Steve W (21 Mar 2021)
"!!! Tim Tebow + John 3:16 game 1/8/2012 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!"

                                 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
                   that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
                                                                        John 3:16

      Hello Five Doves,
              Tim Tebow has lived an extraordinary life as a very public Christian. This article is
    dedicated to documenting the evidence that GOD has synchronized the life of Tim Tebow,
   and the remarkable John 3:16 game of 1/8/2012 that Tim played, to the Second Coming of 
 Jesus Christ in 2028 and simultaneous end time Rapture Resurrection of all GOD's Saints !!


    You can watch this video about 6 minutes in onward to hear Tim Tebow's testimony about the
    remarkable John 3:16 game played on 1/8/2012. 

    The way this prophetic revelation begins is back on 1/8/2009 TEBOW played in the National
    College Football Championship game. His Florida Gators won, but what made the game even
    more memorable especially for Christians was TEBOW played the game with the scripture
    John 3:16 inscribed on his FACE !!! And this act got major media attention !!!

    So fast forward exactly 3 years later to 1/8/2012 and we have the famous  John 3:16 game.
    The Social media attention that this event got was so massive, at the time, that it actually overloaded
      TWITTER's servers for a couple hours and they had to shut down !!!

    The reason this game is called the John 3:16 game is because of all the incredible synchronizing
    stats of the game. And here they are....

                                           TEBOW threw for 316 yards during the game !
                    TEBOW had an average gain of 31.yards per pass !!
                CBS peak rating for the game was 31.6 per cent at the moment TEBOW threw the winning TD pass !!!
                      TEBOW's yards per rush were 3.16 !!!!
                               TEBOW's team time was 31.6 minutes possessing the football !!!!!

     So that leads us into these amazing End Time Prophetic Revelations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

         TIM TEBOW                                       TIM TEBOW 
   Played in the College                       was quarterback for the
  Football Championship                           Denver Broncos                                astonishing amount of
  game of 2009 wearing                               in the famous                               evidence is amassing here 
    John 3:16 inscribed                            John 3:16 game                                    as the year for 
           on his face !!!                                          played on                                                    Jesus Christ 
            1/8/2009                                                1/8/2012                              !!!!!!!  Second Coming !!!!!!!
                      !...........................3 years......................!....................16 years to................2028 !!!!!!!

                                                                                                         astonishing amount of
                 TIM TEBOW                                                               evidence  is amassing here
        and the John 3:16 game                                                       for the Second Coming of
               was played on                                                                            Jesus Christ
                    1/8/2012                                                                                9/30/2028
                           !.....................................6110 days to.......................................!
                                                                  ^^^^                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                 6110 =  130 X 47 !!!!!    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                    In the Bible            ^^^^       ^^^      ^^       "Now the flood was on the earth forty days. 
                              Enoch is Raptured    ^^^^       ^^^       ^^       The waters increased and lifted up the ARK, 
                           in vs 130 of the Bible >>>>>>^^^           ^^              and it rose high above the earth."
                                   Genesis 5:24         ^^^^                     ^^                        Genesis 7:17
                                              !..............................................47 verses to..................!
Both of these events are prophetic typology of the END TIME Rapture Resurrection of ALL GOD's Saints !!
                                                                 ^^^^                        ^^          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          From TIM TEBOW's 41st birthday 8/14/2028 it will be 47 days to  9/30/2028 !!!!!!!
                                                                 ^^^^                            ^^
                                                                 6110 / 92 = 66.41304347 !!!!!!!
                                John 3:16 is verse number 92 Book of John !!!
                                                                 6110 / 15 = 407 !!!!
                     TIM TEBOW wore jersey number 15  in his football career and in the
John 3:16  game of 1/8/2012.   1st Corinthians 15:52 is vs 407 book of 1st Corinthians.
                                 ^^^^^^^                                     ^^
                          On 1/8/2012  total points of game  52  final score 29 to 23 !!!!!
                                                  1st Corinthians 15:52 is END TIME  Rapture Resurrection vs for GOD's Saints !!        

                                       "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the Last Trumpet
                 For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

       !!!!!!! The 7th and Last Trumpet will be sounded at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Revelation 11:15 !!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                      see these prior articles
             Matthew 28:20 is vs 1071 last vs of Matthew                
            Matthew 28 is chapter 957 of Bible                                         
                                total = 2028 !!!! Matthew and                                         David Wilkerson
New Testament begin 930 chapter of Bible forming the                         the great Preacher Minister
            prophetic date 9/30/2028 for the                                    and the movie "Cross and Switchblade"
           Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!                                prophetically synchronizes to this verse
                             Matthew 28:20                                                                          John 5:33
                                          !...................................2028 verses to...................... .......!
                                                TIM TEBOW                                                                  !
                                        prophetic John 3:16                                                            !
  Start                                   game of 1/8/2012                                                              !
 Book of                            prophetically syncs here                                                       !
   John                                         John 3:16                                                          John 5:33
       !...................92 vs to....................!.......................107 verses to...........................!  
                               ^^                                                 ^^^
                                   92     plus      15    equals   107 
   TIM TEBOW wore jersey number 15  in his football career and 
  in the prophetic John 3:16 game 1/8/2012 !!!!    ^^^
             A=1, B=2 etc > his name TIM TEBOW 107 !!!!!!!
In Del Washburn’s book ‘Theomatics II’ he gives             ^^^
                        over 90 examples in chapter 23 where 107 is the highest prime number factor of phrases
                      ,in gematria value, linked to the Rapture of the Church:
        Hat tip to Bob Ware for discovering that nugget of revelation !!
                                                                                                                                          astonishing amount of
                                                                                      TIM TEBOW                                  evidence amassing here
 TIM TEBOW                                        John 3:16 game                             for the Second Coming of
 was born on                                               played on                                            Jesus Christ
  8/14/1987                                                   1/8/2012                                               9/30/2028
         !.........................8913 days to...................!..........................6110 days to.................!
                                    ^^^^                             ^^^                         ^^^^
                                    8913 divided by John 316 = 28.20 !!!! ^^^^
                                      ^^^^                                       ^^^^          ^^^^
                   This reveals a perfect sync to Matthew 28.20  the very verse in the Bible, as we saw above,
    that syncs to the date  9/30/2028 for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!       
                                   This number synchronizes to Isaiah 61:10 !!!!

                         "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in my God; 
           For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, 
                 As a Bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a Bride adorns herself with her jewels."
                                                                          Isaiah 61:10 

        Isaiah 61:10 is the first place in the Bible Bridegroom and Bride  are seen in the same verse.
      Symbolically and in prophetic typology the Bridegroom is JESUS and the Bride is the CHURCH !!
 So this leads us to where Bridegroom and Bride are seen together for the 7th and last time in Old Testament.

                    "Blow the Trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly;
                            Gather the people, Sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, 
                Gather the children and nursing babes; Let the Bridegroom go out from his chamber
                                                     And the Bride from her dressing room."
                                                                       Joel 2:15.16
    The only Jewish holiday that commands GOD's people to engage in a total fast, of no eating or drinking
  all day and has a Trumpet blowing is Yom Kippur the DAY of ATONEMENT !!!!!!! And in the year
                                   2028 the date  9/30/2028 is the DAY of ATONEMENT !!!!!!!
    The Bridegroom going out from his chamber, and the Bride from her dressing room to meet him, is the 
    perfect prophetic picture of the END TIME Rapture Resurrection of all GOD's saints since we are called
    the Bride of Christ !!!!!!! And the key prophetic sync with Joel here is 1st Corinthians 15:51,52 tells us that
    our END TIME Rapture Resurrection will take place at the !!!!!!! LAST TRUMPET !!!!!!!

 So we've seen in this article FIVE different ways GOD has used the life of TIM TEBOW, to reveal to us
the synchronization of the End Time  Rapture Resurrection of all GOD's Saints with
 the 2nd Coming of Jesus in 2028  !!!!!!! And here is a final sixth confirmation.

                    The Apostle Paul speaking on the subject of the End Time Rapture Resurrection
             of all GOD's Saints, makes it very clear, it will happen "AT HIS (Jesus Second) COMING" !!!!!!!

        "But now Christ is risen from the deadand has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
             But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s AT HIS COMING."
                                                                    1st Corinthians 15:20,23
                                                                                                         ^^      ^^                                    astonishing amount of
                                                                                                    ^^      ^^                          evidence amassing here
                            TIM TEBOW                              ^^      ^^                         for the Second Coming of
                             was born on                               ^^     ^^                                   Jesus Christ
                               8/14/1987                                 ^^    ^^                                    9/30/2028
                                      !........................................15023 days to...............................!
 GOD Bless TIM TEBOW for spreading the Salvation gospel of JESUS with John 3:16 !!!
God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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