Gina McCray (3 May 2012)
"Israel is calling up its reserves! The Psalm 83 War/World War 3 appears to be possibly coming this Second Passover, May 6, 2012 just as previously pointed to,"

"Israel calls up reserves to face what it calls growing threats ‘from Syria and Egypt" -The Psalm 83 War, which will spill into World War 3, is about upon us.

Please see the preceding blog entry linked below, that pointed to the possibility that May 6, 2012, Second Passover, would see WORLD WAR.

Also, according to the variables also given in the blog, it appears that a massive quake is VERY possible at that exact same time frame (potentially involving the West Coast).

Worldwide volcanic and quake activity are both rapidly escalating, which appear to point to a potential for a soon 6th Seal Rapture. 

We are so very very close!
May we all repent and call upon the name of the Lord!