John and Doves,Earlier today I added a few more pieces to Mathman's anaysis of the Freedom Tower.In particular I listed the occurrences of the number 8 to it - 8 Triangles, 8 lines going from the base to the top, 8 lines forming the base and the top.Mathman also mentioned that it will be 1776 feet high supposedly referring to the date of the founding of the nation. Mathman exposed a secret meaning using theRoman numerals for 1776.However, 1776 is also exactly divisible by 8 as 8 x 222 = 1776.Also (8+8+8) x (37+37) = 1776.Now we DO have some interesting numbers - 8 and 37.Then take the three lots of 8 above and add it (24) to 1776 and we get 1800 or 600+600+600.Maybe this last one is stretching the numbers thing a bit too far but......Keep looking up (but not at the Freedom Tower!),Phil.