From: Marilyn AgeeRe: email I received: “You Will Appreciate This (Rapture 2012)”Hi:You are right. I would appreciate the Rapture in 2012, and I think it will be.I can hardly wait.However, instead of the Rapture being on the Feast of Trumpets, I think thedead in Christ will be resurrected on Resurrection Day, Sunday/Easter/Firstfruits/Omer 1/Nisan 16/April 8, 2012, and the Rapture ascension will be on AscensionDay/Thursday/Omer 40/Iyar 25/May 17, 2012.Why do I think the First-Trump Rapture will not be on the Feast of Trumpets?I think the Last - Trump Rapture will be on the Feast of Trumpets, Sept. 14, 2015.That would be 7 months before the Second Advent on Nisan 1, 5776, April 9, in Daniel 12:11. The extra 30 days show us that the last year is a Leap Year, and5776 is a Leap Year.The word of the Lord in Job 11:6 says, “that he (the Lord) would shewthee the secrets of wisdom, that THEY ARE DOUBLE TO THAT WHICH IS!”In 30 AD, Jesus and some other saints came out of their graves andwere seen in Jerusalem on Easter/Sunday/Firstfruits /Omer 1/Nisan 16/April 9.In 2012, Resurrection Day is Easter/Sunday/Firstfruits/Omer 1/Nisan 16/April 8.In 30 AD, Jesus ascended on Ascension Day/Thurs/Omer 40/Iyar 25/May 18.In 2012, our Ascension Day could be on Thurs / Omer 40 / Iyar 25 / May 17.In 30 AD, as a sort of Second Coming, Jesus was resurrected on April 9.In 2016, I think the Second Advent will be on Sat. Nisan 1, 5776, April 9.That Sabbath will be the first day of the Sacred, Regnal and Jubilee years.A Jubilee year is preceded by a Sabbatical Year, and 5775 is Sabbatic.It all fits. In Dan 8:13,14, the shortened Tribulation is actually 2300 days, not 2520,which are estimated time. The last half of the Tribulation is to be shortened. Thatwould be 1260 + 1040 = 2300 days. Tishri 1, 5776 - 1040 = Nov 8, 2012, Mid-Trib.If the Rapture is on Ascension Day, May 17, 2012, there would be time to build theTemple by Mid-Trib. If the Rapture was on Trumpets, there would not be time tobuild it by Mid-Trib. It takes 3 months.I think the Holy Spirit will be poured out on the 144,000 Israelites and the foolishvirgins on Pentecost, May 27, 2012. I also expect Moses and Elijah to come downthat day. In Exodus 19:21, the Lord told Moses to “go down” on Pentecost. The HolySpirit will see that the Temple gets built.Before Moses is to go down in Ex 19:4, the Lord said, “Ye have seen what I did untothe Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself.”That is past tense. I think that is a clue for the Rapture. Israel went to Mt. Sinai onfoot. They didn’t fly, but we will, probably on Ascension Day, 10 days beforePentecost.Do you agree with these dates?Agape,Marilyn Agee______________________________________________________________________From: Brian LakinsSent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 12:10 PMSubject: You Will Appreciate This (Rapture 2012)The outline lays out all areas of study and are even linked to the research itself and the subpages. It is very organized and simple research that all point to this generation, this year (2012), and this fall (feast of trumpets); Simple research, but lots of it.