Dear John & Doves, This note is from M.Clark, Marianna, Florida. Blessings, Lynnette
Archived messages :
Slow Going
May 3, 2012
In a vision, I saw someone cutting a piece of fabric. It was a tedious process and I heard the Lord say, “slow going.”
Many of you are looking at My progress and saying that it is slow going. You are impatient to see the hand of your God move in extraordinary ways. You want to see fantastic results now!
This word is for you! Remember Who I am and that what I am doing is a mighty, eternal work. Remember that I leave nothing to chance, and My patience has no boundaries. Remember, dear one, how much I love each heart that is tender toward Me and has been placed in My hand with an attitude of trust. Think on these things and look forward to the Beloved bringing His mighty and exact work to light, and rejoice, rejoice in the knowledge that the One Who loves you is persistent in His work for you and will never give up. That is right. I am persistent and exact and that is something for which you may rejoice. Rejoice in the unfinished work, the ongoing work and the finished work. For you see, beloved, the finished work is sure to come. It is sure to come by My hand, and when it does you will be surprised and pleased, and you will be so thankful that I took the time to do a most exact work in your heart, a work for which you will be thankful forever!!!