Article:Sooooooo.........if elections are moved up to 2012......August? Septebmer??Can you really have an attack on Iran BEFORE Netenyahu goes up for re-election??(I don't think so......)So.......attack on Iran in May? June? July?Of......after their election and the US elections in November???? this all a smoke screen???????
We've been watching this story on Iran going nuclear building for the past 7+ years.We've been watching the story about a pre-emptive strike by Israel building for the past 5+ years.Is there a coalition coming together for more than Israel.......the US.......does it include other Middle East countries, too? As we have read in the past week in a couple reports...What if....what if....what ifs------------------------------I JUST WANT THIS WAITING TO BE OVER.......Tick tock,YFIC,RandyWHEN WHEN WHEN??????