Susan B (1 May 2012)
"Re The AC and the beast"

Dear fellow doves
Reading many posts lately there seems to be confusion surrounding this issue. There are three beasts- the beast from the sea, the even worst beast and then the little horn which is the Antichrist.
I'm alarmed to see Gino and others being emphatically told it's Obama- there are cases for him but it's not yet proven conclusively.
I've been shown who the AC is but I don't feel comfortable revealing an actual name on a public forum- I have no doubt whatsoever. The false prophet will be the final pope. This I have also been shown. The third beast is the world system- monetary and governmental.

Truthfully it made me exceedingly sad as the young man is widely loved. However my vision saw his mask removed  and he was revealed for who he truly was.

Stop and think: is the whole world going to worship BHO- a man who is not well liked- particularly outside the USA. No- they're going to be captivated by this wonderful young man; already admired worldwide; who will bring a false peace.
He turns 33 in 2015- he's been born, bred and groomed from infancy for this very role. I can only tell you my vision was true- then I received confirmation from Luis Vegas chart.
And yes- his name adds to 666.
His ancestry is traced back to King David. His favorite hymn?- Jerusalem.
He has abounding military experience. When the mask was removed his face was hard and cold- I saw his wife crying because she was barren. His crest is a red dragon and yes he's already a Prince.
See the light- BHO is a bumbling idiot without his Teleprompter.  Perhaps more importantly we shouldn't be worrying about who it is- we are already saved- we need not fear.

YsiC Susan B