Mary Anna (2
March 2013)
"Woodward: White House
'Code: You Better Watch Out'"
Newspaper editor and book author Bob Woodward continued his
battle with President Barack Obama¹s administration on Thursday,
saying the White House is playing the ³old trick² of attacking
the messenger because he accurately reported the president¹s
reversal on the upcoming sequester.
³They got caught and ‹ this is an old trick ‹ make the conduct
of the press the issue rather than their conduct,² Woodward told
Fox News¹ Sean Hannity Thursday night. ³The biggest story in
Washington is the town itself. What a craze it has become.²
Woodward, an associate editor for The Washington Post, told
CNN¹s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday that he received an email he
interpreted as threatening from a top White House official ‹
since identified as Gene Sperling, economic adviser to the
president ‹ regarding Obama¹s actions on the upcoming sequester.