Donna Danna (8 March 2013)
"Two Individuals Allegedly Mentioned In Vatileaks Scandal Dossier"

Things turned sour towards yesterday's General Congregation, the third in the series of pre-Conclave meetings: “Discussions are still too general”

Andrea Tornielli
vatican city
In a speech given during yesterday's General Congregation, a foreign cardinal asked for some information on two individuals who are allegedly mentioned in the Vatileaks scandal dossier prepared by the three-man investigation commission . But the Camerlengo, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone and the Dean of the College of Cardinals, Angelo Sodano, sent an internal communiqué urging those present not to “name names” if they are not “certain”, as they could risk fomenting a climate of suspicion and resentment.
Italian newspaper La Stampa has learnt that the two individuals referred to yesterday were not members of the clergy but laymen. One of them does not work in the Holy See but has had frequent contact and collaborated to a high level with Holy See institutions. The other is a Vatican employee. The foreign cardinal's frank request indicated that although the Vatileaks case is not the focal point of discussions ahead of the Conclave, many are keen to learn more about the contents of the dossier that will end up in the hands of the new Pope.
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