Bob Ware (7 May 2011)
"LORD JESUS CHRIST and 24 May 2011"


The Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’ is 3168 (800 + 888 + 1480). The prime number gematria derived from the Greek spelling is 1013 (300 + 294 + 419). 419 x 666 is the sum of the 305 prime numbers that fall within the range of: 1 to 2010 (the ‘Prime List’).


In the diagram below I have made the circumference of the circle 4181 (3168 + 1013). The diameter of this circle is 1331 which equals 11^3. The inclusive radius of the circle is 666. Within this circle I have placed the ‘Prime Cube’. Each side of a square within this circle is 941. 941 is the last prime number to fall within the ‘Prime Cube’. The sum of the four corners of the ‘Prime Cube’ (79 + 163 + 827 + 941) is 2010. The sum of the four points of the ‘Prime Cross’ (113 + 431 + 523 + 881) is 1948. The last composite number to fall within the ‘Prime Cube’ range is 940. The hexadecimal number string 940 equals the decimal number 2368 (888 + 1480).


467 is the 92nd prime number and falls at the center of the ‘Prime Cube’. The center value of 467 is Vincent Tan’s 234. 9.11.2001 was the 234th day in office for President GWB. Lincoln served 467 more days than JFK. 467 plus the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701) equals the Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’ (3168). From the 135° point around the circumference (2.11.2010) to 5.24.2011 will be 467 days. 467 days prior to 1.1.2004 was 9.21.2002 (the Autumnal Equinox). This was 941 days prior to the election of the current Pope on 4.19.2005. 9.21.2002 was 1337 days after the gamma ray burst on 1.23.1999. 1337 is the sum of the top row of the ‘Prime Cube’ (79 + 431 + 827). 9.21.2002 to 2.11.2010 was 2701 inclusive days.


45 is the Hebrew gematria of ‘ADAM’. Each 45° arc of this circle rounds off to 523. 523 is the 100th prime number, the south point of the ‘Prime Cross’ and the sum of the trinity reductions of 888 (153) and 1480 (370).


As in the ‘Circle of Time’, I have placed 1.1.2004 at the center of this circle and I have assigned each unit of measurement equal to the passing of a day. From there to the date 10.27.2005, at the top of the circle, is 666 inclusive days. From 10.27.2005 an arc of 225 degrees (2613 days) takes us to 12.22.2012. The Winter Solstice of 2012 spans two simultaneous dates on Earth (12.21.2012 and 12.22.2012).


Again, 2701 is the gematria of Genesis 1:1. From 1.1.2004 to 5.24.2011 will be 2701 inclusive days. There are 28 Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1. 5.24.2011 plus 28 days will be 6.21.2011. This is the Summer Solstice.


From the center date of 1.1.2004 go half way up the radius line and it takes you to the date 11.28.2004. From 11.28.2004 to 5.24.2011 will be 2368 days. From the space shuttle Columbia STS-107 disaster on 2.1.2003 to 5.24.2011 will be 666 + 2368 days.


The radius line intersects the top of the inserted square pattern at the date 4.15.2005. This was 2701 days after the 34th anniversary of JFK’s assassination (11.22.1997). JFK was the 34th different President. From the 1.1.1996 to the 38th anniversary of his assassination (11.22.2001) was 2153 inclusive days. 2153 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’. 2153 is the 326th prime number and 11.22 was the 326th day of 1963.


On 5.25.2011 Obama will complete 855 days in office. 855 is the sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’. From the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 (12.22.1999) to 5.25.2011 will be 5 x 855 days.


This month may be the one.