Rowina (2 May 2012)
"To M.A.P on your end-times evangelization thoughts: Isaiah X 144,000"

I agree with your conjecture, that the Endtimes evangelization done by the Church is about over, and the next
great Evangelization will be done in the Tribulation, led by the chosen Jews.  And also I agree that many small
hidden evangelizations are going on, as when you and I try to bring a few family and friends into God's kingdom.
We can't do "big things" any more.  No more "big tent revivals".

I refer you to Jack Kelly of GraceThruFaith for his thoughts on this subject.  I have been reading his nightly
posts for several years, and have gone to him several times for my own questions.  As far as I can see, he
agrees entirely with your speculation about Endtimes revival.  

Jack Kelly is a traditional Southern Baptist pastor, and now has a very large online ministry as more and more
people discover how well he explicates the gospel.  He believes in salvation by faith alone, in the tradition of
Baptists.  (some Baptist churches are no longer in that traditional model, having succumbed to various modern
"isms", including that of the Emergent Church.)

Jack would agree that the Church today is mostly apostate.  It is almost impossible to find pure teaching
within the walls of a church building, or within a denomination.  It is time to throw one's self on the mercy of the
All Knowing One, He who alone knows the Truth and is the Truth.

I expect that the teaching of the l44,000 in the Tribulation will be Holy Ghost inspired in the extreme!  It will
be as if Isaiah returned X l44,000.  Should be thrilling even for those who must endure the Tribulation.

But we are living in the time of Apostasy.  Not so thrilling!  May we be delivered from this.