Jack (25 March 2011)
"Simple math..."

To all my brothers and sisters in Christ greetings!
I think Our Lord and Savior is coming back soon!  I have thought that ever since I was born again almost 25 years ago.  Paul thought so too so we are in 'very good company'.   I have been reading a lot of posts about the numbers and calculations etc.  Since math has never been my strong suit, I sometimes get weary with some of the calculations, but I am thankful for those who are eagerly looking into these things.  This simple calculation of mine may have been posted before, so I may not be bringing anything new into the discussion.  I simply looked at the Oct 29th 2008 date of Obama's speech to 'Everyman' and looked at the date of April 5th 2011 which has been mentioned in numerouse posts and found it to be exactly 888 days!   The number certainly got my attention.  Anyway thought I would put it out for others to consider.  I know we must live every day like it was our last and be ready to give a reason to anyone we come in contact with why we have the real "Hope" of a home in Heaven with our Lord and Savior.
We must be ready for him to return and take all we can with us!!!
In Him.........
