Year in Israel, not to Rapture the Bride/Church per se.   This also forces the idea that the Bride/Church will be Raptured at the same time that the Antichrist signs the "peace treatment" (their covenant with death) with Israel (which starts the Tribulation).  There is nothing in Bible prophecy to suggest that at the instant the Bride/Church is removed, the Tribulation begins.  It might and it might not.  It's logical that some time must pass, between the Rapture and when the Antichrist gains enough power to make that covenant.  2.  If we need to wait for the Lord to Rapture His Bride/Church on some future Feast of Trumphets, it destroys imminence.  3.  We will not know the day or the hour when the Bride/Church will be Pre-Tribulation Raptured, so we are exhorted to be watching, waiting, and working for Christ Jesus.  Because Rosh HaShanan is a two-day Feast, dependent upon the observance of the New Moon becoming visible from Jerusalem, imminence is always present.  It is this element why the Feast is known or referred to as the "Unknown Day".  As I have noted before many believe Rosh HaShanah is the time of the Pre-Tribulation, but not always for all the correct reasons.  Rosh HaShanah overlaps three calendar days when you understand it from the time reckoning of the Jews.  This year, Rosh HaShanah begins at Sundown on our September 15th and ends at Sundown on September 17th of 2015.  This fact that Rosh HaShanah spans 72-hours on our western calendar certainly enables the teaching of Imminence to be sustained.  I'm not trying to split hairs here but I believe it satisfies both the requirement definition of imminence and the "unknown day" of the Feast Day of Rosh HaShanah as well; and being cognizant of the 13 symbolic meanings that accompany this Feast Day.  Most Christian theologians were unaware of just how significant the Feast Days of Leviticus 23 are until the early 1990's.  In my own education on the 'Hebrew Roots' movement, I first learned how Christ Jesus had fulfilled the 'Feasts' literally, physically, spiritually, and prophetically from Zola Levitt and Eddie Chumney, both Messianic Jews around 1990.  In the past few years, a controversy occurred in which led to Eddie Chumney being taken off the 'GLC Network'.  Zola Levitt, from Pittsburgh, PA, was a regular Messianic believer on Pittsburgh's Christian station Cornerstone CTV40.  I knew Zola personally from his days at Duquesne University from where he graduated.  We met through attending courses on Jewish/Christian cultural studies when I was a seminary student at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.   Zola died of cancer in 2006.  I faithfully viewed 'Zola Levitt Presents' every Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm on CTV40.  I can state unequivocally that Zola Levitt was a solid believer in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine, and that the Tribulation was not for Christians, but for his people, the Jews.  I'm aware of an existing controversy between the 'Hebrew Roots' movement and many within the Christian community but I'm not informed enough to know or comment much more about issues over Eddie Chumney.  I have all of his excellent books, even going so far as to buy extra copies. 

249.  Where is the sound Biblical doctrine showing that the Rapture occurs or could occur at sometime within the Tribulation?  There is none!  The Mid-Trib, Pre-Wrath, Post-Trib positions are indefensible when one studies the whole counsel of God, the whole Bible, and not just 'cherry-picking' a few verses to support your view. 

250.  There is indeed sound Biblical evidence for the doctrine showing that the Rapture of the Bride/Church is Pre-Tribulational in many ways.  I believe that from the evidence laid out in these segments of 'Pre-Tribulation Truth' there is no legitimate conclusion in justifying the holding to any other position on this topic.  Those sites that choose to deny the evidence, have not changed their Pre-Wrath Rapture Babble dog and pony show that cannot see and recognize the Biblical Truth for what it is, the Truth!  Like the "Energizer" bunny, they have only one choice but to continue their beating out the same old drum beat.  As it is said the definition of insanity is to do the same old thing and expect different results.  

Obviously, there could be other points that I have not noted or overlooked.  This is a compilation over thousands of hours of study over the course of a half-century.   I will concede a point here that it is conceivable for my having overlooked some particular point, but I am confident that I have compiled an exhaustive list of the cogent elements, throughout my research on the "Theme of the Bride Motif"; analysis of the "Hebrew wedding's 18 specific details" associated with the "Theme of the Bride Motif" as well.  I shared those specifics last year in a number of posts. 

It is not always possible to compile a total comprehensive overview of all the cogent points to support my premise, and while effort to avoid duplications was a concern, invariably a point or two might have been repeated as the result of analysis from a different perspective relative to the text.  As I was typing this fifth segment several new, quite a few points have come to mind.  I jotted them down for analysis and later sharing.

Next time in this series of posts I will return to more examples of men who taught the Pre-Tribulation Rapture long long ago, and certainly, well before Margaret MacDonald or John Nelson Darby.  "Let God be true but every man a liar", particularly those men and women who lie about Margaret MacDonald and John Nelson Darby for originating the idea of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture!   This goes double for those that slander and defame C.I.Scofield.  Remember, it was the Apostle Paul who was the first to teach the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.

Keep looking up, were approaching the countdown on the calendar to the four month point to Rosh HaShanah.  Each day I can sense its closeness!  Maranatha and blessings to all.

Pastor Bob